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Sep 3, 2005
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We are really trying to encourage our team families to eat healthy. If I created a healthy recipes / snacks area...would you all add to it?

I would LOVE DD gets bored if she eats something too much so I am always looking for a way to mix up tastes and such to keep it interesting but healthy at the same time.
Great idea. We often have threads looking for healthy on the go food ideas, healthy snacks and good nutrition for athletes. I think it would be a very popular area.
It was very breakfast this morning. I am trying to slowly start eating healthier too. The donuts...buffalo wings...and Mountain Dew have got to go.
I've always been suspicious of buffalo wings. I mean, seriously, have you ever seen a buffalo fly? They may actually be made of other buffalo parts.
And I'm not sure they collect Mountain Dew from actual mountains either.
Donuts are fine though - the holes are completely calorie free!:)
I never could do the Mountain Dew gracefully, I always have a terrible crash a while afterward.
hahaha I just noticed, is that orange juice in a beer glass??'s a tiny beer sampling glass. Replacing the beer with healthier choices too...that's a whole different conversation with the older team kids.
Sure it is. I seem to recall the WOGA meet sold vodka! Olympic trials had a full bar, I watched with a gin and tonic and cheese fries!

Lots of beer was swilled at champs too.

Also not healthy options.
Ah, yes, spectators fine, I was imagining a gymnastic beerfest as some kind of event where people drank loads of beer and then tried to do gymnastics. :)
Haha, drunk gymnastics! Glad I'm coaching little ones, no risk there!

I'd add to the section (and love learning from it). I go through phases of eating super healthy foods and eating way too many sweets. December is especially hard! :D
I'm on a roll today...


Beerfest was a craft beer event that our club did to raise funds for travel to Camp Woodward. Made about $8,000 in 4 hours.
Ah, yes, spectators fine, I was imagining a gymnastic beerfest as some kind of event where people drank loads of beer and then tried to do gymnastics. :)
Whenever I do a drunken back tuck at a party, usually at the behest of some of my buddies, I always over rotate and end up landing on my feet and then immediately crashing to my butt. Every. Single. Time. Never with other flips, though. Butterfly twist? Sure! Slant gainer? Absolutely! Side flip? Great! Makes no sense to me...

Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure drunken gymnastics is the best worst idea ever. I would absolutely pay money to watch that... In amused terror.
Another wonderful CB thread. Now, someone please post videos. I would especially like to see a tipsy full turn on beam!

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