Parents Two gyms?

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Proud Parent
Feb 6, 2014
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My younger dd is in (4) advanced rec class at our current gym, while my older dd competes xcel bronze there. Despite making every effort for the last 18 months to be invited to team, it hasn't happened for her. The HC suggested T&T might be a better fit for younger dd because her bar skills (and strength) are just not coming along. The HC even suggested a gym where dd could try T&T. Today we had her evaluation class at the suggested gym, and they want her on the preteam and said she could move to team in June. She would like to do this, as she did enjoy the lesson immensely, but her favorite thing is beam and she would like to continue one rec class at her current gym. Since artistic and T&T are seperate sports (and current gym doesn't have T&T) is it still passé to have younger dd attend both gyms? The new gym does offer artistic, but dd loves her current rec coach, and the current school is MUCH cheaper and close, so for a fun class I would rather let her stay since she wants to. I don't want to do anything that would make it awkward for older dd finishing her season though.
They suggested it,correct? I would double check, but can't imagine why they would have a problem.
HC suggested it as a means of figuring out whether dd would like it for after we move. Not sure she expected them to invite her right on- she never did it before. I will just ask flat out. Only reason I would even think it would be weird is the artistic side they are major competitors.
It is not a big deal. In Australia it is not that uncommon for gymnasts to attend more than one gym. Often due to the fact that different gyms offer different gymsports. We have about 10 gymnasts who attend our gym and another. Mainly for sports aerobics. One for tramp and tumbling and we do have one who does WAG at both gyms, but only competes in one.

The rules in Australia are that they can have dual membership at as many gyms as they like and they can compete for as many gyms as they like. But they can't compete for more than one gym in the same gymsport.
If they suggested it for your older DD I would think it is no problem. :) IMO it is similar to one child going to a gym for cheer and one to another gym for gymnastics. Two different sports, no problem. :)
I'm confused. Is the current gym saying that your 4 yr old is not cut out for team? This seems like an extreme judgment to make at 4 years old. Did I miss something? But yes, if the current gym doesn't offer the t&t and recommended it in the first place, it doesn't sound like it's a problem. I think it's a little ridiculous to decide a 4 yr old will never be cut out for team, but I'm not an expert.
Yes, the gym is saying that she's not cut out for Artistic, but I think that she is older than 4.
Ah, I saw the 4 and read it as her 4yr old.
Yes, she is 10. She has been doing gym for 18 months, and they have been clear team isn't really in her future. Of course we are moving, so a different place/ different gym may be different, but this is one of the most inclusive gyms there is, from what I am told. The T&T coach yesterday she could train level 4 right now and be competing level 5 quickly. After talking to the T&T school, our school, my hubby, and my kids, we decided against starting preteam there. There were a number of factors, some of them financial, some not, that pushed the decision. Once we move she will switch her focus, and I am looking at gyms that offer both so my DDs can train at the same gym. For our last few month here younger DD will stay with her rec classes and focus on getting stronger.
Different gyms are looking for different things in different kids. She may not be right for Artistic in one gym but would be fine in another.
If she loves events in artistic that she would give up in T and T I would definitely look at options for artistic in the new area. If she feels like a "failure" with whatever events the present gym thinks she will "never" get...then by all means move on to T and T!

at 10 she's on the fence - some gymnasts that age aren't fast learners but still have personally successful JO careers (I am thinking of one girl I know who is 14 now and "finally" moving faster - looking at optionals next year - after 2 years L4(old) 2 years L5(old) in one meet and 3 months training qualified for state new 5...will do well in new L6). Some gyms are great at allowing girls with all levels of talent (well - really they have to have SOME) move at their own pace, and celebrating that tumbling talent while working hard to get the bars (I assume) up to level over time...

It really depends a great deal on what your DD wants and what makes her feel successful - if she needs to "win" than gym may not be "it" for her - if she needs to learn and grow while exercising and having a team experience - then you just need to find the right coach/team!!

My DS was asked to try the viola last year - because his teacher was concerned that because he kept coming in "second" in concerto contests he might lose heart (on the violin). Viola is easy for an advanced violinist and easier to "win" at because so many fewer kids play it (like T and T in gym) forward 6 months, he tried viola, it was easy but lost interest in a month - got a NEW violin teacher who was very excited to teach him and he has made huge progress on the instrument he loves! Still likely to come in second....but the important thing is HE NEVER CARED about the short term difficulties - he loves the violin....if your DD loves artistic don't make her change until she's ready - a new atmosphere may work wonders!
Gracyomally, I love your response and agree with you completely. Currently she does feel like a failure, but I believe she would be happy to keep trying if her coaches believe in her. She doesn't want medals, as much as she wants the opportunity to be a part of a team. Thanks for your words!

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