Parents Made a positive gym change- LONG

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Well after a lot of thought and consideration we finally found a positive fit for Liv. It was an agonizing process and I'm glad it is finally over. I am very hopeful and relieved. We seemed to have found a gym 35-40 min drive about 40 miles away. It has a great program and amazing coaches. They have a ton of coaches. In fact last week, I counted 12 coaches on the floor and dd was on beam w/ 3 other girls and Annia Hatch and 2 other coaches. I had a hard time believing my eyes.....dd being coach by an Olympian! Annia was super sweet, lots of smiles, praises etc.

DD had 2 trail classes. After her last class they invited her to try their A team TOPS team. It was fri. night and tops was sat. 9am- 12pm with free open gym from 12pm - 1 pm. Surprisely dd was excited to go. She absolutly loved the class. She loves doing what she's good at and she definetly rocks conditioning and flexibilty. She had also never experienced "open gym" before. She had a BLAST!!! She ran around everywhere from swinging from the rope into the pit to jumping on on the under ground tramp to climbing through tunnels. I don't know how she had soooo much energy!! :eek: I was exhausted just watching her!

Julia tried a class too and although she loved it wants to try ice skating. I am sure once she realizes she isn't going to be twirling around in beautiful costumes she'll beg for gym. She's a bit spirited so she has to figure it out on her own.

Liv had her 2nd official class today and it was great. She really enjoyed it and was very happy. I am oh so grateful to have found a great gym for my dds :D
Sounds like a great fit for your DD's! So happy you found such a good gym!! Good luck & have fun!!!:D
sounds wonderful. I hadn't realised you were changing gyms. Did I miss something? Best of luck for Olivia, Im sure she will do brilliant.
Wow, that sounds great! Can I come?:p
I hope you and Liv are really happy there!
Glad you found a nice place to call "home" because it sure seems like that when they are there so many hours (soon to be 16 for us) a week. I thought she liked her gym and program, she seemed like she was doing really well there? But, better you make the change now when they are young becasue they will start bonding quickly with other team girls & the friendships will form fast. Very cool you get to train with an Olympian too!

Ahh open gym. My DD just started to want to do this because it comes on Sat after she's already practiced 4 hrs. I have always steared her away thinking she was too tired. What she (and other team girls) want to do is have fun...use the floor to make up their own routines, play on the ropes instead of conditioning with them, practice their L5 routines on beam and themselves. That is play to them & they do find the energy, amazing isn't it?

Good luck & I hope they realize how lucky they are to get her, especially with that incredible strength she has!
Gymnut, you didn't miss anything and dd WAS happy at her old gym and has some really good friends there too. But this particular gym pushes morning program (homeschool) and although I don't have a problem with homeschool, I don't want my dd training 30+ hours a week with only 2 weeks off a year for the next 10+ years. Their evening program has grown too. When we started there a year and half ago it was dd and 4 other girls. Now Compulsory is about 30+ girls and still only 1 coach. In general it's a great program but the girls are missing lots of correction and general attention. A lot of favoritism goes on too. And the program itself has been disorganized now for a long time. I feel I have spoken to HC and given them plenty of time to get it together but there seems to be no solution in the near future.

DD did not want to leave her old gym. She says she will miss her friends and coaches. I am still pretty good friends with a few gym mommies and we still have play dates etc. After trying new gym a couple of times she absolutely loves it and has renewed love for the sport. I also told her sometimes change has to come for the better. And she realizes the training and treatment is better at new gym.

Old gym was really pushed lots of hours and I was not comftable with that at this point. At new gym she trains MWF 4pm -7:30pm and Tops Sat 9-12pm. That schedule is a big + for us. They also have more younger girls which is another + for us too!
Glad you found a good fit for Olivia. It is hard to change, but worth it in the end if you have a good situation. I am sure Liv is going to rock TOPS training! :D
Thanks Mariposa, It is definetly tough to change especially when you've become so comfortable with your routine, moms, etc. Eventhough this is something we've considered for a while and know without a doubt that it needs to happen it was still very sad and tough to say goodbye. DD has actually handled it better than I anticipated. I am the one whose a mess about it!!

Unfortunately Liv won't be able to start TOPS till after June because she dances on saturdays. But they still incorporate tops skills in their daily conditioning. It's amazing how much better she's gotten in just a few classes. Last night she received her 8th sticker for accomplishing 3 straddle presses in a row. Apparently each gymmie has a page in a book and as they accomplish skills they receive stickers. In two days of practice dd has 8 stickers!!! She said some had 3 stickers!! They also her her practicing kips and last night did one....not pretty by any means but got up there some how!!! She was so excited! I am just happy she is happy!!
I'm so glad that you found a gym that works for your dds. I would definately have a problem with the amount of hours that the old gym was asking for. 30+ hours is a little ridiculous for a little girl....they need to have a life outside of the gym ...they'll be burned out and want to quit the sport before they turn 12! I'm all for those kind of hours if you're training the Olympics, but I don't think even Shawn Johsnson trained that many hours (except for the months leading up to the Olympics). WOW!
Good call on your part.
It seems like everyone is changing gyms lately! We are too and ours is also a 45 min trip. Good luck!! We start on May 9.
That's wonderful!! Hopefully things won't change after a being there awhile.
best of luck to all of you.
Mom you made a smart choice ,the old gym wanting Liv do major hours she is way to young for that,she has so much talent you do not want her to get burned out before she is 9.The new gym having tops is great Liv is defintly a tops girl.Good Luck at the new gym!
I'm glad you found a gym that fits your DD. She is def. ready for TOPS! She will do great there!

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