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Men's Artistic Gymnastics


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Jul 19, 2011
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well, we got the results of the MRI today.

Thank goodness...NO FRACTURE! They could find no evidence of a fracture at all. He does have some inflamation around the growth plate at L4, where he has a defect. Rest is the cure...but not nearly as long. And really, the ortho said he can continue to do things that don't hurt, and that PT can be started to get to the root of the problem. But he felt like he should be able to get things going sooner than later....thank goodness!

Here is his xray for those that love taht I do!

I'm so happy to hear this! Congratulations!
Wonderful news! We are awaiting the scheduling of the MRI and I hope that we can report the same thing.
I did not see this until today. Woo hoo!!! That is just great to hear.:):)
Thanks everyone. His back still really hurts so I am still really worried. We are trying lots of things, so hopefully it will start to feel better soon :( His first meet is Jan 9.
Oh man, I wish I had great advice that would help. All I can offer is that a great physiotherapist makes a lot of difference. Once he can start to do the things the physio suggests to help heal, he may feel more optimistic and you may feel less worry.

Keep us updated; I'm hoping for a recovery plan for him that is effective and gets him in his competition pain-free January 9th!
I'm glad it's not too serious. Hope he's feeling better soon!
Is it a big competition? How is he doing now and have you found a good physiotherapist or are the holidays making it harder to find someone?
holidays are impossible. We have a gal who jsut got back into town today, so hopefully she can see him soon.

no. this first one is small. The 2nd one is pretty big, but we will see. I told him to shoot for the Florida meet to have all events.

He has been able to do tumble track, swing pbars a bit, do pommel horse. He can do ring strength but cannot swing on rings on hb. He has 5 days off now, so we are hoping that will help a lot!
Do you have a hot tub, or a local pool with a hot tub?
I always put my ds in the bath to help with inflammation (heat brings healing to the inflammation I hear). A hot tub would be more soothing, but barring that, a bath a few times a day may help.
I hope the rest does the trick. Best wishes.
I thought heat would increase the inflammation? We could totally do that...we have a soaking tub..and epsom salts. We might try that.
I thought heat would increase the inflammation? We could totally do that...we have a soaking tub..and epsom salts. We might try that.
Believe it or not, when I was in college, one of the male athletes in my sport had an injury like this, and they used both heat and ice. Heat was before workouts, ice after. I hope this helps!

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