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In February I ran across a link to a judges compilation of all the technical updates for the optional program and a brief explanation/clarification. It was either a PDF or a Word Doc but for the life of me I can't find where I saved it to on my computer. I'm pretty sure it was by one of our National/Brevet Judges, someone along the lines of Carole Bungee, but I really don't know who wrote it.

Does anybody have any links to a compilation of these updates and common mistakes? Yes, I can find them individually on USAG but what she explained really wasn't in any technical updates or committee minutes that I can find.

Specifically I'm looking for a clarification of Level 8's using BHS-BHS series on beam and how to evaluate special requirement missed if the series is broken but they make both BHS's. I thought there was a caveat there and the lost both the SR and had another deduction. It isn't going to change the series we throw with this gymnast, but it's driving me crazy I can't find this document again. I loved the explanation and descriptions she clarified.
Are you sure you saved it on your hard drive? If so, you should be able to use the search function in 'my computer' and search all files and folders for a word or words like 'technical assessment' and it will show you the location of the file. Good luck.
Specifically I'm looking for a clarification of Level 8's using BHS-BHS series on beam and how to evaluate special requirement missed if the series is broken but they make both BHS's. I thought there was a caveat there and the lost both the SR and had another deduction. It isn't going to change the series we throw with this gymnast, but it's driving me crazy I can't find this document again. I loved the explanation and descriptions she clarified.

I think the issue is when they "enter" and "exit" the skill the same way (i.e. just do a BHS), the second one doesn't count, so you miss a B. If you connect the two BHSs, the second one "enters" differently, so both Bs count. The third BHS of any kind doesn't count either, but two only count if they enter or exit differently.

I think I know the document you're talking about...I'll try to find it.
Okay this is the document I was talking about: Link Removed

Which has this info about series:

Counting of elements must be chronologic 3​
rd time performed NO VP, NO BONUS and NO SR
If NO VP awarded in 1
st or 2nd attempt you CAN get VP credit on 3rd attempt if complete
- e.g. gymnast performs back tuck [fall no feet touch beam] then back tuck-back tuck connected) you
can give credit for flight series and 2 “Câ€￾ elements
- e.g. gymnast performs BHS-BHS [fall no feet] then BHS) you obtain credit for 2 “Bâ€￾ elements but
NO SR [flight series]
- e.g. gymnast performs BHS stop BHS-BHS [fall no feet] you obtain credit for 2 “Bâ€￾ elements but

NO SR [flight series]


Example: Beam Bkhdsp FALL same Bkhdsp second one is “0â€￾ VP

it was in technique. maybe sept/oct? i looked but couldn't find it my copy. sorry...
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Drove me crazy not knowing where I was referencing those notes. Although that link didn't open, I'm sure that is it. Don't know why I couldn't remember Connie Maloney either, but I did the forehead slap - DOH! - when I read it. Yes, that is the clarification I was trying to read to my co-coach. Thanks guys!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Drove me crazy not knowing where I was referencing those notes. Although that link didn't open, I'm sure that is it. Don't know why I couldn't remember Connie Maloney either, but I did the forehead slap - DOH! - when I read it. Yes, that is the clarification I was trying to read to my co-coach. Thanks guys!

Hmm...it's opening for me as a PDF, but here's the web link it originated from: Link Removed
It is "unofficial clinic notes." I think they only have the option of opening it as a PDF so you will need Adobe Acrobat to read it. If you can't open it and want it, maybe I could copy it into a word document for you and send it somehow?
This link is now opening for me! Although I may come to find out it is my computer at work. It wouldn't open another PDF document earlier this week... my updated professional card of all things. My laptop is opening it just fine now.
Yes it is true that if you have saved in your Computer then it is not a big problem and if you have not then there is no more way to get that again man instead of the original source from where did you get that.
is this person banned ? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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