Parents Severs?

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Jun 26, 2006
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I had a meeting with my daughter's head coach last night to discuss her progress etc. I mentioned some discomfort my daughter's been experiencing in her heels. She said it's Sever's and it pretty much goes with the sport.

Has anyone else got any info. I've read up on it, but would love to hear thoughts and suggestions for relief. It's not bad at this point, periodic complaints when she's been sitting for a long time, but it passes when she's active.

I was told that most gymnasts experience it and it goes away completely when they leave the sport and grow up.

I'd love some feed back. This is her 1st injury, well, it's not even that, but 1st pain associated with the sport.

Canadian gym mom
My advice would be to take her for an appointment with a sports injury specialist, you usually find them in centers that have an orthopedic doctor on staff too. They could evaluate R and make sure it is as her coach says..

Just remember that coaches are not Doctors and they really are not qualified to diagnose any problem, even if it seems to be something as simple as severs.

A sports therapist will tell you exactly what to do, and not to do. With any ankle pain in the immediate. R I C E, west, ice, compress and elevate.

You have done the reading off articles on line, so you know what those "experts" say, so I won't add more to that.
My dd has had issues with severs as well. Not too long ago it was really bothering and some days she would have a lot of trouble tumbling or vaulting. Severs is related to osgood schlatters (sp?). Anyway - another girl in our gym had really bad problems with severs and ordered some stuff online that helped - so I tried it with my dd and it has done wonders. She has been taking it for about 2 months and only complains that her heals hurt a little after a day with tons of tumbling and vaulting - but not nearly as bad as it was. The stuff is called Oscon - it was originally meant for osgood schlatters- but works for severs as well. If you google oscon, you can find it. I don't know if it works for everyone - but it definitely did for my gymmie. Good luck - I know severs can really hurt quite a bit. I don't remember who off the top of my head - but I know one previous olympic gymnast actually had to take a year off when she was young due to it.
My gymmie had what I would call a moderate case of Severs. Her foot grew over 2 shoe sizes in 6 mos. Typically the pain is right at the heel and worse with activity. You can do what they call the "pinch test"(used by orthopedics everywhere). Just put your fingers on either side of her heel and press. Kids with Severs will feel pain. Severs is basically diagnosed by symptons and an exam---cannot be seen on x-ray. It is another of those growth issues with the achilles stretching due to her foot/leg growing and the growth plate is not closed yet. Typical for any child who does a pounding type of activity.

Treatment is rest, ice, ibuprofen AND not going barefoot. We also found that putting gel heel inserts in her shoes helped some along with soaking her feet in warm water every night. If it is Severs, it will go away on its own, usually in a few months. My gymmie started with it in her left heel(she's a leftie so that made sense) then she had it in both heels, then the left got better, but the right continued to bother her for about 3 mos. I know she would have gotten past it much faster, but those months of heel pain were during meet season, so much more pounding with floor run throughs etc. Keeping fingers crossed, but now that comp season has been over for 2 mos, she has almost no pain. Also kids with this will complain of pain when they have to really point their toes---stretches that already inflamed Achilles.

Your dd seems to have opposite symptons---saying she has discomfort when sitting. I would take her to her doctor and get it checked out---could be something totally different she's dealing with.
The stuff is called Oscon - it was originally meant for osgood schlatters- but works for severs as well. If you google oscon, you can find it. I don't know if it works for everyone - but it definitely did for my gymmie.

I just ordered a some of this for bigger Bog baby, a physio had recommended it, at this point she needs a bit of extra help. There is nothing harmful in the product, so she'll give it a try.
I just ordered a some of this for bigger Bog baby, a physio had recommended it, at this point she needs a bit of extra help. There is nothing harmful in the product, so she'll give it a try.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that it works as well for bigger baby bog as it did for my dd :pray:
My dd had this too in both heels sequentially over a two year period. Did the heel cups, ice, etc...required periodic rest from gym from 4 days to up to 2 weeks which helped quite a bit, plus working with the coaches to create drills/skill work that would minimize impact, vault drills without running, setting up sequential 4 incher mats for tumbling, tramp work, more work on bars, etc. Eventually does go away but best to rest if the pain interferes with the workout.
My dd has dealt w/ this on & off for over one year now, as well. We saw a sports MD for an X-Ray, to be sure there were no little fractures in the heel, which can happen in relation to this issue, from all the stretching & impact.

Do make sure you see a specialist, try all of the above advice, cross your fingers, & wait!

For my dd, it really seems to come & go in direct connection w/ growth spurts. She just takes time off of vaulting and any high-impact tumbling which causes pain, and then it slowly goes away.

Good luck!

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