Parents Tightening Up

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Proud Parent
Oct 25, 2011
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So DD (turned 6 in November) is on Pre-Team. Tonight after practice her coach approached me to tell me that DD has a lot of potential as a gymnast, natural strength, flexiblity, quick learner and a gymnasts physique (at least at this point). She can do most of the skills that are being taught with seemingly little effort, but her coach pointed out something that has been driving me crazy for a while now... she won't tighten her body up! She can do pullovers, back hip circles, back walkovers, etc. with ease but won't keep her legs straight, together and toes pointed. She just kind of flops around for lack of a better way of putting it. If she's reminded right before doing a skill, to keep herself tight she can/will do it, but left on her own, it is the farthest thing from her mind. To her, gymnastics is just a whole lot of fun, which I am glad about, but I am just wondering if this is something she will become more aware of as she matures? Or are there somethings I should be doing with her at home?
Occasional private lessons helped my dd when she was 5 and on pre-team, they did help her learn to tighten up since she'd have the one-on-one feedback from the coach, but she'd still get sloppy sometimes in class, especially if her coach wasn't watching. She recently turned 6, moved up a level, moved gyms, and she has an amazing coach, and wow, how she has improved! But it is because EVERY thing the coach does with the girls, revolves around the details. The start of a handstand, the handstand itself, the finish, every piece of it, she reminds them, toes pointed, bodies straight, legs together, etc... Every apparatus, every skill, it is reinforced. I have no idea if it's necessary at the pre-team level or not, and you'd hate to make it "not fun" when she's so little. When she is ready to move up and start competing, they will hopefully make a point of tightening her up, provided it's a good gym, with good coaches.
Ah, to be six years old again....

So she's six, and just doesn't "get it" that gymnastics is most easily done, and most quickly learned by keeping every bodypart in the right place with the right amount of tension. She'll figure it out one of these days......and there doesn't need to be a "rush" on that day cuz when she "gets there" she'll be there more completly if it's of her own accord.
She'll get it...with time, practice and lots of reminders! Maybe video her doing skills floppy and tight and so she can see the difference. Kids are very visual or sometimes don't realize how they're doing something til you show the, proof. :)
For some kids, the tightness, straight lines, pointed toes comes naturally and for others it will require reminding and "working on it." She will eventually get to the point where she has trained her body to this without thinking about it, it might just take a lot of coach corrections. But that's ok at this point - she'll get it!
So DD (turned 6 in November) is on Pre-Team. Tonight after practice her coach approached me to tell me that DD has a lot of potential as a gymnast, natural strength, flexiblity, quick learner and a gymnasts physique (at least at this point). She can do most of the skills that are being taught with seemingly little effort, but her coach pointed out something that has been driving me crazy for a while now... she won't tighten her body up! She can do pullovers, back hip circles, back walkovers, etc. with ease but won't keep her legs straight, together and toes pointed. She just kind of flops around for lack of a better way of putting it. If she's reminded right before doing a skill, to keep herself tight she can/will do it, but left on her own, it is the farthest thing from her mind. To her, gymnastics is just a whole lot of fun, which I am glad about, but I am just wondering if this is something she will become more aware of as she matures? Or are there somethings I should be doing with her at home?

I had to laugh when I read this, because I could write the exact same thing. Mine turned 6 in October, and has noodle-syndrome as well at times. I've come to the conclusion that she just doesn't see the point yet, or get it, and when it comes it comes. Her HC put it as, her gymnastics is ahead of her maturity. The funny thing is, if they have a competition or game in the gym, or she takes a rec class, she miraculously tightens up and looks like a completely different kid. Drives us all crazy. :-) I can say, even in the last few months, it's slowly but surely getting a little better. It's hard to notice when you see them every day (kind of like growing), but if I look back at a video, I can see the improvements.
Thanks for all the responses! Nice to know this is not unusual :) Guess we will just contiune to reinforce when she's doing her splits and things at home and see how things go.
There was a point where it "clicked" for DD and things markedly changed after that from a kid doing skills in succession to a gymnast competing routines. I think it was largely a mental thing where she realized what was being asked of her and why it worked and suddenly "got it". She now understands skills and their mechanics/physics (quite well for a 9 year old) and she has awareness of where her body parts are while doing them. The difference has been remarkable.

If I knew what made that happen, I'd tell you! But, it will come in time.
my oldest (cheerleader) demonstrated what tight really meant to my 5y.o. she had her hold her arms up and then said, "i'm going to try to know them down.. if they are tight they will not fall.." they went on to legs next.. and tummy. i really think that is what made it all cliclk for lil one.. make sure she gets what "tight" really means.. my dd has nice form.. takes her a lil while to get a skill, but when she gets it, it's lovely :)

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