WAG Help with L4 back extension roll

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Proud Parent
May 6, 2013
Reaction score
My daughter is having trouble with this darn roll! Any tips on getting this down? She has watched Youtube videos but can't figure out how to begin it like she sees others do - she is trying to power over using all upper body instead of how others seem to "push" with their feet...how do you do that "push" with your feet? Any tips? It is really frustrating her! TIA
Back extension rolls are the DEATH of me!! I hate them... they're tricky!
My gym does a drill, for free hips and back extension rolls where we start standing up, go on toe with our arms by our ears. Never drop your arms! Then as we start to roll back and go to a candle stick. Hit your hands/arms HARD on the ground. If this drill is done right then you should pop right into handstand with straight arms.
The other tip that helps me is to remember to shoot my feet straight into handstand, not foward or backward.

If that doesn't make sense... just let me know, I can try and make make a video for you
To help get that "push" that I also had a hard time with, have her practice standing on a panel mat and do the roll with her hands at the end of the panel may on the floor. Where you start depends on how tall she is but make sure that where ever it is that she starts gives her enough room to be able to push back (with that much room she should NOT be able to preform the skill without pushing back or her hands will stay on the mat) that will help to force the body to push back with no actual consequence if she does not. Also have her ask her coach to explain how the body is able to preform that motion. Once I better understood how it was easer to do.
What has her coach been telling her to do to fix it?

Did she do level 3, and do the backward roll with straight arms? If not, can she start by learning that. it helps train using the legs and rolling up onto the hands w/o bending the arms. Then jsut working it higher until she hits handstand.

Part of it is, needing to tuck the head and stay hollow as she rolls backwards, then using the shoulders to snap to the handstand.
What has her coach been telling her to do to fix it?

Did she do level 3, and do the backward roll with straight arms? If not, can she start by learning that. it helps train using the legs and rolling up onto the hands w/o bending the arms. Then jsut working it higher until she hits handstand.

Part of it is, needing to tuck the head and stay hollow as she rolls backwards, then using the shoulders to snap to the handstand.
That is a good tip about the staying hollow and tucking her head-I'll ask her if coach has taught her that. And yes she did compete L3 and scored well on floor. The roll did give her trouble in the beginning of last season, too!

They do various drills but dd doesn't push off the floor w her feet like I've seen so many do...was just wondering if there was a "trick" to that.
Held my breath through all of my daughter's first l4 season on this skill.. but didn't blink an eye on the cartwheel on beam, lol.

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