Help! My friend wants to quit!!!

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Mar 2, 2013
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My friend used to love gymnastics. All parts of it. She, maybe almost three months ago said that she wanted to get so good that she could compete as a level ten. Just today, she started out in a great mood and then settled into a bad mood. She says all she likes is floor and so she just wants to do tumbling. Floor is by far her worst event. She likes to compete and i know she'll miss that. Any tip on reminding her how much she loves gymnastics? If you think it's a good idea to let her do her own thing, any way that she can compete tumbling?
I'd really just try to be supportive. If she was fine a couple of months ago then maybe something happened to make her change her mind? Something could be bothering her, so you could ask if there's anything wrong? How old is she and what level? I know that as gymnasts become teens they kinda start to notice the time commitment a lot more, especially in social aspects wanting to hang out with friends, football games (although those aren't popular here in NZ at all lol) etc.

I'm not sure about just competing tumbling since I don't live in the US. I know here we have tumbling classes, although they aren't competitive but lots of retired gymnasts go to it.
As said before, it could just be wanting to hang out with friends.
If a gym near you offers it, she could compete trampoline and tumbling! I know there are clubs in the US that offer it! I hope this helps.
somekiwichic: she's 11 and a level two. Our gymnastics group of friends don't really need to worry about too much time spent in the gym..... yet. none of the gyms in my state offer T&T..... gymnastics movies sounds good. any suggestions (sorry i'm sort of newbie to gymnastics)?
I was the friend that wanted to quit tumbling at my old gym years ago and you were my friends that tried to keep me. And I quit. and I regretted it. I joined a new gym now though. We weren't progressing at all there. But never the less I regretted it.

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