Parents Daughter is pushed from JO to excel

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Aug 11, 2023
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My dd competed L7 in JO last season, came 3rd even after an injury. All summer she worked and did not miss any practice except one week when we had a family vacation. She even asked to stay back and keep training. This is her passion. She was all-around champion last year. She is still working on two skills (have more consistency in them) and now was told to do Excel. She is devastated and I am at a loss for what to do. She is extremely serious and dedicated. We came to this gym to pursue JO since her other gym completely stepped away from USAG. What should ask coaches? Is this even fair?
Can you request a meeting with the coach/head coach so that you know what the plan is for your daughter and why they want to move her to Excel?
I was denied a personal meeting at this point. There is a general meeting that is scheduled next week where we can ask questions. Obviously, I will raise my concerns there. Any suggestions on what I should ask other than when my dd can move back to JO?
Just ask them about the facts of their decision and if there is any way for her to earn a spot back in the JO (Developmental) levels for this season or next season.

What two skills is she missing?
Floor: The last isolated salto or last salto connection must have at least an “A” valued salto element (A front or back tuck is an “A” valued salto), she is doing it but not consistently. Beam: she is doing all the skills but not consistently.
Just wanted to add that we already received the L8 schedule and began fundraising for the travel meet which my dd participated. These facts gave a solid implication that she is on L8 and the email came all of a sudden and gives me a personal impression that they are trying to get rid of her. If she goes to excel, she will be an absolute champion, but this is not her goal. She is 15, so she is older for L8 but I saw seniors who finished their gymnastics career on L7. Her goal is to keep pushing herself and achieve new skills. This is absolutely crushing her and us as her family. There are no other USAG gyms near us. I would rather not move.
I would wait for the group meeting to see if you get more info and then ask again for an individual meeting to discuss specifics. Is repeating 7 an option? Can she compete xcel and then switch back to L8 once she has the skills? etc. This is a tough call for the coaches with a girl this age as she may accomplish more of her goals through xcel since skill level in each event can be acommodated. Not saying it's the best option for her or even that the coaches are thinking this but it is a likely possibility. please keep us updated as you find more info
I would wait for the group meeting to see if you get more info and then ask again for an individual meeting to discuss specifics. Is repeating 7 an option? Can she compete xcel and then switch back to L8 once she has the skills? etc. This is a tough call for the coaches with a girl this age as she may accomplish more of her goals through xcel since skill level in each event can be acommodated. Not saying it's the best option for her or even that the coaches are thinking this but it is a likely possibility. please keep us updated as you find more info
Thank you for the input! I asked few of her teammates if they made level 8 and they were shocked that she is not L8 because few of them have the same skills lagging behind situation. This seems to be a way of getting rid of my dd. I did notice that some of the booster club moms (who are in leadership) stopped talking to me or noticing my presence. It makes no sense to me how they influenced the coaches to boot my daughter out and makes no sense why they would ruin her career. I never thought things like that are possible.
Yes, you are right. We are both blindsided by it. I think this is what makes it so stressful. My daughter is actually doing better than me even though she is the one who spent 11 years non-stop at the gym enduring all the injuries. I cannot think of anything that neither she nor I did, other than that I'm an immigrant and came from a different culture. I took piano for over 13 years and my teacher was always honest with me. It was not always easy, but I prefer truth over the non-transparent push that my daughter got after being a champion and earning scores for the whole team. It looks more like a betrayal to me.
Can you think of any reason why they would want to get rid of her?
I would be careful about jumping to conclusions. If you honestly don't know what would have prompted this (your or daughter's behavior) then I would go on the assumption that the explanation lies with her gymnastics only. If they wanted your family out of the gym, she would not be moving to Xcel.
Can you think of any reason why they would want to get rid of her?
No idea, other than just they (or one person) don't like me or my gymnast. Obviously, I can do nothing about it since it's a private business. I just wish I could take her to a different gym but there is nothing close. Discrimination at its purest form. As an immigrant, I'm used to it now but it's still painful.
I would be careful about jumping to conclusions. If you honestly don't know what would have prompted this (your or daughter's behavior) then I would go on the assumption that the explanation lies with her gymnastics only. If they wanted your family out of the gym, she would not be moving to Xcel.
All her teammates even those without all the skills went to level 8, but her. There are no other gyms that we can switch to.
So you think there doing this because your an immigrant? What state are you in?
It's likely not the only reason but I experienced it a lot unfortunately. We live in PA. I worked at our local school and was treated differently because of my accent. I lived in the US for over 20 years and the only community that I felt welcome was when my husband was in the military. Most of my friends I met through the military. I did meet a great friend in CA.
All her teammates even those without all the skills went to level 8, but her. There are no other gyms that we can switch to.
Unfortunately, That doesn't mean much. Every gymnast is different. Depends on the skills they are missing, whether there are work around for those skills, etc. Age likely is playing a part here as well. The coaches may honestly feel she is better served in xcel, whether temporarily or permanently. Some gyms just prefer to move their older girls to Xcel especially if they are not moving up year to year. Best recommendation is to keep your cool, see what they say at the group meeting and go from therem
Unfortunately, That doesn't mean much. Every gymnast is different. Depends on the skills they are missing, whether there are work around for those skills, etc. Age likely is playing a part here as well. The coaches may honestly feel she is better served in xcel, whether temporarily or permanently. Some gyms just prefer to move their older girls to Xcel especially if they are not moving up year to year. Best recommendation is to keep your cool, see what they say at the group meeting and go from therem
I think my suspicion comes from the fact of how suddenly it happened and the fact that the coaches don't want to meet with just our family. Thank you for the advice. What other questions do you think I should ask?
I think my suspicion comes from the fact of how suddenly it happened and the fact that the coaches don't want to meet with just our family. Thank you for the advice. What other questions do you think I should ask?
What is the reasoning for moving just your daughter to xcel; have there been any issues that we parents are not aware of that caused this decision; If she is successful in xcel and gets her skills, will she move to L8 next season;

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