Parents Held back due to age

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Nov 1, 2022
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My daughter is staying on preteam, I'm fine with that, I was just surprised by the main reasoning of my daughter not moving to team.

The other girls older than her and need a chance on team. Although you have more skills than them, they are running out of time, but you are have plenty of time To compete

There are other reasons but they would have been overlooked if she were older.

Is this typical?

I will say, they are years older and the social aspect is important.
How old is your daughter, and what level does your gym start competing at? Gyms make decisions for many reasons, the only thing that suprises me here is how the gym told you, that seems a bit odd, as there is a lot more than just "skills" that can lead to moving up - form, maturity, etc.
Depends on her age and level they start competing. Depends if she can continue progressing on skills while on preteam. Depends on whether the gym has successful and competitive L10s. I don't appreciate how they brought in the older girls into the conversation like it's them vs. your DD but age can be a valid reason for holding a kid back.
the only thing that suprises me here is how the gym told you, that seems a bit odd, as there is a lot more than just "skills" that can lead to moving up - form, maturity, etc.
It didn't come off odd in the moment. Even some of the moms of girls moving to team have expressed how they dont feel their child is ready and is shocked my child isn't going. Form definitely needs improving. The thought process was, she will make more friends with girls her age plus she will probably metal every meet next year.
Depends on her age and level they start competing. Depends if she can continue progressing on skills while on preteam
This is what I'm hoping for. The classes wont start for a bit but I'm hoping they continue to uptrain her. She's 4 but she's already working on level 3 skills and learning shapes for cast handstands (obviously, nowhere near doing them)
This is what I'm hoping for. The classes wont start for a bit but I'm hoping they continue to uptrain her. She's 4 but she's already working on level 3 skills and learning shapes for cast handstands (obviously, nowhere near doing them)

The friendship factor and having peers her age is important. My DD was on the other end - she was the oldest by about 3 years in her group. It all worked out in the end but the couple of years when she was in middle school and her peers were still playing with American Girl dolls was interesting!

Another plus with your DD staying on preteam is that her hours won't increase. You will be surprised at how soon your DD is in the gym 20 hours/week! Delaying that buildup in hours - especially since your DD is only 4 - is a good thing!
The friendship factor and having peers her age is important. My DD was on the other end - she was the oldest by about 3 years in her group. It all worked out in the end but the couple of years when she was in middle school and her peers were still playing with American Girl dolls was interesting!

Another plus with your DD staying on preteam is that her hours won't increase. You will be surprised at how soon your DD is in the gym 20 hours/week! Delaying that buildup in hours - especially since your DD is only 4 - is a good thing!
Funny enough, her hours are decreasing and I'm happy about a free day lol. But yes, I think its in her best interest to stay with girls her age.
She is 4. Would she even be old enough to compete L2 next season?
As long as she turns 5 before her first meet, she should be allowed (or if level 2 is some other stage of pre team)

I think though that holding her back another year wont be terrible, considering maturity of 4 year olds.
I'm going to see how this plays out. Her first class with her new team was tonight and the skill level was dramaticly different. Half the girls cant do a handstand and just came from the preschool class. The strength and conditioning was similar to to what she did over a year ago. She complained it was too easy. Her next class is Wednesday and I'm hoping the coach modify some of the skills for her. With the current level, she would definitely regress.
I'm going to see how this plays out. Her first class with her new team was tonight and the skill level was dramaticly different. Half the girls cant do a handstand and just came from the preschool class. The strength and conditioning was similar to to what she did over a year ago. She complained it was too easy. Her next class is Wednesday and I'm hoping the coach modify some of the skills for her. With the current level, she would definitely

I’ve been there. My daughter had a great pullover and bhc at 4 and 5. Great handstands, bridge kickovers etc. Once she aged out of the preschool class at 5 she was not offered 5-7yr old pre-team with some other girls in her class who were coaches daughters 🫠 (Her favorite coach left that gym at basically the same time. Maybe a month before she aged out. He was the reason she was doing amazing) She was very clearly more advanced and interested than a couple in particular but it was a very cliquey place.
She was put in rec classes and I was naive. I watched her lose skills, become so bored in class because she had regressed in what she was working on by years and they refused to allow her to work skills she knew. They would stop her beautiful bhc in the middle of doing them and grab her to spot/help but all it did was mess her up and eventually she lost confidence bc she wasn’t allowed to do them on her own. Rec level was awful. She lost strength, got bored and sloppy and was never corrected. They refused to modify skills for her. She’s 7 and I finally just pulled her from that. We followed her coach that left and trialed at his new gym. They offered her highest level pre-team to potentially be competing in December. She probably would have been dragged along in rec class for years at the rate she was going in her old gym.

I do believe being with similar aged girls will be very beneficial but if she isn’t getting the training she needs it’s a sad thing to watch as a parent. I wish I had moved gyms 2 years ago and not wasted all that time and money on those classes that she was bored in. If you can find a gym that has a younger pre-team working on skills she needs I wouldn’t hesitate to move if her current gym won’t modify.
This is what I'm hoping for. The classes wont start for a bit but I'm hoping they continue to uptrain her. She's 4 but she's already working on level 3 skills and learning shapes for cast handstands (obviously, nowhere near doing them)
She’s only old enough to compete AAU Copper or Bronze or level 1, or USAG Bronze. Another year on preterm will help her get ready for competing.
I’ve been there. My daughter had a great pullover and bhc at 4 and 5. Great handstands, bridge kickovers etc. Once she aged out of the preschool class at 5 she was not offered 5-7yr old pre-team with some other girls in her class who were coaches daughters 🫠 (Her favorite coach left that gym at basically the same time. Maybe a month before she aged out. He was the reason she was doing amazing) She was very clearly more advanced and interested than a couple in particular but it was a very cliquey place.
She was put in rec classes and I was naive. I watched her lose skills, become so bored in class because she had regressed in what she was working on by years and they refused to allow her to work skills she knew. They would stop her beautiful bhc in the middle of doing them and grab her to spot/help but all it did was mess her up and eventually she lost confidence bc she wasn’t allowed to do them on her own. Rec level was awful. She lost strength, got bored and sloppy and was never corrected. They refused to modify skills for her. She’s 7 and I finally just pulled her from that. We followed her coach that left and trialed at his new gym. They offered her highest level pre-team to potentially be competing in December. She probably would have been dragged along in rec class for years at the rate she was going in her old gym.

I do believe being with similar aged girls will be very beneficial but if she isn’t getting the training she needs it’s a sad thing to watch as a parent. I wish I had moved gyms 2 years ago and not wasted all that time and money on those classes that she was bored in. If you can find a gym that has a younger pre-team working on skills she needs I wouldn’t hesitate to move if her current gym won’t modify.
That's exactly what my fears were. I spoke to her coach today regarding the and she was totally receptive. She was pushed in class. She came out so happy with the level of difficulty and the fun. We both feel much better about things.

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