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Proud Parent
Feb 5, 2014
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Hi everyone! I'm new here :)

I'm enjoying a snow day here in the North East. Nothing like a foot or so of snow to cancel school...

Bit about me - I have an 8 yo DD and 10 yo DS in gym. It's been a fun ride! She's L4, he's L5.

Our struggles are more sibling related, but lately DD is coming home feeling like she's the "worst" on the team, etc. She's struggling, but she loves it. Loves it, but doesn't love it enough to want to practice more LOL! I know when she matures a bit more it will probably click that if she wants to reach her goals, she's going to have to work harder. In the mean time, we try to support her as best we can. It's just hard when she's in tears and asking why, why, why, and I have no answers for her.

The 10 yo is talented, wins, and "hates" gym. He doesn't hate it. If he truly hated it he wouldn't bring home the medals. He just doesn't want to do the work. Ah to live the lazy life...

I'll be combing thru looking for the good stuff. The stuff that helps me support my kids. Thanks to all of you for providing such a wonderful reference!
im in northeast as well..snow stinks ready for summer already. my DD feels the same way, always says she is the worst on her team and stuff. Talked to HC and she told me that if there is any time she wants to talk to someone outside of family, to take her to HC and she will talk to her and try to figure out whats wrong. but, welcome to the site. Would have done this yesterday but considering i get on usually at work, i had off yesterday lol.
...DD is coming home feeling like she's the "worst" on the team, etc. She's struggling, but she loves it. Loves it, but doesn't love it enough to want to practice more LOL! I know when she matures a bit more it will probably click that if she wants to reach her goals, she's going to have to work harder. In the mean time, we try to support her as best we can. It's just hard when she's in tears and asking why, why, why, and I have no answers for her.
Sounds exactly like my daughter. She has been used to everything she does coming easy to her, so now that she is on a team and not the best without effort, she's struggling with wanting to be the best, and not knowing how to work for it. Hoping she figures it out soon enough!
My DD is like that too! She would complain that she is "horrible" and the "worst" on her team, but when I say let's go to the extra practice, she says "no, I'm good". LOL
I am too waiting for her to mature enough to understand that in order to get better you have to work harder. Seems like at this age they expect the skills to just come to them. :)
I feel your pain! When my older dd started gym and was asked to join team my younger dd had a meltdown. She had been doing gym for a year and she should have been asked first. There were a few things, core strength and arm strength related, that were keeping her from team, and both her coach and I suggested some home conditioning (which older dd has always done anyway, as a dancer). She flat out refuses to condition at home and leaves every single practice frustrated that she will never make team. Makes me frsutrated at her, lol. Hang in there. It will click for them both, with maturity.

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