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Injury Pain in Abdomen of 10.5yr Girl

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Proud Parent
Mar 3, 2016
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My daughter is 10.5 and has been complaining of lower abdomen pain for around a week.

October of last year(around 10 months ago) she had a small lump very low on her abdomen, an urgent care doctor said it was a hernia and to give it time and it would heal. It went away and she hasn't had any issues since.

Around a week ago she started complaining of pain in her lower abdomen (honestly this pain doesn't seem the exact same location as the lump but similar). She says the pain feels like when she had the lump. She trains around 24 hours a week and her training is very intense on conditioning. I thought her muscles were just sore and it would pass. Today when picked up from gym she said practice was good except that her stomach kept hurting and asked to go to the doctor (something she never does). There is no outward discoloration or lumps and digestion/eating seems totally normal.

Any thoughts?
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