Parents Pullover and backwards roll problems

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Proud Parent
Jun 1, 2018
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My 5 year old is in a preteam development group and she is the only one in her group that does not have a backwards roll on the floor and she’s only gotten her pullover a few times. She’s frustrated!! She has beautiful form on handstand and cartwheels (idk if that matters). I’m not sure if something isn’t clicking or if it’s core strength. If you have any ideas on how I can help her or fun things she can do at home to help, I am all ears!
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Welcome to the world of being a gymnastics parent.

As a newbie I am sure I asked something similar and got the standard response from all of the fantastic experienced parent and coaches on the chalk bucket .. and it wasn’t what I wanted to hear... but 4 years into this, I will tell you they are right.

You have to leave skill work with the coaches. Even these basic skills at preteam. Just stay out of it.

As a parent you take your DD to practice, make sure she is in a healthy environment physically, mentally, and emotionally. And you just keep loving her.

I kind of 50% listened to that, but now feel they are 100% correct. You can do more harm than good by trying to help for so many reasons — safety, can create bad habits, can confuse the kid if they are hearing different things from parents vs coach, can make “not getting the skill” seem like an even bigger problem when the parent is harping them or pushing them.

So just keep taking her to practice and she will get them when she is ready.
Some things are hard, some things are easy. Most come with time.

Keep gym in gym.

Tell her not to worry. If she listens to her coach and works hard in gym she’ll get it.

ANd have her do other things when not in gym. Color, run outside, bike, dance, skate, build things. Because 5 year olds shouldn’t be hyper focused on one thing.
It's soooooooo hard, but trust me, jillc is right. Today it's the backwards roll. Next it will be the kip. Then giants. Then suddenly it's a skill they've done a million times before. I've created my own threads about the frustrations of watching your child struggle with something that seems to come easily for everyone else. We all struggle with it. Resist the urge to "help" at home. It won't really. And before you know it your dd is going to be beyond your help anyway. Just keep encouraging her to pay attention in class, work hard and have fun! It will all come in time.
I’m sure everyone above is probably right but to answer your question I think pullovers is a strength thing. She’ll get it!
Thanks y’all, I’ll just give her time to bloom! It is hard to not help ahaha. I did have a talk with her about staying positive and how believing in yourself can help with skills, and she did like 3 pullovers at practice after that

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