Proud Parent
- Dec 22, 2016
- 845
- 1,960
I have to vent. DD (level 7) had her last meet of the season this weekend (we aren't doing state since its virtual and no awards etc letting the girls uptrain which I am ok with). They start on Floor. Season high score 9.45. Then to Vault... 9.05 (one of the highest for her team). Then Bars 9.5 second highest score for the season for her. Then her nemesis beam. She either falls on her series or falls on her full turn. Only stuck one this season and got a 9 on it cause of a big step on the dismount. I am a nervous wreck watching on zoom. She NAILS it best routine I have seen her do all year. Thinking this is it this is where she hits all events and gets 9s on all events (a big goal for her she has only done once in level 3). Score posted. 8.1?!?!?!?! I text the coach who had already put in an inquiry. They didn't give her credit for the series because she "didn't hold the handstand for 2 seconds" (she does HS BHS) I've watched the video 10 times I think its BS but I guess there is nothing to be done 
On the bright side she did the cutest little happy dance after she stuck her dismount and was thrilled with her performance. Shes like well next year I wont be doing HS BHS so it wont matter. Very proud of her great attitude this year. She used to be such an anxious kid and she is doing much better letting the lows roll off her back instead of dwelling in a negative head space. She said her coach told her to keep her blond butt on the beam and thats what she did. Coach said her beam was the highlight of her day.

On the bright side she did the cutest little happy dance after she stuck her dismount and was thrilled with her performance. Shes like well next year I wont be doing HS BHS so it wont matter. Very proud of her great attitude this year. She used to be such an anxious kid and she is doing much better letting the lows roll off her back instead of dwelling in a negative head space. She said her coach told her to keep her blond butt on the beam and thats what she did. Coach said her beam was the highlight of her day.