Parents L6 States Over, Done with Compulsories!

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Little Monkey was all pumped up for States. She has been working really hard with the coaches, tweaking everything, etc. She has been absorbing their lessons like a little sponge. That's why today was such a sad ending to an otherwise awesome season!

We had an 11:30am report time, so I figured we'd leave by 10:30 to get gas and get on the road for a 40 minute ride. At 10 am Tess discovered that her grip bag was not in her gym bag. Thankfully we were all ready to leave so we jumped in the car and ran to the gym - meanwhile I was texting the coaches, director, gym owner and his wife to see if the gym was even open. One coach texted back that she remembers seeing the bag in the bathroom yesterday. Seriously? ????? There could have been a mass text or email last night saying did anyone leave a grip bag since we had girls competing in 2 locations today! We got there, gym was open, it was in the bathroom, UGH.

I think there were 43 kids, they placed out 10 places.

This was the same venue that Blackie described, so 2 flights to each squad, alot of down time in between events.

First event - floor, she felt confident about the changes/corrections. A little bobble - 9.0 (10th place was 9.1).

Vault - run was good but took big step back. 8.9 (10th place was around 9.3 or 9.4)

Bars - during warmups of the first half of the squad there was a fire alarm pulled it was a long wait. Then she had to rush thru warmups -4 girls 4 settings each girl got 2 turns rather than being able to "share" the warmup time with someone else. Routine starts, arms a bit bent on kip but nice cast, she fell on squat on not once but twice - I'm sure she lost the skill too. 7.1 Bars placed out to around 9 so had she nailed it like she has done before, she probably would have placed.

Beam - rock solid beautiful routine right up to the dismount, where she just folded over out of her handstand, got up and fell backwards. WTF? She has never fallen out of her beam dismount, she is known for her strength!! 8.1. Probably would have place on beam too...but oh well.

All this she came away with smiles, gotta love this kid. We asked if she wanted to do level 6 again and try again at states and she said NO. She's done compulsories. I wish her last Level 6 meet would have ended better. I think AA 33.15 is her lowest all season. :(

She is excited to get to practice tomorrow and start working on new skills and routines! Level 7 here we come!
oh, i'm so sorry that States weren't what she was hoping for. Sounds like several things going against her there. At least she's done with compulsories now and has the fun of her own routines to look forward to. Good luck at Level :)
I just sent you FB message but someone was greasing those bars when our daughters were going, LOL

I hated that down time it would have been nice (as in the past at that gym for meets) if they could ahve warmed up in the back and then been ready to compete after the first flight. Would have gone really quick. I heard that the one in charge of the equiptment did not want the stuff used in the back gym. I guess when Rutgers sponsers the meet they have people there to supervise, not sure, but would have made for faster meet. Girls are already waitting long in their flights but then to wait at least another 20 min til warm-up next event means about 30 min or more between events!

You & I think alot alike and feel the same way. Gymnastics is a long haul, you can't take it too seriously and as long as you know they have the skills and capable of better, you ahve to LOL and move on. My DD was also all smiles and I love that she is not a serious girl. The serious ones were crying all over the place yesterday and becoming un-glued. Some that have often placed higher than my DD were not at the state meet because they were stressed. She will be fine in L7. CONGRATS!
The serious ones were crying all over the place yesterday and becoming un-glued. Some that have often placed higher than my DD were not at the state meet because they were stressed. She will be fine in L7. CONGRATS!

OMG, my oldest DD's teammate gets yelled at by her parents when she doesn't do well. The girl is one big mess right now. Kelsey said "mom you never yell when I don't do well" Of course not! Gymnastics is so hit or miss, as long as you try your best that is all that matters, and have fun doing it! Little monkey worked her butt off the last couple of weeks and we are so proud of how far she has come. Her coaches know how much she has improved. This morning when we went to get her grips the HC came out and gave her a big hug and said good luck and have fun. That is one thing about our gym, it is such a relaxed atmosphere (sometimes too relaxed, lol) that no one really cares about scores or titles!
That sounds like a tough meet, but I bet she's glad to start level 7. Does she get to decide to go on to level 7, or do the coaches?

Does she get to decide to go on to level 7, or do the coaches?

The coaches decided that she will move up because of how well she's done all season (her last Sectional AA was over 36) and also the skills that she has been working on like BHS on beam and giants. HC told me that week that she will move up and today the coach she was with said the same.
Isn't it nice to move on the L7. Congrats on making it through compulsories, that is such a rare thing!

Sorry the meet wasn't all it could have been, but as we know, gymnastics is like that!
Wow what a great feeling to be done with very very VERY exciting.

I am sure that is it disappointing to not have her best meet at states but WOW she has so much to look forward to now!!! :D

Congrats to her for finishing L6! (and to you, too!);)
congrats!!!!!! how wonderful is it to be done with compuslories?!!!!!lol :) now she can start bloming into her own unique gymnast!!!!
Sorry the meet didn't go as well as she hoped. Little monkey handled herself with poise and grace. I love that she isn't so concerned with scores and placements but instead focuses on hard work, self improvement and most of all fun! Little monkey sure is a winner in my book! Congrats on making it through compulsories and the move into optionals!
Bummer on how LM's State meet went, but big ole YAY for moving onto optionals!!!! :D She sounds more than ready to move on!
So sorry to hear that LM did not have the best State Meet, but she had a great season and it sounds like she is taking it all well and looking forward to level 7! Yay!
it sounds like she is taking it all well and looking !

She's already forgotten all about it - plans to get her hair cut today now that she doesn't need to put it up for several months. She told me she does not want to do USAIGC, she just wants to "practice".

Me on the other hand.... I just received score sheets for the meet and it made me a little nauseous to see how she did, knowing how she really could have done. I know, it sounds terrible for me to say that. I am super proud of her and I need to "let it go" like she has!
Sorry the meet didn't go as well as you both would have hoped :(. That is the unpredictability of this sport!! I am glad that she still ended the meet with a smile and is looking forward to Level 7!! Optionals are a whole new ballgame and so much fun! Dani LOVES the freedom she has with her routines and her coach is awesome at choreography and incorporating her strengths to bring out her personality. I am sure your monkey will rock at optionals!
Bummer that it didn't go as well as she'd hoped, but sounds like she is ready to move on! Good luck to her in level 7!!
Sorry that States didn't go as well as she had hoped and proud of her for being happy with it and moving on. I know what you mean about the what ifs. I had some moments with that after Abby's state meet. :eek: If she had done the beam routine she had been doing, she could have been top 3, maybe even first on beam AND AA had she done the routine she had done the weekend before, but she didn't, it happens. That is gymnastics for ya. She was totally happy with how she did and I was extremely proud of her, but those woulda couldas bugged me for a few days. Then I let it go. I know you will, too. :)

So exciting for her to be moving onto level 7! Hope she has fun training for level 7 and getting her routines, etc. She has so much time to really get everything! It will be great for her to just focus on that. I am sure she will do great at level 7. So fun!
What a great attitude! She will have so much fun in optionals - and you won't have to listen to that blasted music over and over and over and over! Congratulations to both of you.
YIKES! I just checked out the scores posted for your DD's session...those were FREAKY HIGH! I can't believe all the AA 37's and why did it only go out 10 places??? I think there were over 40 girls?? Even that HOH group that made the tops team couldn't touch the top, WOW! You tell T to keep plugging along, those girls are prob in the gym like 20 hrs a day and will look like old ladies w/walkers if they stay in gymnastics another yr or so. Slow and steady wins the race! Someone really should investigate that one gym for the amount of time they have those 8/9 yr old girls in the gym.
And to add to what Blackie said - "that" gym doesn't really have any reputation in the optional levels. "That" gym is not the one that is mentioned on a short list of where should you go for optionals in the State.

Remember, every now and then a blind squirrel will find a nut! Meaning that every gym will find a good one or two gymnasts every now and then. The question truly is, how long will it take to break her? If they continue to train her like she is currently be trained, it won't be too long.

Don't worry about it because that little gymmie is now off to level 8 - yeah, I said 8. :eek: She just competed level 6 States this past weekend and I believe will be competing in the next 8 Sectional which is next weekend. Kinda tarnishes the 6 victory, doesn't it - cause now you see where she really should be. :rolleyes:

YIKES! I just checked out the scores posted for your DD's session...those were FREAKY HIGH! I can't believe all the AA 37's and why did it only go out 10 places??? I think there were over 40 girls?? Even that HOH group that made the tops team couldn't touch the top, WOW! You tell T to keep plugging along, those girls are prob in the gym like 20 hrs a day and will look like old ladies w/walkers if they stay in gymnastics another yr or so. Slow and steady wins the race! Someone really should investigate that one gym for the amount of time they have those 8/9 yr old girls in the gym.

And to add to what Blackie said - "that" gym doesn't really have any reputation in the optional levels. "That" gym is not the one that is mentioned on a short list of where should you go for optionals in the State.

Remember, every now and then a blind squirrel will find a nut! Meaning that every gym will find a good one or two gymnasts every now and then. The question truly is, how long will it take to break her? If they continue to train her like she is currently be trained, it won't be too long.

Don't worry about it because that little gymmie is now off to level 8 - yeah, I said 8. :eek: She just competed level 6 States this past weekend and I believe will be competing in the next 8 Sectional which is next weekend. Kinda tarnishes the 6 victory, doesn't it - cause now you see where she really should be. :rolleyes:

I know the whole argument. I actually started to post on the gymnastics board but ended up hitting the delete button. They all want to celebrate this coach and girl yet they only have a handful of girls on their team! Where are their upper level girls? They are working with this one select group. What happens when their little bodies just crumble from all the pressure. I heard it is a military style gym. She has had no break in seasons, she was uptrained 2 levels above. But we already knew that from last yr at L4. Not to mention do any of them even make it to college gymnastics?

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