Parents New Parent welcome packet

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Ok our Booster club is putting together a New Parent Welcome packet.

We are trying to let parents know why the boosters are here, why we need them to help participate even if their child doesn't appear to get a specific benifit (our booster money helps keep tuition and assesment fees down by paying for things that would otherwise be charged by the gym).

Also we want to list things in the "boy I wish I knew that earlier instead of 2 years into the program" items.

You know that many gyms don't really go into alot of detail when it comes to the What Does Team Mean.

so we want to let the parents know this, what to expect at meets, what the boosters expects for support from the parents and so on.


Here is your chance to help us. Think back to those L 3 - 4 years when you were ignorant to what was to come. What things do you wish someone had told you about as you started in this program?
Tell them this...

There is a very cool can talk to other parents and coaches and learn about gymnastics there.
Don't tell them too much... I mean really, if we all knew every single thing we know now, before our kids started competitive gymnastics, how many of us might have said... "Hey let's give soccer a go?"

I am only half kidding... But sometimes ignorance really can be bliss... and I'd like some more bliss please ;)
In the "boy I wish I knew that earlier instead of two years in..." category

Gymnastics is a marathon not a sprint!
Early success or appearing to be the "most talented" is really no indication of how things will pan out in a few years time.
Try not to stress, worry, compare your dd or ds to other gymnasts - it is not helpful to either you or your gymnast.
Everyone progresses at their own pace, your child may repeat a year at a particular level, they may even repeat a level two years, or repeat multiple levels and that is okay.
There may always be other gymnasts who "catch" your child and then go past them - that is okay too.
It is best to leave the gym when your gymnast starts training the really scary skills, it is much better for YOUR mental health ;)

When my kids first started I wish some had given us a basic run down of what to expect at a competition, things like -
Competition costs - entry fees, draft comp schedule etc
how the scoring works
what to expect ( DD's first comp I didn't even realise that they got a practice run first lol)
uniform, leo and hair requirements
no flash photography
Seems so basic to me now, but was so foreign to me when they first started.

In terms of why they should be involved in the booster club, maybe some info about things the booster club has paid for in the past that has saved the team parents money, eg without the booster club competition this would cost x dollars, because of the booster club it costs y dollars, saving all parents z dollars.
Everything I say below relates to my own personal experience and may not hold true at every club. Below is the structure in which I would set up a new club also.


We have new parent meetings as a club for all new parents and anyone else that would like a quick refresher each year. We go over most of this plus any questions anyone may have. I have to say that these meetings are only mildly effective. It really takes constant reinforcement and support to get parents to were they need to be in the sport.

In our club...this is not the booster clubs responsibility. It is our (HC & Director) responsibility to help the parents understand and accept most of this information. When parents tell parents...issues arise.

Lets face it...I consider myself a rather inexperienced coach. I have been coaching gymnastics as a full time job for only 13 years. (Our HC/Owner has been coaching for over 20 years. Our other Owner has been coaching for 30+ years. Our Boys Team Director...30+ years.) Our two most experienced parents have around ten years in the booster club.

Let's move on to the issue...

Now some info is fine...I don't care who tells the parents...."no flash photography". But what about this one...

There may always be other gymnasts who "catch" your child and then go past them - that is okay too.

Oh no...the booster club is not to cover this...I will. Who is going to cover that in the booster club...the parent who has the ultra L10 who passed everyone? Or the parent who has the kid that everyone passed who is still only a L8 after 10 years? These are the two that I spoke of above...our two most experience booster club parents.

If the first (ultra L10 parent) get...

Sure...that's easy for you to say...your kid is awesome.

If the get...

Many gymnasts passed my's just learn to accept it...actually that we are talking about really upsets me that she is not going to be a L9 this year and Suzie is.

Topics about progression, program structure, and even "how scoring works" should not be covered by the booster club. Our booster club also does not cover uniform, leo, and hair requirements...we do...our team policy is not for the booster club to go is our responsibility. Competition costs...etc...all covered by HC and Director...not booster club...we come up with the budget for the season...we go over it. Now if the booster club wanted to bring in a judge to talk to the parents about scoring...that would be great. Last year they did we did it as a club.

Do you want to learn all of this from a particular parent who has run a specific path with their own child? Or do you want to learn of these things from the Coach/Director...who has experience running every path with every child?

I do think the "welcome packet" or "welcome meeting" is a great idea. I just think there are many things that it cannot explain...nor should it try to. I would encourage everyone to talk to their HC/Owner about setting up such a meeting (welcome meeting) with them (HC/Owner) if they do not do one each year already.
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our gym owner does do a "new parent" meeting but he really doesn't do a good job. Unfortunatly the new parents don't know what they don't know so they don't know what questions to ask. About the only things he goes over is the tentative meet schedule or at least what he know up to that point. He hands out t papers one called Team Parents at competitions which covers Befor the meet , Meet location, morning of the meet, nervousness, scores and pomparisons, after the meet not to go over to the coaches. The other papers is called Athletes, Parents and coaches at Competions. And goes over meet what to do and not do. Other than if you are not at practice the practice before a meet you won't be allowed to compete.

everything else they learn about this sport is at the viewing wall asking the experienced and upper level parents questions. Those of us they ask are always saying why didn't the owner tell them this or that. This year the lower levels were really surprised by the cost of the meet fees as instead of the local $30 - $50 meets the owner is taking them to the same meets that the optional girls go to at #100 + a pop. Many didn't realilze it was USAG JO and though more like a local travel soccer team. There were alot of upset parents this year finding out info after the fact and the owner was not really addressing any of this so the Boosters wanted to put something together that we will pass by the owner first so he can get is red pen out and cross out what every. Although the program itself is good the flow of communication from owner to parents is not so good.

JBS you sound like you do a fabulous meeting but our owner well not so much.
JBS you sound like you do a fabulous meeting but our owner well not so much.

...and then ChalkBucket was created.

As long as you are letting the Owner review will have no problems.

EDIT: I always make myself sound good...the fact is that it is a never ending work in progress...communication that is.
There may always be other gymnasts who "catch" your child and then go past them - that is okay too.
Oh no...the booster club is not to cover this...I will. Who is going to cover that in the booster club...the parent who has the ultra L10 who passed everyone? Or the parent who has the kid that everyone passed who is still only a L8 after 10 years? These are the two that I spoke of above...our two most experience booster club parents.

Okay, guilty of not reading the original question properly "hangs head in shame"
I totally agree this is not the Booster Clubs info to pass on. I was just speaking generally of things that I wish someone had told us. I agree with Cher, JBS it sounds like your club is doing a great job...not all clubs or coaches do.

I would also be thinking that the Info pack would be shown to the HC, before distributing to parents, so that everyone is on the same page?
Isn't a booster clubs primary function to come up with ideas and implementation of those ideas on how to help off-set the cost of the season. Bake sales, yard sales, prescription cards, stuff like that.
That can be one of it's purposes and for most they do that but many also do many other things that support the team. Where we are many of the boosters provide activities for the team that are fun and provide a venue for team spirit and bonding outside of the competition meets and practice (christmas parties, summer trip to local amusement park, etc). Many run the invitationals that are offered in our area. Many pay for special clinics for the team they support where judges are paid to come in and work with the team to improve their performance. Many use it as a parent support group - where parents can share information on being on a team. It all depends on the booster club and what the needs are that had them form in the first place.

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