Buy/Sell Used Leotards - just curious!

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Proud Parent
Apr 13, 2011
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I can't seem to find anything about rules for things like this on here, so I'm just going to ask. I'm new around here, but I'm CONSTANTLY scouring ebay for leotards for DD. They are kinda hard to come by in her size though (CXS/CS). I also belong to a homeschool forum (we homeschool not because of gymnastics) where they have a buy/sell/trade forum. Has this ever been talked about on here?

Has anybody ever tried doing a leotard/equipment swap? Is that even allowed on here? I would definitely participate!!

Just curious!

I sell my dd's leotards on ebay. I also buy some there too. I don't know the rules here either, but I doubt you can post things for sale. Is that what you mean?
We have contemplated it, but for so many reasons we decided it was not for the CB. I use Ebay and our gym rack to sell my used leos.
I sell my dd's leotards on ebay. I also buy some there too. I don't know the rules here either, but I doubt you can post things for sale. Is that what you mean?

I was actually more interested in buying :)

Thanks for the info bog! Just thought I'd ask!
at our gym everyone donates them to the boostere club then once every 2 - 3 months they have a leo sale where all leos are $5. Some of the more elaborate leos have been priced for $10 but not too many of those. this way we can get a nice cheap leo for $5 and support the booster club at the same time.
As far as I can tell, our gym doesn't do anything like that (we've only been there for a few months though) - I sure wish they did though!!
if your gym has a booster club maybe you could volunteer to organize it. It's easy just a simple rubbermaid bin to hold the leos and get the word out that you are collecting them. Then every 3 or 4 months or when you get enough you and other booster members spend time during class every day during a week to collect them and then every day during another week selling them. It really is easy so far we never have had issues with getting enough folks to run the sale part or get the donated leos.
They do have a booster club, but I'm so, SO new to the gym (only been there 1.5 months) and DD isn't on team yet, so I think I'll just wait a little bit. But, I will definitely keep it in mind for the future, because I think it's a great idea!!

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