WAG Mid-season move ups

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All Chalked Up

Mar 15, 2010
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I just had a meet last weekend and did quite well, coming 3rd AA & qualifying for Provincials. My coach now wants to know if I want to move up a level. If I competed that level I wouldn't have great start values and I would be missing a flight skill on beam. (P3=L7)

I would not do too well in P3 since all the girls in that level are amazing! I know those girls and they all have P4 and P5 skills but they have decided to compete P3. I am not quite up to those standards. I am right in between P2 and P3- I have full start value on every event in P2 but just don't quite have all the P3 skills polished & solid.

It isn't very important to me to be at a high level, I just want to do well where I'm at. I'm also not too hot on moving up mid-season since I would have to change my routines quite a bit and I would have to get a couple new skills in order to measure up to the other girls competing.

I am also currently dealing with a knee injury and a back injury.

I would stick with P2 for the season and enjoy the chance to shine. You can work towards P3 for next year and be really ready for it. I know how hard it is to compete with missing skills and some of those Ontario clubs have their girls compete way lower than their skill level.

Going to Provincials is fun and doing well is even more fun. Also with your back and knee problem it is good to stay in your compfort zone and not add pressure of new skills.

Congratulations on your great results by the way.
I agree with bog. Stay in P2, as you have all your skills, you should have time during the season to practice new moves for next year. It will also put less stress on your knee and back, which can only be a good thing. You'll have time to rest it and let it heal before competing bigger skills. Anyway, having good basics is never a bad thing. The more your current skills are perfected, the easier the ones you'll have to do in P3 will be ;)
I think you know what you want to do - you said it above, you don't care about moving up, you want to just do well where you are, and you don't like the idea of moving up mid season.
Enjoy what sounds like it will be a great season for you, hope the injuries don't cause any problems.
Thanks for the advice :)

Coach, sister & parents are really pushing me for P3 but ultimately I get to decide. Currently leaning towards P2. I think my coach is just excited to have P3's- small gym, small team, has only had two P3's in last 5 years- and may be jumping the gun a bit.
Another option, which is quite common at my gym, I actually did it last year is too compete p2 until provincials then if you have invitationals after that then move up to p3, around here anyway the meets after provincials are more for fun and experience. I did that last year for p3-p4. And if you are clean you can do well at p3 without bonus, flight on beam is only .2
^^^ good idea :)

My gym hosts a post-Provincials meet so I'll likely do P3 there, and then maybe P3 at a fun meet during March break.

I'm scared that I will disappoint my coach by going P2 or make her think my drive is gone- it's gotten higher! How can I deal with this?

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