Parents The end is near...

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Proud Parent
Feb 6, 2014
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It's hard for me to even post this, but next Friday is officially my ODDs last day of artistic gymnastics. While I really wish we didn't have to pull the plug, I can say that I've done everything I could and she gave it everything she had. I feel like the universe just kept conspiring to make it harder and harder to continue till I finally yelled uncle.

My YDD is still doing T&T and my ODD will be trying rhythmic, amongst other things.

Thanks for all the advice and encouragement over the past few years!
I'm sorry to hear this. I understand totally where you are coming from though. Hope she has fun trying rhythmic...wish we had that option here!
So sorry. I know how you feel. I had to make this decision for DD 6 months ago. Different reasons, but still, it was very painful for her and for me.
Good luck with whatever she decides to do next!
:( So sorry it is ending this way, but so glad you/she can walk away knowing you did everything within your powers for her to stay.

GOOD LUCK to her in trying rhythmic! It looks like so much fun!
I'm sorry it has to end. You definitely did your darnedest!!!
Good luck to her in everything she does. She surely has a great base to build from!
Awe! This makes me so sad. I can't imagine how hard this is on both of you. I hope she enjoys having the time to discover new things. Please keep us updated on how she is doing!
I know it is not an easy decision to make. I hope she has fun exploring a different side of gymnastics. And you've done great. I think it's the journey that matters and you've definitely provided a great one for your daughter. Good luck!
I am sorry to hear it did not work out, as I know she loves the sport. I hope that rhythmic and her other pursuits are awesome experiences for her.
I know it is tough, but I hope that rhythmic treats you guys well :)
Thanks everyone! The rhythmic class is actually at YDDs gym, and it's really for much littler girls, but she'll be doing it rec style just for fun. Flexibility has always been her strong suit, so why not I guess. Bonus is both girls in one place, plus YDDs coach offered to work tumbling with ODD. She's also going back to ballet and plans to start salsa and crossfit.
Thanks everyone! The rhythmic class is actually at YDDs gym, and it's really for much littler girls, but she'll be doing it rec style just for fun. Flexibility has always been her strong suit, so why not I guess. Bonus is both girls in one place, plus YDDs coach offered to work tumbling with ODD. She's also going back to ballet and plans to start salsa and crossfit.
Ah. I love ballet! Sounds like she's going to keep very busy!
You both absolutely gave it 100%. I am sorry that it has to end this way. I wish her all the best and hope she finds something else to be passionate about. I know that she will give 100% in whatever she does. And I am glad we will still see you at T&T Regionals :)
My DD is 50/50 now also, trying to debate if I should start a thread or not about it. Best of luck to both of them! I know that I'll miss you MILfam.
Sad to hear this but sounds like she's got a good plan of action to stay active! Rhythmic sounds fun!

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