WAG Fear of sole circle, and RO BHS BT

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Mar 10, 2013
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Hi there,

I need some advice on helping a kid overcome fear. Firstly, she is scared of sole circle and will bail even with double spot. She does them in straps no problem, and the only other drill I have her work on is pike swings on the real bar.

Her second fear is roundoff back handspring back tuck, or more specifically connecting back handspring and back tuck. She will do standing back tuck from a box, and cartwheel back tuck from the beam no problem but is just way to scared to do it connected, even into an open pit with double spot. Please help! Also, she is 10 and not super small, so I can't exactly force her to go because I am not sure if I can save her if she bails.

Any ideas or drills would be super helpful. Thanks!
I am a gymnast, and as most gymnasts, have had fears. For her sole circle, put some mats under the bar and remind her that YOU and the other coaches BELIEVE in her. Do not hesitate to tell her that she is in good hands and you wouldn't let her do it if she wasn't ready. Maybe look up some drills on youtube and show her them, so she has a better idea. For her tuck, maybe work some on tramp with a double spot? Work bh high rebound, and bh rebound tuck jump. Put a small 8 incher or sting mat there for her to land on. Double spot and again, words of encouragement. Good luck! Keep us updated!

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