Parents Skill Explosion..

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My youngest dd has had what you call a skill explosion this week...

Dd (7) only trains twice a week and has achieved the following this week :-

Cartwheel on the high training beam (she landed 2 after a couple of falls). Back hip circle without a spot (she did a few), hand stand flat back without a spot on mats stacked nearly as high as she is. We don't have a ring the bell for new skills at our gym, dd's coach video's the new skill and sends it to the parents (if the gymnast). Dd's coach has written goals to be achieved this month in the back of their gym notebook (only one skill) and the coach had written "back hip circle" in the book on Tuesday, the next training day they went on the wooden bars (they go on the metal strap bars on the Tuesday) and dd got it straight away, the coach has also asked the gymnasts to write their goal for the month and dd picked hand stand flat back with out a spot, she got that one straight away as well. I guess they will both have to think of new goals for the rest of the month lol.

Something seemed to have clicked this week for dd, I guess the next few weeks will be quiet new skill wise from what I have read on here, they seem to have periods of getting lots of skills at once and them nothing for a little while.

Dd came out of practice happy yesterday , I wish I could bottle the feeling for her to have on frustrating days lol.
Well done! I love reading posts like this!

Cartwheel on beam is a big deal, especially since she has had some fear issues on beam (I remember reading something like that). I have some girls who still sometimes struggle with cartwheel fears when they are already training for optionals.

I also love it how you say the coach takes a video of the new skills - I do that too. The parents and the girls are so happy to have videos of the big milestone skills they can look back when they feel like they are not learning anything.
Thank you, yes you are remembering correctly, dd did have a fear issue with them beam a few month ago after she had a fall, under encouragement and care from her coach she overcame her fears. Dd was the one who decided to try and do a cartwheel on the high beam, she didn't land her first couple of attempts and then when she tried again she did them in a strange way, she did what looks like a twisting bunny hop landing in a crouch sand then went higher until she was doing proper cartwheels, she did this without being asked.

I am really grateful that her coach videos her new skills, that way I get to view them with dd and then store them away along with other gymnastics videos of her that I have collected over the years.
That's great! That's the best feeling in the world. :)
ThE best part of this sport.....the success!!!!! Congratulations to your DD for working hard and getting those. The cartwheel is very scary!!!! Some of our older girls still split the beam!

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