WAG Region 6 developmental camp

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Aug 7, 2022
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I am wondering how girls get invited to region 6 developmental camp? Totally curious as to the process and criteria. Thanks for any info!!
I am wondering how girls get invited to region 6 developmental camp? Totally curious as to the process and criteria. Thanks for any info!!
Did you ever find out the answer to this? I am curious myself.
No. It seems like a great honor and I was just wondering if it was score based or coach recommendation etc.
So we asked our coach and got a pretty vague answer. So we are wondering if they missed the information about the camp. Did you happen to ask your coach?
No. I never asked and that’s why I asked here. Afraid that if I asked I would appear jealous or like I’m expecting my child to be invited. I just didn’t know if it was like coach recommendation or a certain criteria of scores or something? Seems super cool! Our gym sent kids but no idea about selection process.
No. I never asked and that’s why I asked here. Afraid that if I asked I would appear jealous or like I’m expecting my child to be invited. I just didn’t know if it was like coach recommendation or a certain criteria of scores or something? Seems super cool! Our gym sent kids but no idea about selection process.
A friend of mine is asking someone she knows. If I get an answer I'll let you know!
I asked Mass State director by Facebook message, he said that only development camp only invite with the champship of each groups.
It’s based off of placement at regionals , or eastern nationals depending on age or level , I think they only considered junior aged level 9s . As a coach , if you have an athlete you feel didn’t represent her best at regionals or failed to make regionals but has the talent and within the age range they are considering you can petition them to the camp.

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