WAG Going on Vacation for Two Weeks

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Proud Parent
Nov 12, 2017
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My DD is a level 6 this year and we are going to be taking a two week vacation during the summer. When a gymnast takes two weeks off, is it a huge set back? This will be our first time doing this too by the way.
It's probably a good idea for her to stretch while she's out so that she doesn't lose flexibility. Also plan on some very active days to burn off excess energy.
My dd took off a week this year without any problems. She did stretch and do some light conditioning though (along with a lot of walking of course.) She didn't have any problems picking up where she left off. However, we have previously had her work out with another gym on vacation. They were super welcoming and wouldn't even let us pay for her to work out with their team, and she really enjoyed it, so that's an option as well if you have a gym near your vacation spot that would let her work out with them a couple of times.
My dd took off a week this year without any problems. She did stretch and do some light conditioning though (along with a lot of walking of course.) She didn't have any problems picking up where she left off. However, we have previously had her work out with another gym on vacation. They were super welcoming and wouldn't even let us pay for her to work out with their team, and she really enjoyed it, so that's an option as well if you have a gym near your vacation spot that would let her work out with them a couple of times.
We won't be able to go to another gym because there won't be one available but I'll definitely have her stretch and burn off energy. Thanks for the suggestions and advice. I was a little nervous about her losing skills and being able to get back into it easily but it sounds like it will be ok.
Minimal setback of any. My daughter has taken about 2-4 straight weeks off at every level, every year, plus about a couple 3-day mini vacation a couple times during the same year. She is a fourth year level 10 this year and we are taking a three week vacation next summer which will be going into her fifth year as L10. The thing that has set her back are injuries in Level 9 and 10. About three years ago, after a 2 1/2 week vacation during the summer, she immediately came back to full day practices. We did not think anything of it but I think jumping into 6 hour practices during the summer (she only practices 3 1/2 hours a day during the year), after being off the gym for almost three weeks, caused some of her overuse injuries. So my advise would be even if she stays active during vacation (riding bikes, swimming etc.), she should still take in easy the first few weeks back in the gym until her body acclimates again to practices especially if her gym does full days during the summer. But I think at Level 6, she should be fine.
My dd took off a week this year without any problems. She did stretch and do some light conditioning though (along with a lot of walking of course.) She didn't have any problems picking up where she left off. However, we have previously had her work out with another gym on vacation. They were super welcoming and wouldn't even let us pay for her to work out with their team, and she really enjoyed it, so that's an option as well if you have a gym near your vacation spot that would let her work out with them a couple of times.

I too had my daughter practice at gyms when she was in the lower levels when we would go to extended family visits. Looking back, I really don't think it was worth it. It may or may not have helped her retain her skills but I think in the bigger picture, in my humble opinion, it was better for her (and me) to have just taken a break and enjoyed the vacation. If they lose any skills, they will get it back. And having reached the level my daughter is in, you learn so many things that puts things in proper perspective.
I too had my daughter practice at gyms when she was in the lower levels when we would go to extended family visits. Looking back, I really don't think it was worth it. It may or may not have helped her retain her skills but I think in the bigger picture, in my humble opinion, it was better for her (and me) to have just taken a break and enjoyed the vacation. If they lose any skills, they will get it back. And having reached the level my daughter is in, you learn so many things that puts things in proper perspective.

I get that, that's why I didn't stress about it this year, she just took the whole week off. That particular year that she did work out on vacation, she was getting ready for a score out meet that was shortly after we came back and she was a little stressed about it, so she asked me about finding a "vacation" gym. We got really lucky b/c it was a really nice gym that had a lot of equipment, etc that her gym at that time didn't have and she enjoyed it so much and learned a lot. She was only going to work out one day, but she begged to go back for a 2nd day, and when we asked her about what her favorite part of vacation was she said it was working out at that gym. :eek:. I think you see a change as they move up to higher levels too, she was only doing around 9 hours at that time, and was still in the phase of "couldn't get enough" of gymnastics. Now at 17 hours a week, she would probably prefer the break! :p. So no, don't think it's necessary at all, but it's an option if you have a particularly eager one that needs to burn off some energy, or if you have an important competition, etc coming up. It was a fun experience for her, but not something I would push unless she asked.
Minimal setback of any. My daughter has taken about 2-4 straight weeks off at every level, every year, plus about a couple 3-day mini vacation a couple times during the same year. She is a fourth year level 10 this year and we are taking a three week vacation next summer which will be going into her fifth year as L10. The thing that has set her back are injuries in Level 9 and 10. About three years ago, after a 2 1/2 week vacation during the summer, she immediately came back to full day practices. We did not think anything of it but I think jumping into 6 hour practices during the summer (she only practices 3 1/2 hours a day during the year), after being off the gym for almost three weeks, caused some of her overuse injuries. So my advise would be even if she stays active during vacation (riding bikes, swimming etc.), she should still take in easy the first few weeks back in the gym until her body acclimates again to practices especially if her gym does full days during the summer. But I think at Level 6, she should be fine.
She's hoping she will be able to move to L7 next year even with the 2 weeks off. Her gym doesn't do full day practice only 3 to 4 hours a day.
17 years in the sport, 2 gymnasts reached level 10...when went went on vacation for 1-2 weeks at a time, they never set foot in another gym , nor did I ever consider it...and they never had any type of setback. Go on vacation and give her the rest she needs from gym.
17 years in the sport, 2 gymnasts reached level 10...when went went on vacation for 1-2 weeks at a time, they never set foot in another gym , nor did I ever consider it...and they never had any type of setback. Go on vacation and give her the rest she needs from gym.
After reading all the posts I'm definitely going to not worry about it. I wasn't sure if two weeks would make a big deal since we've never done this before. We've done a week here and there and have been fine but now that I've read all of these, I'm not going to even think about it. Thanks for the advice though.
My dd visited another gym while we were on vacation last summer. For her, the experience gave her time on different equipment, with different coaching and drills. I think it really boosted her confidence. Was a good experience, but definitely not something she needed to "stay in shape". Time off is essential in this sport! Imo.
We took a 2 week trip when ds was level 5. He had been working on his kip. He got it within days of returning after the vacation. he did try to stretch every day and do some vacation conditioning, but really just maintenance nowhere near a full workout. I think their bodies and minds need a break sometimes.
Go on vacation enjoy... and there is conditioning she can do............ I have a L7 she is off this week.............. She is working out a bit.
My DD took a year off regular team practices (had an hour a week private) and then six weeks off of that in the summer this year and didn’t actually lose any strength, flexibility, or skills. For that year (not the 6 weeks) she did rhythmic.. and she actually came back from the summer break more flexible than she left!
She is a kid, 2 weeks will be fine, in fact probably beneficial.
It is a vacation, no, don’t have her workout at another gym (even if that is what she wants) - let her just have a vacation.
And I’m speaking as a coach, not a parent (and I am also a competitive athlete still - not gymnastics).
After reading all the posts I'm definitely going to not worry about it. I wasn't sure if two weeks would make a big deal since we've never done this before. We've done a week here and there and have been fine but now that I've read all of these, I'm not going to even think about it. Thanks for the advice though.
Lol, our gym is closed for Christmas break right now. We had team party/ open gym on Dec. 18. Then nothing. We go back Jan.8. So 3 weeks off... IN THE MIDDLE OF COMPETITION SEASON.
Then, we will have the month of July off (unless the girls choose to work out during rec camp... 2 hours a day / 4 days a week / 2 weeks).
Your DD will be fine.
Our team gymnasts have 3 weeks off every summer. I think that they definitely need rest. Some of the girls have additional vacation weeks during the summer and that's fine too, but if they have 3 weeks of family vacation right before or right after our 3 weeks off then it's a little bit annoying - but that's life. We cannot expect that the families always work around our schedules (that are given out pretty late, to be fair) and almost all of the families have other kids in different sports too. If they have to miss almost all of the summer training then I make them a conditioning plan and suggest finding a gym in the city/country that they are spending the vacation in.
Our gym is closed during summer break (6 weeks). Usually only the new skills go away, sometimes not. Doing strength and flexibility is highly recommended. With only 2 weeks, I think she will be fine
My DD is a level 6 this year and we are going to be taking a two week vacation during the summer. When a gymnast takes two weeks off, is it a huge set back? This will be our first time doing this too by the way.
We recommend she attend two workouts at a gym in the area. Something as simple as that will avoid problems. Do them both on them both the same week.

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