Parents Ok I gotta tell you this its funny!!

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Proud Parent
Feb 10, 2007
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Well my little gym girls are going to be big sisters!!

we had our Ultrasounds yesterday!! and found out I will have another little female Gymnast!! and she has allready started practicing!! she was almost doing backward sommersaults in there it was soo funny!!!

thought you all would get a kick out of that! the tech thought it was funny!!
Congratulations, what lovely news. We'll all enjoy sharing your pregnancy news. How exciting for your girls!:)
Congratulations - how exciting for you all - and as bogwoppit says, now we can call enjoy the journey with you!

Oh my! :eek: another little princess:princess:???

Boy oh boy I am certain you will have your hands full LOL! Seriously though, A big congratulations to your family - I am sure the girls are very excited :cloud9:
Congratulations to you and your family!Little girls are so fun to shop for .
Congrats...we have 4 kids and a big space between the 3rd and 4th---6 years. It is soooooo fun. Feel good and we will pray for a healthy baby!
MGM---big congrats on girl #3! Best wishes for an uneventful pregnancy and very healthy little one in how many mos?????

How do the 2 "big sisters to be" feel about all of this?
Congratulations:) on your future gymnast:) Too cute. I am glad you u/s went so wonderful:)
Thanks!! I am 5 months along!! so this one will make her debut in Sept!!
due date is actually Sept 22

The girls are soo excited!!! even more so now they know they will have another girl in the house!!
How exciting!! We are done having babies due to medical issues I have during pregnancy, but I would love to have another girl. They are so fun!
CONGRAT'S - that is sooooo exciting. I wanted 4 kiddo's - got two awesome ones - 1 of each. I am currently living vicariously through my good friend who is due w/ boy #3 in July.

I am so happy for you! The girls must be so happy to have a baby sister on the way.
Congrats on the news of the 3rd princess. I bet you all are very excited. Very funny about the flipping around. Sounds like this one is taking note of the big sisters gym talk. LO
LOL, at least these practices won't have you reaching for your checkbook yet! CONGRATS on your new lil gymnast. Now that my kids are older I've stopped posting at ivillage playgroups, so I am missing those baby announcments...keep us posted, how exciting!
Mariposamom, yeah, I feel your gymnast was my last, and the complications I had nearly killed both of us. As a result I can't have anymore either. Some days I think three is enough and I've been blessed, but some days I feel sad and miss those wonderful days of having a baby in the house. I love watching the little ones at the gym too...especially those cute little leotard diaper butts, LOL!

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