Bogwoppit final meet report

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We had our third and last meet yesterday, it really had it's ups and downs.

Oldest Bog really wanted to qualify for Provincials and in the system she can qualify as an event specialist. She had a very good chance on Tramp, and a perhaps on bars and beam. She has wokred very hard on all three. This being said she had the saddest meet ever.

Floor she balked on her back tuck, never does that so she finished way down.

Beam did a niice job, no falls, no major wobble and got the lowest score. Coach approached the judge who just said that's the score. The judge didn't write one thing down during the routine (we were sitting right there) and just made it up and the end.

Vault nice job for her got a 12, which she was happy with.

Tramp she did a lovely routine, landed the final move, front tuck, and then fell back wards and right on the the edge. OMG my heart just dropped for her. she got 10.75, fall is 0.8, she would've medalled easily without the fall.

Bars she did a lovely routine, much nicer than her 12 routine at the last meet, she was given an 11.45, gobsmacked. Coach approached, judges not budging. Girls with falls and nasty swings were getting 11's.

Of course nobody knew during the meet how upset this made DD feel as she will never let her team down, she smiled and clapped and cheered. But she is devastated, the only one in the gym not to make Provincials in the High School girls. Can't begin to tell you how bad I feel for her. When she was sitting alone on the floor whist her team were all up on beam (coaches were warming up the next group) my heart broke. Hopefully she can survive the next few weeks of everyone training to compete whilst she is training for nothing.

I'll make a second post for Little Bog.
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SO little Bog had a better thrid meet. Though halfway through we realised that the organisers had decided not to do medals for her age group (this is after the girls had been promised that it would happen) There were only two of the Argo's (8/9 years.). I'll fill you in on this one later. We were not happy AT ALL.:mad:

Beam, she did a lovely job, except she fell on a jump and then got back up and decided to do the CW (which is an optional bonus for 0.3) she fell so two 0.8 deductions! EEK :eek:

Floor did a great job, nice score, very happy.

Tramp also a nice job.

Vault splatted the first, the n the coach said do whatever it takes to get over, even froggy legs, so she did, not a beaut, but it wasn't a 0.0.

Bars the routine got completed, but boy she has gone down on bars, legs all over the place, I think I need to chat to the coach about that!

She will get first on bars, floor and tramp and silver on the rest.

So on to the medals. Due to the political bs that is reighning Quebec this year, gymnastically that is. They had two lots of medals, so there were CR medals and SE medals, two girls from one club only are in CR so aprt from those two girls every single girls who won got to have two sets of medals for exactly the same routine. The gymmies who won were thrilled, but for the girls who hadn't they got to listen to whole thing twice over. Really crap for them.

At the end it was apparent they were not going to do anything for the Argos, so I said to the coach "I have had enough of this BS!" I walked over to the organiser and she was standing with the HC from another gym (who I really like) and her gym's HC, I nicely said in my very best French (bet you'd love to hear that with my British accent!) DO you have some spare gold medals for our three Argos who were supposed to have a ceremony, organiser looked at me dumbly , so I said remember you were supposed to do it. She looked at her head coach and then said n"no, there is no category for them any more they get nothing!!!" I said thank you you are so kind, or not so smilar words, she walked off, feeling very smug I imagine. Then the HC that I like, said "that's ridiculous" and dig in the box, pulled out the gold medals and handed them over, she said "they forget thse are children". Our little Argos are thrilled with their one gold medal, our HC was happy that they got something and that I will take the blame for it (I am fine with it too). SO many dissapointed coaches there last night, it is a shame what has always been a very fun system has been tweaked so much that they have knocked the fun right out of it.

Litlle Bog will get her medals at gym, as the SE federation sent them! Next year my girls will be old enough for this not to be an issue, but I doo fell for the coaches that struggle with it.

For little Bog, none of the girls in her group were old enough for provincails, so she is on the uptraining until the year ends. She is very happy!

If you managed to read until this point I am impressed. I will thank you for it later!:):D:rolleyes:
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Oh Bog, I am so sorry for bigger baby bog. I know your heart is breaking for her. Once again, though, she was a TRUE team-supporter and showed what a fine young lady she is, by not pouting and still cheering her teammates on until the end. She should be proud of her mature, level-headed behavior. I will think good thoughts for her in the coming weeks as the others train for prov. while she uptrains. My dd has had to do similar, and it broke my heart a t first, but then it turned out ok....

Yeah for baby bog! And you are the woman!! WOo hoo,!-for going up there are talking some smack to thoes smug meet organizers. Way to go and stick up for your kid and the other young ones. I am aso glad she and her teammates have medals, thanks to mom of the year! Sounds like baby bog had a good meet, I am so glad.
Sadly no uptraining for Bigger Bog until provincials is over on May17th! Things just don't happen like that in our gym. She will be doing routines like everyone else. I am just hoping she can stick it out.

Is your DD back in the gym? How is the scoliosis?
I feel for bigger baby Bog! She worked so hard! She has much to be proud of! But she's probably being way too hard on herself instead:(. She is a such strong young lady, smiling & clapping while inside she was so upset, ((((hugs)))) to her!!! And we all know where she gets her fine attitude from don't we?! You mom!!! Way to go Bog!!!Standing up to the meet organizers with grace & tact!!! And having them "see" the error of their ways! Baby bog did great. Congrats to her!!!:D
So sorry to hear about Bigger Baby Bog.Give her a big hug from me.I can't believe the judges did not write anything down.
The medal thing is just horrible.Those girls work so hard and then end up with nothing.
Congrates to both of them.
Our gym is already uptraining even though most of the girls made it to Regionals.Don't know what to think about it.Well they still do their routines but when they are done with the assingment they can work on different skills.
I just had the nicest moment, this morning Baby Bog wrapped her gold medal up and put a note on it "you deserve this more then me" and put it on Bigger Bog's pillow. That sure brought tears to our eyes. Little Bog is a generous spirit, but she is sad for the poor judging that Bigger Bog got.

Children can be the purest spirits at times.
That is so sweet.That shows how siblings care for each other.Mine fight alot but boy if one of them gets hurt they show how much they care.That also happens in other situations,not only if they get hurt.
I just had the nicest moment, this morning Baby Bog wrapped her gold medal up and put a note on it "you deserve this more then me" and put it on Bigger Bog's pillow. That sure brought tears to our eyes. Little Bog is a generous spirit, but she is sad for the poor judging that Bigger Bog got.

Children can be the purest spirits at times.

I am sitting a few thousand miles away .... crying!!!

What fabulous kids you have and what a great job you are doing bringing them up! Compassion, empathy and a sense that somebody else is more important than yourself. Amazing!

Bless them both - they are too lovely for words.
What a beautiful monent to share with us, thank you!!!! You know that even at a distance we can all feel for BBB and I love the beautiful gesture by your youngest, I hope that she can keep going. My Cate is starting to up-train for next year, lots of work on bars and she did her front walkover on beam yesterday. All the attention is on the 8,9 10 group, but she is ok with that.
How precious, what sweet kids you have. Thanks for sharing this heartwarming story w/ us. :)
Sadly no uptraining for Bigger Bog until provincials is over on May17th! Things just don't happen like that in our gym. She will be doing routines like everyone else. I am just hoping she can stick it out.

Is your DD back in the gym? How is the scoliosis?

Oh sorry! I thought I had read that she was going to uptrain. I hope she will stick it out, while practicing her routines like the rest of them. At the very least, she can do so without the pressure of yet another meet coming up. Maybe that will lead to some good polishing of skills she already has. She can focus on making her routines tighter and prettier than all those girls headed for provincials!

Thanks for asking about dd. She's still enjoying her free time. The new HC arrived this past week at the new gym dd is currently tumbling at, and the owners were going to sit down w/ new HC and figure out the team schedule, etc. I asked if dd could do a modified team practice schedule once it's up & running, until summer, so she could continue to get hours in her brace while school is in session. I said I did not want to be unfair to any other team girls though. The owners said NO PROB whatsoever, we will gladly acommodate her, etc.etc. They are being so nice to us. We would like dd to try team for at least a couple of months, and THEN decide what she wants to do. She owes it to herself to give it a 'fair shake', now that she is settling-in in her new environment.

There is a nice plan 'b' tho!: this new gym is also going to start up a Tramp & Tumble/Power Tumbling team, and the one coach who is going to be in charge of it has been trying to recruit dd during her tumbling classes! That would allow her to still do some form of gym but with less hours. It would be fine w/ me! I plan to check in w/ everyone on CB just as soon as I know more about the new team situation. :cool:
Oh sorry! I thought I had read that she was going to uptrain. I hope she will stick it out, while practicing her routines like the rest of them. At the very least, she can do so without the pressure of yet another meet coming up. Maybe that will lead to some good polishing of skills she already has. She can focus on making her routines tighter and prettier than all those girls headed for provincials!

Thanks for asking about dd. She's still enjoying her free time. The new HC arrived this past week at the new gym dd is currently tumbling at, and the owners were going to sit down w/ new HC and figure out the team schedule, etc. I asked if dd could do a modified team practice schedule once it's up & running, until summer, so she could continue to get hours in her brace while school is in session. I said I did not want to be unfair to any other team girls though. The owners said NO PROB whatsoever, we will gladly acommodate her, etc.etc. They are being so nice to us. We would like dd to try team for at least a couple of months, and THEN decide what she wants to do. She owes it to herself to give it a 'fair shake', now that she is settling-in in her new environment.

There is a nice plan 'b' tho!: this new gym is also going to start up a Tramp & Tumble/Power Tumbling team, and the one coach who is going to be in charge of it has been trying to recruit dd during her tumbling classes! That would allow her to still do some form of gym but with less hours. It would be fine w/ me! I plan to check in just as soon as I know more about the new team situation. :cool:

That is so great that she has so many fun options right now, that amount of flexibility is going to be wonderful whilst she deals with the brace. How is wearing it going during school?

Mine is outside bouncing on the tramp with little sis being a kid. I am hoping that she just takes it all in her stride and still enjoys what she can in gym. The provincial leos and t's will arrive this week, they are really cute and pink, that will be a jolly day!!! NOT. We have three provincials going on in the next two months, so it will be very interesting as her coach will be attending them all, she will be missing a lot of gym to as we don't have stand in coaches or make up classes.
I just had the nicest moment, this morning Baby Bog wrapped her gold medal up and put a note on it "you deserve this more then me" and put it on Bigger Bog's pillow. That sure brought tears to our eyes. Little Bog is a generous spirit, but she is sad for the poor judging that Bigger Bog got.

Children can be the purest spirits at times.


When I have kids, I'm comming to you for parenting advice.
aww, poor bigger baby bog! Judges can be so mean sometimes! We had a situation one year, where all our gymnasts were marked down on bars because the judge didn't like our club owner! great!
It is so great that she kept up the team spirit. Sounds like you have 2 lovely girls. Baby bog sounds too cute for words!

What a shame that your eldest won't be uptraining whilst the others do routines. Seems like quite a waste of time for her really, so I really hope she sticks at it and doesn't get too frustrated.

Your post about Big Bog just broke my heart. She is such an amazingly strong girl to keep going in gymnastics after all she has been through and always be such a wonderfully supportive teammate. I hope she knows how special she is, but with a mama like you, I am sure she does. Sounds like the judges were not being very fair and that sucks, big time.

Little Bog, very proud of her going for that cartwheel even though it didn't work out scorewise and sounds like she did great on floor and tramp! What a sweet, thoughtful girl to give the medal to her sister. Made me cry.

Bog- congrats to you for getting up and their and talking IN FRENCH no less to the organizer of the meet and calling her on the medal situation. These are little girls we are talking about. Forget politics, remember the hard work all these girls put in.
Your french speaking ability under pressure impresses me! Sorry it didn't all go to plan. The girls obviously have a great attitude - well done them!
How is wearing it going during school?

Mine is outside bouncing on the tramp with little sis being a kid. I am hoping that she just takes it all in her stride and still enjoys what she can in gym. The provincial leos and t's will arrive this week, they are really cute and pink, that will be a jolly day!!! NOT. We have three provincials going on in the next two months, so it will be very interesting as her coach will be attending them all, she will be missing a lot of gym to as we don't have stand in coaches or make up classes.

Dd doesn't actually wear the brace to school. That's why we agreed to let her have a break from gym. She is supposed to wear it 16 hrs a day, so technically she puts it on at 4pm after school and takes it off at 8am just before leaving for school (we are not quite there, but close!). I WISH she would decide to wear it to school, so we don't have to worry about her activities in the afternoon! Summer will be easier, as she will not have school and will have more hrs in the day to wear it and still do other activities out of it. But the big decision will be in the Fall, when school begins again, and she has to decide about what hours she will wear it. SIGH! But I am not thinking about that right now! One day at a time....:eek:

I love that your older one can get on w/ her life and still enjoy those wonderful kid moments at home. As for her missing some gym while her coach is away, sounds like some great 'break-time' to me! Hope she continues to enjoy gym while she's there, and home-time while she has it.

As for the pink leos, yeah, my dd hates that color too. Is that a new color for your gym? I recollect blues/greens in your vids, but I could be totally off base...! :cool:
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I just had the nicest moment, this morning Baby Bog wrapped her gold medal up and put a note on it "you deserve this more then me" and put it on Bigger Bog's pillow. That sure brought tears to our eyes. Little Bog is a generous spirit, but she is sad for the poor judging that Bigger Bog got.

Children can be the purest spirits at times.

OH my gosh.. .that is just the sweetest thing I've heard in a long time!

Yes, Bigger Bog got robbed. We've all seen it over and over again. It's just so sad that we, as parents, can't even figure out what is going on! But the girls love this sport... sometimes I don't know why.

Congrats to both of them for getting through this season and hopefully on to bigger and better things next season!

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