Coaches Please help! Corrections in this round-off layout!

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Dec 18, 2023
Reaction score
I got a 9.450 on this routine and I desperately want a 9.7, and my second pass is very clean, I am 100% sure most of my deductions all come down to this round-off layout! I am known to have a wacky round off so I am working my hardest on this! I can already see a lot of the errors in it but want some opinions. Help would be appreciated :)
First off, I don't think there's 3 tenths to be saved in this pass; it looks pretty clean to me!

That said, if you want to improve it, here are three things I'd focus on:
1) Make the hurdle longer and lower
2) Put the hands slightly wider in the roundoff (only applies for RO layout -- you don't want wide arms for RO BHS)
3) Watch the wall longer on the takeoff for the layout.
I agree that I'd be surprised if all your deductions are in this pass, though I'll list everything that could potentially be a deduction in some codes/some countries:

It's hard to tell, because videos are different than real life footage. When I slow it down I can see bent knees in the first half of your round off, but I don't know if you can see that better or worse in real life (I slowed it down but in real life things are easier to spot generally).

Are you allowed to step out or do you need to stick the landing? I do notice your front foot also goes back a bit, that could be a deduction as it means the lunge wasn't controlled.

You could get a deduction for hip angle in the layout maybe (I think in the round off it's allowed?)
I don't know if one hand leaving the floor before the other in a round off is a deduction in any code, I doubt it.

Realistically I'd say the only deduction limiting thing I'd focus on here is the landing, and that depends a lot on what code of points you use. I expect some deductions are in other parts of the routine. Splits jumps and leaps particularly cause so many deductions so easily.
I got a 9.450 on this routine and I desperately want a 9.7, and my second pass is very clean, I am 100% sure most of my deductions all come down to this round-off layout! I am known to have a wacky round off so I am working my hardest on this! I can already see a lot of the errors in it but want some opinions. Help would be appreciated :)

.05 on the pike and .1 on the landing... that's what I have.

Overall it looks great. Good work to you and your coaches!
First off, I don't think there's 3 tenths to be saved in this pass; it looks pretty clean to me!

That said, if you want to improve it, here are three things I'd focus on:
1) Make the hurdle longer and lower
2) Put the hands slightly wider in the roundoff (only applies for RO layout -- you don't want wide arms for RO BHS)
3) Watch the wall longer on the takeoff for the layout.
Thank you so much for your feedback!
I agree that I'd be surprised if all your deductions are in this pass, though I'll list everything that could potentially be a deduction in some codes/some countries:

It's hard to tell, because videos are different than real life footage. When I slow it down I can see bent knees in the first half of your round off, but I don't know if you can see that better or worse in real life (I slowed it down but in real life things are easier to spot generally).

Are you allowed to step out or do you need to stick the landing? I do notice your front foot also goes back a bit, that could be a deduction as it means the lunge wasn't controlled.

You could get a deduction for hip angle in the layout maybe (I think in the round off it's allowed?)
I don't know if one hand leaving the floor before the other in a round off is a deduction in any code, I doubt it.

Realistically I'd say the only deduction limiting thing I'd focus on here is the landing, and that depends a lot on what code of points you use. I expect some deductions are in other parts of the routine. Splits jumps and leaps particularly cause so many deductions so easily.
Thank you for your input! Greatly appreciated!

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