Parents Coach shows zero interest...

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Proud Parent
Aug 2, 2016
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We have an xcel head coach and an asst coach. levels are XB XS and XG. Xcel coaches do not coach JO teams. Our xcel teams are quite good. Successful in meets, hard workers. at a recent meet the head coach just didnt show up. It was clear the asst coach expected him bc she was scanning the crowds. Eventually he texted to say he wasnt coming for that session and would be there later. It was an 8am XB session about an hour drive from the gym. The asst coach showed the gurls his text which badically said that asst coach could manage the small team and he didnt care.

Move forward to next meet. Head coach texts parents to say he’ll be late and girls should warm up in their own. (They are 7-10 all first year on team, with only three prevous meets). Head coach shows up at 8:15 (timed warm up 8:25). Asst coach never shows up.

Is this typical? No big deal? Or something to make a stink about?
We have an xcel head coach and an asst coach. levels are XB XS and XG. Xcel coaches do not coach JO teams. Our xcel teams are quite good. Successful in meets, hard workers. at a recent meet the head coach just didnt show up. It was clear the asst coach expected him bc she was scanning the crowds. Eventually he texted to say he wasnt coming for that session and would be there later. It was an 8am XB session about an hour drive from the gym. The asst coach showed the gurls his text which badically said that asst coach could manage the small team and he didnt care.

Move forward to next meet. Head coach texts parents to say he’ll be late and girls should warm up in their own. (They are 7-10 all first year on team, with only three prevous meets). Head coach shows up at 8:15 (timed warm up 8:25). Asst coach never shows up.

Is this typical? No big deal? Or something to make a stink about?

Not typical. Head coach seems uninvested and unprofessional, and assistant coach seems both immature and unprofessional. The HC’s text should never have been shown to the girls. I would personally be looking for another gym in this situation.

It’s not unusual that only one of them would attend the meet (depending on the number of gymnasts in the session). It’s the way it’s being handled that’s unusual.
Are the kids even allowed out on the competition floor to warm up without a coach?
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I would say that this is not typical or desirable. I would either be talking to the owner/manager or looking for a new gym, or BOTH. I would also carefully watch practice. Are they showing this same attitude there?

We were in this situation a few years back. Our coaches were late to the state meet and our girls were not allowed to take the floor to warm up without a coach present. Then, when they got there, they were on their phone the whole time, basically ignoring the girls. Of course, this was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. We also had issues with the coaches wasting time/not coaching the girls at practice. (Spending the first 20 minutes standing around talking to another coach, etc. ) We spent the entire state meet watching all the other local gyms to see which gyms had positive interactions with their gymnasts and who seemed to really care. We switched gyms the very next week.

At our new gym, we have occasionally had weird situations where we had one or two girls on our team put into a different session than the rest of their teammates. Both of our coaches showed up in that situation. (we even joked that we had more coaches than competitors at that meet.) Of course, our coaches are more apparatus specific (one coaches beam/floor/dance, the other coaches vault/bars/tumbling) but they could have easily just sent the beam/floor coach as she can do all events. They chose to show their investment in those kids and we all appreciated their efforts.

Good luck, this is a tough situation to be in!
That is definitely not typical. My dd is in her 5th season of competing & we have never had that happen.

I can't believe that the assistant coach showed the girls the head coach's text. That seems very inappropriate.

Depending on the number of girls attending the meet, they may only need one coach. Most of the time, ours need two coaches because they split the girls up & they compete in two different groups in the same session.
Not typical but is this typical for your gym? How were previous meets handled? Could this just be an isolated incident for both the hc and assistant coach? Maybe something unexpected just came up. The “I don’t care” comment could have been taken out of context.

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