Off Topic ugh. roommate rant.

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Feb 8, 2008
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So last year when there was the roommate matching program online for my college I had killed my dad's laptop which I was using after I killed my upstairs computer, and I was super busy with gymnastics, cheerleading and such, so I missed the deadline to select my roommate.

I had requested to be in a certain hall which makes an effort to be extra involved and have fun on campus. A couple weeks later when I got a call saying that there was an opening in this hall and if I wanted it I should call back, so I called right away.

I have loved the last two months living in the dorms and have met all kinds of awesome people. My roommate isn't one of them. She has a highly unhealthy relationship with her boyfriend back home, who is only a junior in high school. If she isn't sleeping (which she does goes to bed at about 9:30) or in class (which is kinda rare as she skips often) she is on the phone or computer talking to her boyfriend. While most people arrange their room so there is a big open space in the middle I refuse to arrange our room that way because we decided we need a dividing line down the middle of our room as she is a complete slob and I am a neat freak.

This is quite annoying, and my solution has been to be a third roommate to about 4-5 different rooms and doing nothing more than sleeping in my room. As long as I had my ear buds in my ears listening to something while I was in the and i couldn't hear her saying "I love you boo bear! I love you!" nearly constantly I was fine and could resist the urge to strangle her. But yesterday out of the blue she dumps her boyfriend and starts dating the single most annoying kids I have ever met who happens to live one hall over. It's super bizarre for her to be the one coming in at 3 am. I'm really not looking forward to the inevitable break up. Ugh roomates!
I'm sorry for your negative experience. Some people go abroad, transfer, or drop out after first semester so be on the lookout for open rooms to switch to. My school has a list for people looking to swap rooms. You should talk to your residential life department to see about switching at semester.

I now have to give props to mine. I have the best roommate in the entire world. I was sick this week, and she made me hot chocolate and offered to go to the store to get me anything I needed. Yesterday, I let her borrow my umbrella. She came back to our room before dinner to walk me over there because she didn't want me to get wet! I love her to death. Her boyfriend thinks I'm the best roommate however because when he came to visit, I slept in a friend's room (her roommate left a few weeks after school started). :)
I honestly wouldn't switch rooms over this, unless it's a strangely easy process for some reason. What's described seems mildly annoying, but it's more of a personality mismatch than anything. I would only switch rooms over a situation that was habitually impacting my ability to sleep or study and modifications couldn't be made, or someone who was openly hostile, etc. I would make an effort to do something with her without her boyfriend, suggest go getting lunch, baking cupcakes, etc. Maybe she will be more candid with you in that situation and you can get some sort of shared understanding.
Stick with it until an opening comes up, but what you get may be worse. HAving roomamates is all part of learning to live with people who are not you family, and therefore not like you. A bit like getting married!!! It is very good to learn to be adaptable and tolerate of different lifestyle choices as you will meet many different kinds of people along the way.

YOur roommate doesn't sound bad, she just isn't "your kind of person", but how many people in one town fit that bill any way.

Good luck!
I'm not about to switch rooms or anything, but if she suddenly decided to drop out of college and I never saw her again I would be quite happy. I am a very patient and tolerant person which is why I haven't tried to switch rooms. Every person in my hall tells me they have no idea how I can live with her, mostly because when she used to go out into the hall and threaten people with a tennis racket when they were talking in the hallway after quiet hours. The area around my room was actually dubbed the "no fun zone" because she would flip out on people every night.

What was the most annoying was how she was always talking to her (now ex?) boyfriend because they would talk on skype and they would just leave it on all night and I would wake up to find him on the computer screen watching her sleep... that's what I call a MAJOR creeper.
Okay the skype thing is a bit much, girls needs some headphones. As for the watching her sleep on skype, that would be a deal breaker, no way anyone should leave that happening.
Yeah, I would talk to your RA about it, especially the Skype part...that is majorly creepy and I mean, he could be watching you too for all you know.

One of my friends from HS was telling me about major roommate issues too. Her roomie like didn't take showers and was a little too up close and personal with her bf while my friend was in the room too. Her RA had a talk with them and things were a bit better.

But really it sounds like things are a bit better now that she has a real bf. The "no fun zone" But threatening people with a tennis raquet is a bit much, you should def tell your RA about that.

Ahhhh, the things I have to look forward to next year......
Well, that stuff is weird. Someone should talk to an RA about that.
The web cam only pointed at her side of the room when they were on all night, I made sure of that. And the RA did talk to her about the tennis racket thing already. I just deleted and blocked her ex on facebook, so it should be all good now. I can only hope she drops out at semester...

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