WAG Start value questions

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Proud Parent
If a floor routine will include: pike double back, roundoff back 1.5 twist front pike, front handspring front layout front layout, double turn, switch side popa. What is the start value for Level 10? for Level 9?

What if she does a front full instead of one of the front layouts?

If a beam routine will include: switch leap back tuck, bhs step out layout stepout, side aerial, split jump straddle jump, full turn, round off back 1.5 twist dismount. What is the start value for Level 9 & 10?

I'm usually pretty good at this sort of thing, but I'm having a brain cramp.

Thanks in advance
Double Pike = D (L9 = nothing, L10 = .1)
1.5/Pike =CB direct (L9 and L10 = .2)
FLO/FLO = BB direct (L9 and L10 = .1)
Double turn = B
Switch side/Popa C+C (L9 and L10 = .2)???
FLO/Front full =BC direct (L9 and L10 = .2)

Switch Leap/Back tuck - CC direct (L9 and L10 .2)
Bhs/LOSO - BC but gets .1 bonus at L9 and L10 per special rule
Side Aerial = D (L9 nothing, L10 .1)
Split Jump/Straddle Jump = BB (no bonus?)
Full turn = A
RO/Back 1.5 = BC but dismount bonus rules are different and I can't remember the current rule
Thanks lemon lime - I definitely had no idea about the beam dismount. I thought the split jump straddle jump might have been BC for .1 too, but I couldn't remember. And I thought switch leap back tuck was BC for .1 - thanks again!

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