School times + gym

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Ok. So, I'm switching schools next year (by next year I mean August, when school starts up again) and the last period ends at 3:20. I'll have gym at least Mondays & Wednesdays at 3:30, and from our house it takes 15 minutes to get to the gym. So, at the very earliest, I'll get there 10-15 minutes late, which means I'll miss warm-up. They really don't want us to miss warm-up (we do warm-up together and the rest alone/with some friends). I get really good grades and I've decided not to do any after-school stuff at the school. 10 minutes late every time just won't work, and I don't think they'll change the times just for me. I'm not sure if we can just come whenever, because competitive team practices a LOT together. Any suggestions? Please? Thanks
why don't you ask your school if you can leave 10mins early so that you can get their and then get changed in the car?
because then i would miss some of eighth period...and the number of times my mom would have to sign me out would be really high and suspicious. they would probably just say school comes first (which for me, it doesn't).
Your gym will get it. 10-15 mins late because of school won't be a big deal. Just be super efficent with steches and make up your missed conditioning.
I don't think getting there 10 mins late is that big of a deal. Just be as prepared before as you can (do hair and get changed in the car) and get through your warm up as fast as possible. I get to gym 30 mins late almost everyday and it really hasn't affected my gym at all. By the time I get there, my group is just finishing up stretching. I do a shorter warm up and by the time my group has set up for the first event, I am warmed up, ready to go and join in. I know you don't agree, but I would say, make school a first priority because that's what you are going to use most for the rest of your life.
10-15 minutes isn't terrible, your coaches should be understanding. School does come first, whether you feel that way or not, and most coaches are reasonable enough to know that and understand that conflicts come up. Like other posters have said, just arrive at the gym ready to run in and get to work and make the most of the rest of your practice. If you miss really essential things those first few minutes (conditioning, oversplits, etc.) I'm sure you can find some down time during the practice to fit them in.
It happens so I woudn't sweat it. As a coach, I don't prefer it but it isn't really that much of a problem.
Almost all the optionals at our gym have to leave school early. It's not ideal, but the schools work with them. Those is HS sometimes manage to get PE scheduled for the last block of the day.
For the past 8 years i have gotten my daughter out of school early (at 2 pm) because her school dismissed at 3:15 and practice started at 3:30 and we were an hour away (now an hour and a half away!) and it has never been a problem with the school...I ran it by the principal first and then would discuss it with her teachers and that was that...they have always been willing to work with us and it has been a Godsend. You might want to try having your mom go in and discuss it with them and they just may surprise you...
Your coach should be fine with it. It's not ideal, but we can cope-education matters.

Alternatively, does your school do off-campus PE? If they do & gymnastics meets their requirements (it should. I had to write a thing for a couple of my athletes), you may be able to have an open last period.
Schools can be quite flexible with things like this. I am sure they would not mind you leaving 10-15 minutes early a few days a week for sports. Very little happens in the last 10-15 minutes of the day anyway with the kids attention spans often well and truly spent. You shouldn't need to sign out each time, just organize a standing early leave that happens each day.
Every week day practice my girls are 15-20 minutes late. They warm up on their own and then join the group. I don't like it, but I won't pull them from school early. I just explained to the owner at the beginning of the year what time school ended, how long our drive was, and what time we would get there. We go straight there and there is nothing we can do about it. They totally understand and there are many, many girls coming in late. 15 minutes late for a 4 hour practice is not that big of a deal.

Another option would be to see if you can get study hall last period of the day and explain to the principal what is going on. It might be too early to make these arrangements, but you do have options. Don't just assume they won't work with you, because most gyms understand that people are coming from all over and dealing with different school end times and drive times.
Education does come first. That being said my DD belongs to a gym with early practice times and gymnasts do come out of school early. Many schools are ok with as long as they are informed and arrangements can be made for what is missed. I also know that like you, the majority of the gymnasts are very smart girls and high achievers so there isn't much concern about missing a little. Talk to your parents let them talk to the school if they are ok with it. It never hurts to ask.
I leave school once a week at 12:30 (normally 2) because I have early practice that day. Its not a problem, i am just responsible for work that is missed. Some girls are late to practice normally because they come straight from school, the coaches are fine with it as long as it is discussed with them first. As others have said 15 minutes late isn't that much in a 4 hr practice.
Though at my gym, rec kids aren't allowed to be late more than 10 minutes. As they are a max of 2 hour classes, so it depends on how long your classes are if 20 minutes is acceptable. For an hour class I would say no because then its already 1/3 over.
You need your parent to get involved. My DD had the same issue at L5 but we were just late every day. I told the gym that was the earliest we could get there (20 min late missed warm up) and if she was going to do team it would have to be ok. They were fine with it in the end. Also talked to the school so she could be released at the same time as the Kindergarten kids which was about 15 min earlier than the "car pick up folks". K was released first then walkers then first 1/3 of alphabet then 2nd 1/3 of alphabet and with a last name begining with S we were the Last group released. School was accomodating and had no problem at all. When its the parents that ask there usually is less resistance. You can only get there when you get there.
You've receive many suggestions but thought I'd add mine...
We're have an opposite situation, we just switched gyms and it's about an hour away.
Gym starts at 4:15 on a Tuesday and 4 on Fridays.
School gets out at 3:15, by the time the kids actually get out it can be 3:20.
Before we committed to the gym, the gym and I made certain arrangements.
I've also checked with the principle/headmaster and teacher for the best day.
Based on the school, we agreed that dd can only leave early one day a week, on a Friday.
Lessons technically ends at 2:30 and the rest of the time are used for assembly - a get together of the whole school to give out awards for the week and to see which house earned the most points... think of Harry Potter's house points winner announcement at the end of term sans the food, magic and ghosts.
We agreed that being late by a few minutes, or 15 minutes, will be ok on a Tuesday.

My dd is 7 so I have to be involved.
I know you're older but it might not be a bad idea to have your parent(s) talk to your new school and maybe also the gym.
I don't agree with missing a lot of school but as an educator, I have to agree, that last few minutes of school tend to be useless. Even when lecture is going on, students' attention span has gone down to 50% or even nil :)

No matter what, school should be the most important.

Gym only last for so many years where school, education and knowledge, will be needed to get you through the rest of your life. Even with us, when we drive to activities, we'd bring the iPad and I have different math assignments ready to go in there. On Thursdays I'd record my voice on the iPad, on a spelling app, and on our drive, even if it's 15 minutes, she'd do spelling. Or, I'd save an article on the kiddie Wikipedia on whatever topic and have her read and we'd talk about it.
Every week day practice my girls are 15-20 minutes late. They warm up on their own and then join the group. I don't like it, but I won't pull them from school early. I just explained to the owner at the beginning of the year what time school ended, how long our drive was, and what time we would get there. We go straight there and there is nothing we can do about it. They totally understand and there are many, many girls coming in late. 15 minutes late for a 4 hour practice is not that big of a deal.

Another option would be to see if you can get study hall last period of the day and explain to the principal what is going on. It might be too early to make these arrangements, but you do have options. Don't just assume they won't work with you, because most gyms understand that people are coming from all over and dealing with different school end times and drive times.

I had the same set up for gym. My drive was so long that it was pretty common for me to be about 15-20 min late because my mom wouldn't let me leave school early. In middle and high school though I usually got really lucky having study hall or my IEP class where I met individually with a teacher for last period so I could usually leave early.
Maybe just don't go home between school and gym..have your leo and hair ready before you leave school. It might even be easier if you change and put your leo under your clothes in between 7th and 8th period and put your hair up then too.
A lot of people are a little bit late to gym. Most schools around here release at 3:15 or 3:20, and sometimes elementary schools a bit earlier - but a lot of my teammates live in rural areas surrounding my town so they can't get to the gym by 4:00. One girl who lives 45 min away has managed to get an open period last period so she can get here on time, but a lot of kids are just 10-20 min late often. One of my friends is usually 40-45 min late everyday even though her school is very close because she needs to eat and also do homework (she is an 8th grader)...she struggles with her attention span so her dad has the rule that she needs to get her work done before she can work out.
because then i would miss some of eighth period...and the number of times my mom would have to sign me out would be really high and suspicious. they would probably just say school comes first (which for me, it doesn't).

All i can say to you as an adult is that SCHOOL does come 1st. I do not know how old you are or your situation but regardless anything you do in life today, college, work etc. your grades, diploma etc. will be the 1st thing they look at. If you are trying to get a scholorship your GPA will be the deciding factor (granted you already have your gymn.skills). I am sure as an young person you do not want t hear this but please believe me you education is the MOST important part of your life.

ANYWAy enough of that (but please understand it :)) Leaving school 10-15 minutes early should be no problem at all. Your parent has to go to the school & explain your situation. You are a competitive gymnast. It is the same as if you were on a school team. They have to miss some school because of their commitments& it is acceptable. AS LONG AS THEIR GRADESDO NOT SUFFER ( see what i mean)
I know 3 gymnasts from my gym that leave school 4 days a weak 30 minutes earlier with no problem. They keep their grades up & the principle has nothing to say.

I also know of a gym that has 2 kids miss 2 full days of school due to going the elite route. they keep their grades up & nothing is said to them..

So I hope you get my point. You should have no problem at all as long as you follow the above... GOOD LUCK

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