WAG New Floor Music

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Proud Parent
Jul 27, 2024
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My daughter wants new floor music this year. She leans toward 90's and early 2000 hip hop. She doesn't want one just song that constantly repeats. She wants a medley of songs. She love's Nia Dennis's 2021 floor music but it was used a few years ago in our gym and we tend to hear it a lot at meets. She wants something unique to her. She feels if she loves her music it will come through in her performance. I'm just having a hard time finding something already made. I don't have a lot of money to spend as it is also a new leo year and I have 2 gymnasts to pay for. Any help would be appreciated!
Im not sure if these count as 90s/00s hiphop, but here are something close to what I can find


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