Parents Update on Gym looking!!

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Proud Parent
Feb 10, 2007
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we went on Tuesday night to check the gym out the girls got to join in with the other kids!! the coaches were VERY impressed with my girls and if they choose to go to this gym they would get to stay together!
I did really like the coaches there as they took my kids to the side after the class and talked to them!! then came and talked to me!! to let me know what they would be in if I signed them up!!

There are 3 other gyms I would like to check out as I do not want to swtch gyms again my kids (esp oldest) is not a kid of change!! soo I need to keep them in mind!! they are excited about this!!
Sounds great. What you gonna do, if you like all of them? lol Hope it won't be too hard to make a choice for you and your girls.
we looked at another today they seemed to like this one better!!
I have to admit
I like the other better cause it didnt have the commercial feel!! the one thing about the one today as yes it was a big commercial gym but I have heard GREAT things about this one! and there have been a few college gymnasts come out of this one!! (not that that should be the reason for a gym ) it jsut seems like they will get more of what they need!!

I think next week we will check out another one! classes are done but they have an open gym time that we can check out!! (I kinda like the open gym times they have since my kids always ask to do more!! this way if we are needing things to do and there work is done etc! we can!! does that make sense!!

so far there are good and bad things about both!! we will have to see!
MGM, sounds like you're taking a very smart path in deciding on gyms. Don't be taken in by glitz and flash---the kids will! You want them in a program where they are not just a face in the crowd and you've mentioned your 7yo is rather shy, so you don't want her in an enviornment where she feels overwhelmed.

Keep notes on each gym--positive and negative. If it comes down to 2 gyms and your dds haven't done a class at one, call and ask about a trial class. Open gym can be totally different from what is offered and done in a class setting. In another thread I read where it seems like being able to stay and watch is important to you. Make sure you get a firm answer on whether that is ok. When parents are "trying out" gyms, many times they will let you do what you want for a couple of times, then tell you they have policies that you really don't like.

If it comes down to a tough call, go back and simply watch the class your dds would be in. Sometimes it looks alot different when you're not distracted watching your own children. Bottom line is gyms are a business. What you want to find is one that cares about how your dds progress.
GLM! thanks soo much for yout input!! that is the reason I am putting it out here!! I do Not have experience with gym shopping!! we have just gone to gyms before cause that is where there friends were!! most of them have wither quit or moved on!! anyhow thanks for the ideas of writing it down!! I didnt do that yet I will !!
and yes my oldest is very shy!! thats just her!! I do think this summer has been the best for her and her confidence!!
Also go to the gym with out your kids. Go look around and sit with other parents and causaully ask their opionions. The most honest answers you will get is from other parents etc. You are lucky to have so many gyms in your area to chose from. We only have one gym but the best coach in the world.
WE just looked at the last one!! it os down to 2 gyms that we are happy with!! and that we feel would be a good fit!! tho the one today said my dd would be on the petite elites as soon as an opeing opens up!! but they didnt seem to really care about my older dd! (I do admit she is not really interested in competeing but I still think she desservs to be treated fairly as she loves gymnastics!! and still wants to learn!! so I was not really impressed with this gym!! tho I do think they have a good program just not what would be a good fit for my kids!!

I think we are goin to go with the first place we looked at since the cost is lower and a bit more in our cost range (still could be cheaper ~yea right LOL)
anyhow soo we found one!!
MGM---glad you found a gym that will work for both girls!!! The gym that only seemed interested in your younger one would not have worked well for the family. Whether your 7 yo wants to compete or not, she should be in an enviornment where she can learn more about the sport and then make her own decision. Sounds like the one gym was making it for her.
MGM---glad you found a gym that will work for both girls!!! The gym that only seemed interested in your younger one would not have worked well for the family. Whether your 7 yo wants to compete or not, she should be in an enviornment where she can learn more about the sport and then make her own decision. Sounds like the one gym was making it for her.

your right it would not have worked for the family!!
I soo agree on needing an enviornment that she can learn in as well!! this is the sport that seems to give her confidence! I want to see that grow!!

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