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Mar 5, 2008
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What's going on, ChalkBucketeers?

It's a cool summer night here in Sydney, with a breeze flowing in through the open door. I'm waiting on the Boy to get home from work, listening to music (okay, singing along to Hairspray and RENT) and sipping on a bottle of Beck's (If you care, I'm wearing a khaki skirt and a Celtic Woman tour t-shirt from 2008).

I watched Superstars of Dance tonight. It was pretty good, though there was no rhyme or reason to the order of the dancers. The opening narration called Michael Flatley "the most popular dancer of all time." Um, okay then.
Snowing here, almost ran over a turkey on the way home yesterday. Kids are finished school, hubby's extended family are begining to descend today. And so the fun begins!

Hope you are adjusting to your new life, summer twice in one year cannot be all bad~ Plus they have BECKS!

Oh and the Michael Flatly thing, maybe you missed the last line which said "in his own head"! LOL
I'm currently at my aunt and uncle's place up in New Jersey. I'm spending the next few days with them, a few cousins, my parents, my brother, two grandparents, and a dog which seems to feel a particularly strong attraction to my left foot.
Ended my first semester of college with a 3.56 GPA. Not up to my usual standards, but for my very first semester in college I'll take it.

I've been back home a solid week now and I've been to the gym 4 times :) I did something funky to my knee when I landed on a locked leg when I peeled off the low bar trying to kip out of a clear hip... oops.

Big sister just finished college and promptly came down with the flu. I've spent the last couple days taking care of her. I figure if I managed not to catch swine flu when it swept through the dorms I can fight it off when only one person in the house has it rather than half the people in my hall.

And I have only gotten up before noon once this week. I get a lot done at 3 am when I'm still awake though, such as talking with a friend on skype for two hours because we broke into our other best friend's facebook profile and changed everything :D

Life is good right now :)
The good: finished undergrad (magna cum laude, woot!), had two awesome guest coaches at team camp, and discovered that a running FLO is surprisingly easy.

The bad: living with a teenage boy, jammed the heck out of my thumb on a RO drill, and am sporting several bruises from falling off the tumble track-- not while tumbling, but while stepping off. I am truly a gymnast.
Bog - it's awesome! Too effin' hot, though. Bleh. You don't have Beck's up there? (Also, LOL)

Tumbler & gymkat - well done!

Geoff - puppeh!
Doing good here for the most part. Parents & sister finally made it - they got snowed in an extra day on their way here. They got to watch DS basketball practice last might & DD gymnastic practice today. She learned her new floor routine today and it seems to suit her well.

Only downer is we just found out our sweet dog (7 yr old boxer) has Lymphoma. : (
we are all very sad about this, but dealing with it ok for now.

Glad you are enjoying Australia !

GT - hope you made it to NJ either before or after the snowstorm and not during !!
Oh, GymMom, I'm so sorry to hear about your poor pup. :( Can they do anything for her?
Oh, GymMom, I'm so sorry to hear about your poor pup. :( Can they do anything for her?

Thanks Cynical - Chic. No, not really. They put her on Prednisone and that is helping for the moment. Once that can no longer keep the tomors from going we will gave to say good-bye. Chemo is possible, but thousands of $ that we don't have and only give maybe a year at the most.

Today we are thankful we will have her for Christmas. Our concern was having to put her down at Christmas ( 2 kids that would have broken hearts for the holidays).

I hope you have a wonderful holiday in your new home, even if it's hot !!!!
Sorry to hear that gymmom :(

I nearly broke my neck today because the council has no money to grit the roads or pavements, so all the snow has frozen and the hill outside my house is now like a bloody ice rink.

On the other hand, It's the first white Christmas in years here which is lovely, and we have two new babies in the family which is even better!

Merry Christmas everyone :)

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