Our booster club is pretty straightforward. The budget is drawn up over the summer for the coming season, and parents are assessed a monthly fee for August-May. We pay a set fee/month which covers coaches meet expenses, coaches training, end of year banquets, and other misc. items. This year it is $70/month. Our meet fees, leos, warm ups, athlete registration is on top of that. After our last home meet- February- the budget is reassessed and if we took in more than expected, and gymnast accounts are up to date, we pay less for the remaining months. Most families opt to pay the full 12 months to help defer the expenses of these other items when they show up. Every competing gymnast pays the same amount regardless of level. (4-10) The fees are per family, not per gymnast. The coaches are paid by the gym for the training that takes place in the gym. Any Coaching that goes on at meets as well as their travel fees and per diem fees come out of the booster club fund.
We offer several annual fundraisers to offset dues. (Last year the dues were $55/month/family after all was said and done so many families did not have to pay last couple months of cycle or opted to continue paying and carry over balance to this year.) We have an annual garage sale, pancake breakfast, casino night as well as annual wreath, cookie dough, and entertainment book sales. The proceeds from the breakfast and casino night are equally distributed into gymnast accounts. The other fundraisers are funded into individual accounts based on individual participation and profit.
We host 2 in house meets annually, and typically host the Northern Sectional meet, as well. Gym families are required to volunteer a minimum # of hours per season at the meets. This year it is 22 hours/family. No one other than gymnast family members over age 18 staff our meets- from beam timers to announcers to snack bar to score inputs as well as meet set-up and tear down. If any family does not meet their required volunteer hour quota, they are assessed a $75/hour fee. The cost is so high because we rely on families to allow us to host successful meets, and if the "buy out" was reasonable our meets would not be so successful. Each family is also required to contribute an item valued at about $15 by September 1st that are used toward the raffle baskets. We have raffles at the compulsory meets and are known for our wonderful baskets. We typically have 3 items in each one and the items range from Jamba Juice, Itunes, and pro-shop gift cards to accessories and stuffed animals. One woman complies all of the items and arranges themed baskets which she then brings in, about 3-4 per compulsory session, to be raffled off. That counts as her yearly volunteer hours.
There is an annual election for board members, although there is transparency with elections, so I could see where it could get uncomfortable to stage a coup. Due to the fact that the parents who were not at the booster/parent club meetings tended to be the ones who had constant complaints/issues- it is now required that every family attend the monthly meeting just prior to all home meets.
New optional gymnasts arrange privates with the optional HC to work out their new routines. This money is paid directly to the coach, so the gym and booster accounts are not involved. (I would say that if you got choreography that you should pay for the service, regardless of whether the choreographer switched gyms, though.) Our coaches are able to do privates for any team at a rate of $50/hour -$10 for an additional child- and they keep the money themselves as opposed to the gym taking a cut. The gymnasts work this out with the coach directly and do not go through the gym.
We have a policy that when any family's account is $200 or more in arrears that their gymnast(s) will NOT be registered for any meets. The deadline for paying meet fees is typically at the beginning of each season. Compulsories pay for 6-8 meets in August and 3-4 more in December. Optionals pay for their meet fees in December. There are no refunds for meet fees unless there is an injury AND notice is given at least 1 week prior to the meet. No refunds for illness or gymnasts the change plans or quit.
I guess the most important thing is that there is complete disclosure prior to joining the team. A meeting is conducted where you go through the handbook and address each point so that you fully understand the commitment of time and money that will be required.