Parents Sick for a week!

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Proud Parent
Aug 16, 2008
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Hi all,

Exciting update here...;)

My younger DD was supposed to be starting her "new" schedule on January 1...increasing her hours quite a bit since she will be turning 6 next month. We had everything all ready to go, transportation to practice figured out, yada yada, yada and then...bam!

The first night of practice was Monday...3:15 to 6:30. My husband went to pick her up/watch at about 6 and at about 6:25 she came out crying. She said that she was scared and she didn't like gym. Apparently there was a mix-up and she thought she was cooling down with one group of girls but she really had another 45 minutes of practice to go and she got upset. This is really unlike her to get upset at practice so I figure something else has to be going on.

Well, she gets home and I take one look at her and know she is sick. Sure enough she is running a fever!:( Well, this was Monday and now it is Friday and she has still got a fever and is miserable. We took her in to urgent care and they tested her for everything and it was all negative. Just a really nasty virus. She's missed 4 days of school and now 3 days of practice! We are about to go insane in this house...we are sooo not used to down time with 2 girls on preteam/team!

Anyway...had to share our lovely start to 2010. The girls' next meet is in 3 we are not missing anything as far as that goes...but I am also a little nervous about how she is going to do when she does go back to school and practice!

Thoughts? Would you ease her in and have her do fewer hours at gym when she does go back?

UGH! Please send get well fairies to us. I have the crud too, but not the fever. I have used all my sick days at work (only had job...) and I am starting to FREAK OUT!:(
Oh poor kid! I hope the rest of the family doesn't get it too. Can your DH take time off work too?? As far as easing her back in, once she's feeling better---go with how she feels. If she's up to an entire practice, let her go. Otherwise, have her go a few hours, then home to rest.
Thanks Cathiann. My DH is usually good about taking time off, but he had important meetings this week and well, he makes more money than I do!;) I also had a cold this week so it made sense for me to stay home with her. My 3 year old had it the week after Christmas...I am very much hoping that my 9 y.o. can somehow avoid it. She is at the gym all the time so hopefully she can avoid the germs! UGH!
I know how you feel about wanting to start things off the right way and worrying about how things will go when they don't. I sure the coaches have been through this many times before so try not to worry about things on that end. Just get her better and let her try when she feels like herself again . Can you imagine how she felt with not feeling good and then being confused about her new schedule? Poor girl!
I am sorry. I do agree with seeing how she feels about full practice hours--even sick she went through that first practice--little ones bounce back much quicker than us old

Isn't it funny how as moms we can just "look" at our kids and know they are sick without even touching them.

Hope you all get well soon!
Can you imagine how she felt with not feeling good and then being confused about her new schedule? Poor girl!

I know! I felt soooo guilty when she got home! I put my poor little sick baby through 3 hrs of practice in a brand new group!!:o (without knowing it, of course!)
I'd be tempted to keep her out until she's well enough to try a whole longer session - just in case a slow start makes someone (like her) doubt her ability to manage the longer training time.
oh poor honey! I hope the crud leaves your house soon! I have 3 kiddos too so I know how hard it is when they get sick. Is there anyway you can dosome work from home? Or Comp time? At my job I can go in early or stay late to make up the hours I may have missed?

Once she is healthy and back in the gym I am sure she will start to make friends and like it! Good luck at the meet!
I have 3 kiddos too so I know how hard it is when they get sick. Is there anyway you can dosome work from home? Or Comp time? At my job I can go in early or stay late to make up the hours I may have missed?

Sigh...I work for a school there is not a lot of flex!:( The husband already knows he is on sick kid duty for the rest of the year!:o I told him no more scheduling important meetings until I have sick days built up again. We'll see how that works!

The good news is...her fever is FINALLY gone this morning. The bad news, the husband has got it!:(

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