WAG running Lay vs. FH FT - what is easier?

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Dec 9, 2014
Reaction score
I was wondering about a front tumbling passes recently.

What is easier,
FH FT/FP or running Front Layout?

Why is a single running Lay a B and a FH FP an A?

I don't mean just chucking them, because I have seen horribly FH FT with totally bent knees, but doing it really beautiful and clean!
FHS FP are two A level skills linked together. Clearly a front layout is harder than a tucked front sumi and it's also harder than a FHS. Linking the two skills together (FHS FP) doesn't make the individual skills any harder, but you could get a bonus for connecting the skills. But saying that some people will find connecting skills harder and may find the single front layout easier. It really depends on the gymnast!

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