Parents Taking the first step

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What I hoped would not happen looks like might be happening. Because of some of the issues at my dd's gym - things are not going well - and I am not happy with what has been happening. My gymmie has always said she will never leave and go to another gym - but lately she has been getting very frustrated. She isn't going to officially try another gym yet - but is going to go to practice with one of her friends who recently switched to another gym and really likes it there. She is going to sit with her friends mom and watch the whole practice to see what she thinks. The fact that she is even wanting to do this kind of tells me it is the beginning of end at her current gym. I am so aggravated it has to come to this. Last night I stayed to watch and because the owner can't afford enough coaches the team coaches were doing classes. My dd was pretty much on her own for 2 hours - at which point I actually pulled her out in the middle of practice, told the owner that was unacceptable and left for the night. I told the owner that if things don't change we are going to have to leave for good. Of course she was trying to convince us things will get better - but my dd needs this summer to train hard to be ready for next season. I really just feel like screaming !!!
That sounds really unsafe. She is not supposed to be teaching herself gymnastics. Does the owner have any definite, specific plans for more coaches? Is she interviewing or anything now? Our gym is losing a coach to nursing school soon but the owner has already hired another coach and I think is planning on hiring another one, too.
The owner likes Russian coaches - which can take 6 months to a year to get all the paperwork in order to bring a new coach over. I'm not willing to wait that long. She is still getting what she needs on floor and beam - but her bars and vault not really. Last night she was working bars herself for an hour- new skills mind you - and finally crashed and hurt her knee. She didn't hurt it badly - swollen and bruised, but she will be ok in a day or two. It could have been a lot worse though. That is when I went and actually pulled her out of practice.
wow that does sound unsafe!
I would def be pulling my dd out of that gym
I dont mind an open gym sometimes where the coaches are all over helping kids and all but you are paying for the coaches to coach and keep your kids safe! good luck
Yeah - I have to do something soon. She is not one to talk about things that are bothering her - but her attitude is way off. I can tell she is freaking out about the whole thing, but she doesn't want to face what is going on. I guess that is pretty typical for an 11 year old.
When your Mom radar starts pinging you know that it's time for action.

Your first great move was to pull your DD out of a dangerous situation.

Your second great move was to tell the owner that you were not happy.

My third move would be to call the coach/owner and ask exactly what his training plans are for your daughter. If he does not have anything concrete to offer you and your DD, that is a coach to train her all times she is in the gym who is able and qualified to do so, time to move on out of the door and let your wallet do the talking.

If they have nothing solid to offer, you clearly have no other choice but to leave. I totally get your DD's feelings, my girls love their gym so much, I think they would quit rather than change gyms. Tough age too, isn't it? So much going on inside her head and body, without having to start over again.

Sounds like the gym where her friend went has potential, probably time for some research.

Wish you luck.
Great call on your part to pull your dd out of the gym. No coach around and a gymnast trying to teach herself new skills is a set up for a more serious injury than what she suffered. Plus, she's not there to teach herself. As I recall thats what parents pay the gym to do. What are the other girls at her level doing?

I think you need a sit down appointment type meeting with the owner and whoever is in charge of the team program and try to get some firm answers. If everything is still vague and "up in the air" after that, then do check out the other gym.

Keep us updated!!
I think you are making the righ decision. Your daughter is giving you good information by her willingness to look at another gym. Remember if you leave and the gym follows through and gets really good coaches you could return (if you do everything up front) but don't wait too long. She will miss out on valuable training time and could get injured in the process. Good Luck.
Thank you all so much for your support during my time of head spinning confusion. Here is the latest.... My dd did not go to practice last night because she had a birthday party to go to. No one knew this so after Monday they all thought we were leaving. After practice one of the coaches (her favorite and mine - the reason why leaving would be really hard) actually called my dd on her cell phone to talk to her. They are very close - my dd spends the night at her house quite often. Anyway she was really happy to hear that they reason she wasn't there was because of a party. She then went on to tell my dd that there are new coaches starting when the fall schedule starts and that over the summer no classes are scheduled during team workout times so there is no conflict. Our summer schedule starts tomorrow so we will see. Anyway - my dd is still going to watch the other practice to see what she thinks - but really wants to wait at least a month to see if things get better. So stay tuned for further updates on "How the gym turns....."
That was nice the coach called her I think that means something.
I see how it would be tought to leave someone like that.
God luck
Wow, that is very, very scary. Kids should not be left on their own to learn new skills. It is understandable that sometimes gyms will be short on coaches and compromises must be made. Coaches can get sick or leave suddenly and the gym may be left with very little choice. But this should first of all be a once off occaision, like perhaps the gym had no notice time to organise something else. It should not be happening more than once in a blue moon. And if it does happen it should be organised so that all kids are supervosed in a safe manner.

There is no reason why the team coaches could not have worked things out and combined classes in order to ensure every child was being appropriatly supervised. Did the owner step out on the floor to help supervise the kids? Because ensuring safety is very much the owners responsibility.

You have every right to be very upset, your daughters safety is at major risk here.

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