Parents Moved up

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Jan 26, 2010
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Hi Everyone,

Some of you might remember me from earlier posts about my dd deciding to quit or not, and changing her mind every week, back and forth, back and forth. Last week she decided to go on to level 7.

She also finally got moved up (new schedule, "higher group"); she was the only one who got moved up from her former group. Now all the girls are L7's or L8's. Last night was her first practice, and ... her first event after warming up was beam. She decided to skip practicing her flick on the floor beam, and went straight to the 2 foot beam. As she is doing it, her hand made a loud cracking sound as it hit the beam, and the elite coach who was not coaching her, but standing nearby, heard it and checked on her. She had to sit out the rest of beam, and her finger hurt too much to hang on the bar. The coaches advised her not to get it X-rayed until the gym's doctor looks at it. He doesn't come regularly, so who knows when he will check it. Her finger doesn't seem to bother her today, unless she intentionally tries to hurt it. She seemed really upset that this happened at her first practice, first event, first skill. Oh, well, hopefully it is not too serious. Please send healing fairies.

Congratulations on her moving up. Level 7 is a lot of fun.

Too bad about her hand. I don't understand why coaches would advise against an x-ray. What harm is there in knowing what, if anything, is going on?
Congrats on her decision to stick it out! YAY!!

On the other hand, I completely disagree with the coach's decision to have her wait til the team doctor shows up??? With a crack that loud, I think I would've had it x-rayed right away.... you don't want to further stress an possible injury!
Wonderful on the move up, glad she she is enjoying her new group.

However I agree that if it was my kid I would take her to get it x-rayed, especially if she can't use it. Unless of course your coach is an MD! They are also not her parents.
Big congrats on dd finding her way and moving up to L7. She should have a fun year.

I absolutely don't agree with waiting until some team doctor shows up to look at her finger. He can't do x-rays at the gym anyway, so would have to guess on what is wrong and then maybe send you somewhere for x-rays. I would take her to your doc and get the finger looked at---the crack sound could be from several things. Get an answer now, so you know what(if anything) you're dealing with.
Congrats on moving up to 7! Optionals is fun! :D Too bad about her finger. Hope it heals quickly and doesn't give her any problems.
Congrats on the move up! If it were my kid I would make the decision on who, what, when, where ,yada yada yada my kid's hand was looked at and of course if. Good luck !
Congrats on the move up...but gosh what a bummer about the hand!:( How frustrating to have that happen right away like that!!
Hope she is okay and that there is nothing major going on with it! Poor kid!!!
Congrats to her on moving up!!
And add me to the list saying--what?? waiting for a team doctor?? i'd take her in now!
Thanks everyone for your support. I too am confused as why they are asking her to wait, especially since the team doctor hasn't come in yet. She didn't do bars at all yesterday, and some beam. I am definitely going to have to take her in to a doctor. I worry, though, because she broke her leg last summer, and the X-ray didn't show it, so she ran around on a broken leg for 3 weeks before it was caught on a MRI.

Has anyone else had a similar injury? She can't grip. It hurts her finger to grip the bars or beam. However, she is fine on floor (flat hand) or if she puts her hand in a fist.

I too am confused - about why a parent would allow a gym coach to dictate when her child, who is in pain, sees a doctors and which doctor she sees? You are her parent. It is not only your duty, but your right to decide what kind of medical treatment to seek for your child, when to seek it, and with whom. Take her - don't wait.
(that's my rant of the day:) I really do hope it is nothing big and that your dd is better soon. We have not dealt with any finger injuries to date - toes, wrists, elbows, and knees - but no fingers. Good luck.)
I would definitely take her to the doctor NOW. This happened Tuesday night and it is already Thursday afternoon. Swelling could have already occurred and since you don't know what is actually wrong with the hand/finger more damage could be happening as we speak. She is your child first before gymnastics--do what you know is right in your gut and take her to the doctor. I hope to see the next post as an update from you saying that you got her checked out. :)
I worry, though, because she broke her leg last summer, and the X-ray didn't show it, so she ran around on a broken leg for 3 weeks before it was caught on a MRI.
Another good reason to take her to a doctor NOW?
Your screen name says it all - you are the 'mama' and as the parent it is your (and ONLY YOUR) responsibility to make the decision on when and where to seek medical attention for your dd. Her gym life will only last a limited number of years but her health must last a lifetime so take no chances. Do what you know is right and best for her. Good Luck.
The coaches finally told her on Thursday to go ahead and see the doctor, not that I was waiting for their approval, because I had already decided to take her in anyway. Actually, dh took her in, because I had jury duty. It turns out she only has a sprain, thank goodness.

By the way, it wasn't just the coach that wanted her to wait, but many coaches, and the owner of the gym. I guess they only trust the team doctor, but I agree with all of you. I'm the parent, and I decide what is best for my dd.

I'm so glad it was only a sprain. You know the drill: ice and rest it. And ice. And rest.
I'm glad it's just a sprain. I just think it's crazy that they were dictating to you when and which Dr. you could see!!! As Pickle's mom said, ice and rest, repeat, repeat, repeat!!!
Glad it is just a sprain! Congrats to her on moving up. Hopefully the challenge will renew her love for the sport! And I agree with everyone else that you are the one who makes the decision when and whom your child sees.
So glad that it was just a strain.

Funny to hear that all your coaches think they have a degree in medicine!! LOL
Congrats on your daughters new level!

I am glad to hear that it is only a sprain!

My DD's coach is almost the opposite of yours. If it hurts and you can't do something. go to the doctor... If I went to the doctor everytime Beetle hurt I would be part owner of our hospital system. I know he is just looking out for her and is also trying to Seperate those kids that 'fake injury' so they dont need to do a skill or condition. But he should know what girls DON't do that too.

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