WAG Injury rant

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Jul 30, 2017
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AAAGHHHH! That's all I feel right now. I hurt my shoulder a little more than a month and a half ago (I don't know how, it started hurting out of nowhere, and then the pain increased). I went to the doctor 4 weeks ago, and he gave me an x-ray. He said it could either be a problem with the growth plate, or with the rotator cuff, and the told me to start physical therapy as soon as possible. Due to complications with my insurance provider, I STILL haven't started pt!!!!:mad: I can't even raise my arm above my shoulder without pain. So I haven't done any handstands, vault (this doesn't worry me because I've stopped vault for a while before and since it's easy for me, I wasn't very affected), or tumbling, anything on my hands, or BARS for a month! Bars has always been my worst event, and now I haven't done bars in a month and a half! And I STILL haven't started pt! Just wanted to let that out.
Did you see an orthopedist/shoulder specialist? If so, he should have been able to give you some exercises to do at home. If your insurance provides, go see your doctor again (if he is an orthopedist) if the injury is not getting better. Sometimes fractures don't show in the initial x-ray. I also caution you to let pain be your guide. Don't do anything that causes you pain until you once again see a professional. When and if you see an orthopedist, don't forget to ask him if he has some exercises you can do at home if that is what he recommendation. Good luck.
This is by no means meant to be medical advice but I had an issue with my rotator cuff and after speaking with my Dr I was able to do a lot of PT at home. There are a great number of PT videos available on line for different issues (if they are relatively minor!!!) With the help of a great massage therapist and the videos I was able to get full mobility back without going to a PT. If you have some solid information about the nature of the issue from your Dr you may be able to find some PT you are able to do on your own. I stress dont do anything without the Guidance and support of your Dr though!!
I know it's frustrating, but just try and keep a cool head and work through what you can do. Lots of conditioning, rehab exercises, active flex will all help with getting back into after you've been out of full training for a while.

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