Parents States & Stress

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Jan 22, 2008
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We have states coming up and I think I am more nervous than DD. I have not let DD know how stressed I have been but I think I have not had a good nights sleep for over a week. Does anyone else stress about states for their DD?

I have even asked DD if she is stressed or worried and she is cool as can be. All she says is I am ready and I will stay focused. This entire week she wants to just stay in the gym so I don't know if that is her way to cope with it all or not.
I think I stress more about the travel and schedule and hair than I do about the actual know, getting everyone where they need to be on time and having everything everybody needs...making sure they've eaten and are ready...because those things are MY contributions. The rest is up to her and completely out of my hands....I breathe a sigh of relief when I hand her off to the coaches at a meet!:)

I didn't stress as much over states as I did when she was having regular meets where she was trying to get her required score to move up to the next level. After she got her required score, I relaxed a whole lot because that was DD's main goal (and mine too) for the season.

If your DD is cool and calm then try to follow her lead...or at least let her THINK you are cool and calm and following her lead...;)

Good luck to her (and to you!) Deep'll make it!
I get stressed when dd goes to her meets so Im sure Id be a wreck if she had states LOL!!

Good luck to her and you as well!! She sounds very confident
Her comment to me tonight about states was the meet itself doesn't worry me. She is more worried about the awards. She said that is when she gets nervous. I had to laugh at that one. It is all over at that part and that is when she gets all nervous.

Send all the good luck fairies our way I think we are going to need them.

Your post made me laugh. I tell my daughter all the time that I have two jobs:
1. to get her to the meet on time
2. to make sure that her hair doesn't fall out.

The rest is up to her.

So far, I have met my jobs 100% of the time. Well, almost. There was a lot of ice on our way to our last states and tons of accidents including one at our exit which forced me to detour. We got there after open warm up began but well before march-in. Hopefully this time the whether will be clear this time.

I haven't focussed on my third job which is to pay for everything, but I think she gets that part of it.
I get nervous and excited for every meet. Nervous because I don't want them to get hurt, make a bad mistake and of course I want them to be able to perform as well as they possibly can. But that is all out of my hands. I get excited because I just love (and hate) this sport! I enjoy watching the girls and their team mates.

If your daughter is calm and cool, that's great. Try to just go with the flow and enjoy!
PS My oldest has also said that the awards part makes her nervous :)
I get nervous the night before and the day of. I have gotten better over time. It is her sport and there is nothing I can do but be there to watch and support her regardless of the outcome. I hope that I will get to where I am not nervous at all, but I doubt it. LOL. Always worrying about our kiddos.

Good luck to your DD at States. Hope she has a great meet.
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I also get nervous but I think it is more nerve wracking qualifying for states. I also get stressed out about her hair staying in. Never thought I would say this but I am looking forward to the day when my daughter can go to a meet that the coaches take her to and I can just drop her off at the airport. ( the optionals at daughters gym do this).
I get nervous for her, but try and remember this is for FUN. If she does great, wonderful, but if she does poorly--no big deal. She can try again next year
I also get nervous and excited before every meet, and I seem to think that there's a different great reason to hope she's does well before each one. :) This is a crazy sport that can be an emotional roller coaster for the parents no matter how laid back the parent is or how hands-off he or she is with the sport. Even my Dad, who has a great, positive attitude that is not overly competitive, is driven to pre-meet and during-meet jitters, nervous laughs, tense shoulders, and tears of pride when watching Cait in a meet.

I'm glad that your daughter is so calm and focused. Keep trying to appear that way, too! :)
I get extremely nervous before and during a meet. I try to not show it, but I definitely feel it. I think it is more during the meet that I feel it.

I get very shaky (so photos are quite blurry).
I can't eat or drink hardly at all (while dh and dd2 enjoy snacks).
It doesn't matter if it is state, or just a preliminary, I feel the same.
I am always worried about the camera, trying to capture her in her split leap, or whatever, and usually mess up quite badly.
I also am nervous about dd2, who is usually playing on her Nintendo DS, and I have to remind her to at least watch her sister.
I'm also yelling at hubby to make sure he is video taping correctly.

I am basically a nervous wreck.

Absolutely! I think sometimes the parents stress more than the kids do.
But once in a while my DD will start to stress and I can always tell when it happens. The week before states this year she had terrible practices. Her coach got angry with her, she wasn't feeling well because she was recovering from severe allergies. That Friday night before states she came home from practice sobbing. I think she probably cried herself to sleep as well, but the next day she got up ready to go with a spring in her step! And she had a fantastic state meet and qualified for regionals for the first time.
I think sometimes they just have to let it out. For her it was crying all night, but it worked!
We as parents have to keep it together for them. It's hard! That's why CB is so great...we can all vent from time to time and know that we are not alone!!!

Your post made me laugh. I tell my daughter all the time that I have two jobs:
1. to get her to the meet on time
2. to make sure that her hair doesn't fall out.

The rest is up to her.

So far, I have met my jobs 100% of the time. Well, almost. There was a lot of ice on our way to our last states and tons of accidents including one at our exit which forced me to detour. We got there after open warm up began but well before march-in. Hopefully this time the whether will be clear this time.

I haven't focussed on my third job which is to pay for everything, but I think she gets that part of it.

LOL:D. I think the ice is a forgivable reason to be a little late for a meet!:D And yes, that third job is a BIG one!;)
I do get a little nervous for dd at States (or what we have as Championships), but try not to show it. I figure her coach has prepared her the best that she can and it is pretty much up to dd to do the rest. I try to be calm and not make a big deal about it. Of course I want her to do well and for her to do her best, but sometimes things are out of her control (judges scores and what other gymnasts do) so you can't really worry about that stuff.

I guess with as many cheerleading National competitions and gymnastics meets we have been to, I kind of have gotten used to it by now. I also look at the season as a whole and always point out the highlights and accomplishments throughout the year to my dd and not base her achievements or gym success on that "one last State meet".

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