Back layout full twist

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Nov 14, 2013
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Does anyone have any tips for a back layout full twist? I can do a half one alright but I can't twist fast enough for a full one
I have the same problem my halfs are really nice but I try any more and I just lose all control
I have this problem as well.
I also have this problem with front fills. I can do halfway beautifully but can't get around a full.
That's the same with me as well with my front fulls
keep going with it and just keep trying, it took me years to get my full but once you get it its really hard to lose! make sure you take it up first (dont twist from the floor) and pull in really hard, maybe speak to you coach about the different arm techniques because sometimes you will find one way easier than another :)
Never learn halves!!!!!!!!!!!! They always screw up the fulls. Anyway, when you set to twist, you keep one arm up, and the other you swipe across your body in the way your twisting like your punching somebody. That's how I learned mine
That's not true every kid in my gym including myself learned a half then half jump half turn then fulls. Same for double fulls. If you have bad technique it won't work. A video would help to give you ideas!
My recommendation is set like you do for your half and when you pull to twist don't open up, but keep pulling. Make sure you work on setting. If you get more height on your flip you'll have more time to twist. Also, do them off a tumble track.

And I don't mean to high jack the post or anything, but because your post is about back twisting does anyone have any tips on how to twist later? I twist WAY too early.
That's pretty smart! I'm going to try that at practice tonight, thank you! Does that make it difficult to get twists around at all?
Never learn halves!!!!!!!!!!!! They always screw up the fulls. Anyway, when you set to twist, you keep one arm up, and the other you swipe across your body in the way your twisting like your punching somebody. That's how I learned mine

I'm not saying your wrong but I think that if you can you should learn to set both arms up then as you pull your arms to the sides thats when the twist happens. My coach taught me and every other girl in my gym to twist like this and he has a couple girls doing triple twists. This tends to create the least amount of problems and it looks super pretty too!

That's not true every kid in my gym including myself learned a half then half jump half turn then fulls. Same for double fulls. If you have bad technique it won't work. A video would help to give you ideas!

As for turning a half twist into a full, I also learned to twist in halves. You want to add on too the end not the beginning. So make sure you do your set and then twist. The more you do it the easier it gets. I don't get to practice much anymore, but whenever I do, one of the things that comes back the easiest is back twisting because this is the easiest way! In fact we used to play a game on tumble track where we would start with a half twist. If we landed we would do a full and work our way up adding a half each time. We went as high as we could twist.. for me it was 2 1/2, for others 3+. Then once we got all the way up, we would have to work our way back down to a half. It was great for our landing awareness. Anyways my point is that half twisting is just as important as any other amount of twisting if not more important.

Hope this helps!

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