Parents That lady you hate on Twitter

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Just something for everyone to read (you have to click on it so you can read all of it... there is much more)...

Here is the whole thread from Twitter...

If you are wondering how your child can be abused through the
@USAGym system, I'm going to tell you. You can ask almost anyone that's been through it and the process is almost textbook. (1)

Your child starts at probably 4 or 5 with a super fun, likely young and female coach. They love gymnastics and spend every waking moment doing it. They say they are going to go to the Olympics. You don't believe them but they are 5, so who cares? (2)

At some point, you are approached and told your daughter is special, or shows potential or promise or whatever. They want your child to join a group for promising young gymnasts. Your child begs you. You say okay. They love it after all. (3)

Your child practices more and more. They still love it. They beg you to bring them to open gym on the weekend to practice even more. They start learning actual skills that are impressive. You start to think your kid might have a special talent. (4)

They start to compete for real. No more ribbons just for showing up. Your kid does good. Often wins. It feels great. Your kid is happy and you are proud. Gymnastics become a huge part of your life, but it's worth it because your child is so happy. (5)

About once or twice a year, a higher level gymnast seems to quit out of nowhere. It seems odd, but you aren't about gossip, so you just leave it alone. You might here about a disagreement of some kind and it's usually blamed on an irrational parent. (6)

At some point, you kid complains that the coach was mean but if you ask for specifics, you either get nothing, or something than sounds like a teacher or coach asking a kid to do something they need to do. It doesn't sound inappropriate. (7)

As time goes on, you learn there is a "mean" coach and a "nice" coach. The mean coach is often grumpy and seems harsh. Not a people person, but clearly skilled with gymnastics. The nice coach is fun and bubbly and adores your kid. (8)

If your kid is having a bad day, they can talk to the nice coach and the nice coach will make it better. They admit to you that the mean coach is a jerk and not a great co-worker. You commiserate together. You feel heard. (9)

Finally, the mean coach does something that is just not appropriate. Maybe it's an off-comment that is really demoralizing or your kid gets injured while they were spotting them. You confront them (10)

They tell you it was an accident or they were having a bad day or your child misinterpreted it. It sounds a little sketchy, but not completely implausible. It has never happened before. You give them the benefit of the doubt. (11)

Things are great for weeks or months. Then you get a call from the nice coach telling you that the mean coach said your child was rude or disrespectful or not following directions. The nice coach thought you would want to know because you are a good parent. (12)

You lecture your kid. They admit they were rude but say the mean coach was extra mean that day. It sounds like an excuse and there are no specifics. You encourage your kid to be a better listener. (13)

Things seem fine, but sometimes your kid doesn't seem to have the same drive they used to. If you mention quitting though, they freak out. You let it go. They might mention an event they are struggling with or a skill. You assume it's that and nothing else. (14)

For the most part things seem to be going good. Your child still complains sometimes about the mean coach, but nothing serious. You occasionally get reports that your child was disrespectful to the mean coach but it seems like they just have very different personalities.(15)

After all, your child practically spends more time at the gym than at home, so how can you expect them to get along with everyone, especially a grump coach, all the time? It practically like family relationship dynamics. (16)

Eventually the bad coach takes something too far. A comment that is clearly inappropriate, dropping your child while spotting in a way that seems suspect, using excessive conditioning as punishment. You complain and say this can't happen again. You are told it won't. (17)

It was a mistake after all. But you should know that your child has lots of potential, but is also not the easiest personality to deal with. You know this already. Your child is a boundary pusher and assertive. It's part of why they are successful in this sport. (18)

You acknowledge your child is not a saint and you will talk to them. You do, and your child accuses you or taking the coaches side. You assure them you just want everyone to do their best. You suggest quitting at the end of the season. Your child refuses. (19)

You reach your breaking point. Either something big happens, or too many smaller things keep happening, or you witness something egregious happening to someone else. It's just too much. You give notice. (20)

Everyone jumps on you and your child and starts spreading horrible rumors about what a horrible child you have and what a horrible parent you are. You've been forcing your child to do gymnastics against their will this whole time. (21)

Every parent there has always hated your child, even though they've always told you how much they admire them. Just last week, they invited your child over for a sleepover. But yeah, they've always hated your child and you. (22)

Anything you say to try to explain or warn the other parents is called out as a lie. You can have documentation. It doesn't matter. You can have witnesses. Doesn't matter. (23)

After you and your child have basically lost all the friendships you've built over 5 or more years in a matter of moments that still isn't enough. They will stalk you online. Create fake profiles to harass you. (24)

They will reach out to your child's new gym if you try to move or other organizations you belong to, if they quit. They will "warn" these organizations about you. You have been banished. (25)

Once our child quits, they start telling you all the egregious things that were actually happening there. You get sick to your stomach once you realize what you allowed your child to go through. You had no idea. (26)

There are literally parents that sit and watch every practice. Why didn't they say anything? How did this happen? You start talking to other people that left and realize they had an almost identical experience. (27)

But nothing ever changes. #decertifyusag
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It is so sad that this is played out in so many places. It is so sickening.
I get how this can happen and we all would like to think that we would pull our kid out of a terrible situation if we were faced with it. The Lady You Hate did a good job of explaining how things creep up, but I have to say that given some of the injuries that occurred I would hope that I would not give that gym another chance, but I don't know because I have not had to face this situation. I think USA Gymnastics needs to do a major revamping of how to develop good coaches, coaching technique, and teaching coaches how to be more of a mentor than a drill Sargent, but also teaching the necessary skills. It appears that many of the elites get there by surviving horrible coaching situations. Hopefully enough parents realize there are better ways for their child to get to elite status without abuse and excessive injuries. Often there are not that many choices where you live to find the perfect gym, and I guess there are not that many perfect gyms out there.
The entire culture needs to change top to bottom. I saw a YouTube plugging some NFL guys kid at WCC where they, coaches and parents, proudly say she is doing 2 a days for 34 hours a week at the gym. The child is 10. 10 years old and it is shoved out there like a badge of pride. That is not a sport that is a full time job for a TEN year old. Come on people Tell me how things will change when talented children are praised and put on platforms at such a young age doing ridiculous amount of hours. It is happening in all youth sports.

There will always be those coaches sadly and the parents that support it so the cycle will continue. I guarantee Maggie Haney will reappear after her suspension with a team in toe that is practicing with her right now. From where I sit I don’t see the change happening cause again there will always be parents that support these cultures. Parents that accept stupid rules (I could list the ones from a gym near us where parents have flocked cause they ”win”) cause that’s what it “takes”. As I have said numerous times before until the parent culture changes as well this is a never ending cycle.
The culture of youth sports in America is becoming disturbing and its been tied into this idea of the "American dream". I will admit I am guilty of buying to it at times but sports is no longer a hobby, a fun activity, or a means of exercise for so many athletes now. It is your future all on the line at the ripe old age of 8-10. It's some families idea of a college savings plan (this scares me). Its also some families plan for a path out of poverty. That is unfair pressure to put on a child and leaves parents and kids ripe for abusive situations.

There is a guy at my daughters gym that says that this is his plan to pay for his daughters college. I said have you sat down and done the math on how much money it takes to get a gymnast to the level needed to compete (not guarantee but just compete) for a D1 scholarship...he said nope. Well ladies and gents I did that once cause I am an excel nerd. It is EASILY six figures to get your gymnast to a level to compete for a D1 full ride and that is by no means a guarantee of success. If you are really doing this to pay for college pull them out of sports and sink $400+ a month (and meet and travel and leo fees) into a money market account.

We do it because we are lucky enough to be able to afford to and the older I get the more I understand what a privilege that is; sports is quickly becoming priced out availability for so many families especially with the slow death of rec sports.
I read this yesterday and sent it to two of my friends who moved gyms at the same time as us - because this is word for word what happened to us and our kids, right down to being shunned by other parents and kids. But they’re one of the “safe” gyms in our city - optionals from gyms over an hour away flock there because of how much nicer the coaches are. It’s... incredibly messed up
The entire culture needs to change top to bottom. I saw a YouTube plugging some NFL guys kid at WCC where they, coaches and parents, proudly say she is doing 2 a days for 34 hours a week at the gym. The child is 10. 10 years old and it is shoved out there like a badge of pride. That is not a sport that is a full time job for a TEN year old. Come on people Tell me how things will change when talented children are praised and put on platforms at such a young age doing ridiculous amount of hours. It is happening in all youth sports.

There will always be those coaches sadly and the parents that support it so the cycle will continue. I guarantee Maggie Haney will reappear after her suspension with a team in toe that is practicing with her right now. From where I sit I don’t see the change happening cause again there will always be parents that support these cultures. Parents that accept stupid rules (I could list the ones from a gym near us where parents have flocked cause they ”win”) cause that’s what it “takes”. As I have said numerous times before until the parent culture changes as well this is a never ending cycle.

Im pretty sure i know which video your talking about. The mother posted it proudly in a fb group.

I 100% agree with you. I removed my DD from a gym a couple years ago where she was being bullied by teammates, and the coaches would do nothing about it. I ended up finding out after I pulled her out, there was things going on with the coaches that makes me think the girls learned the bully behavior from the coaches. We thankfully where only there for 6 months. But I actually interacted with a mother shortly after we left. I told her what we experienced and the things my daughter had told me since we left. This mom basically told me I was just a gym hopper, I'll always find an issue, and I really shouldn't be bad mouthing this gym, because they send girls to college, so obviously they know what they are doing lol. As long as this kind of thought process is still happening, things will be hard to change.
The entire culture needs to change top to bottom. I saw a YouTube plugging some NFL guys kid at WCC where they, coaches and parents, proudly say she is doing 2 a days for 34 hours a week at the gym. The child is 10. 10 years old and it is shoved out there like a badge of pride. That is not a sport that is a full time job for a TEN year old. Come on people Tell me how things will change when talented children are praised and put on platforms at such a young age doing ridiculous amount of hours. It is happening in all youth sports.

There will always be those coaches sadly and the parents that support it so the cycle will continue. I guarantee Maggie Haney will reappear after her suspension with a team in toe that is practicing with her right now. From where I sit I don’t see the change happening cause again there will always be parents that support these cultures. Parents that accept stupid rules (I could list the ones from a gym near us where parents have flocked cause they ”win”) cause that’s what it “takes”. As I have said numerous times before until the parent culture changes as well this is a never ending cycle.
I saw this post on FB yesterday. I think maybe 1 parent spoke up and said something in regards to the hours.. The rest ( which were a lot ) of others parents said how wonderful and awesome she was. Not that she isn't wonderful or awesome, but it's things like this that confuse parents of kids just starting out in the sport. I refrained from commenting because it would just look like I was attacking and honestly there is no way that that parent would have cared. Look at Chandler King, she went there too right? Guess what? She was a "phenom" and she no longer does gymnastics!
I saw it too. I know that series exists to showcase kids who are doing the most extreme versions of their sports, but it really does put out a damaging idea of what success looks like for a 10 year old. I especially hate the titles they give those things. It's always something like "future Olympian," or "Next Simone Biles." Homeschooling at six and 2-a-days at 10 doesn't make someone an Olympian. A kid in a million, maybe, but for most it's just a recipe for injuries and burn out.
That whole tweet thread was very similar to my daughter's experience with her artistic gymnastics facility. Even getting dropped? pushed? off the bars during a spot. I confronted the coach and was maybe apologized to? Maybe I was just brushed aside. It was the beginning of the end for my daughter. She left the sport a few months later. She left to a T&T gym that is very supportive and there are no mean coaches. I'm glad she found a safe space.

But it was a spot on assessment of how deep you get before you realize something is wrong. I could have written it.
I saw this post on FB yesterday. I think maybe 1 parent spoke up and said something in regards to the hours.. The rest ( which were a lot ) of others parents said how wonderful and awesome she was. Not that she isn't wonderful or awesome, but it's things like this that confuse parents of kids just starting out in the sport. I refrained from commenting because it would just look like I was attacking and honestly there is no way that that parent would have cared. Look at Chandler King, she went there too right? Guess what? She was a "phenom" and she no longer does gymnastics!
Wait a minute. Chandler King no longer does gymnastics?
What rock have I been hiding under.....
No, i believe she quit after last season..
And she did how many interviews, TV appearances all marketing her as the next Simone, future Olympian etc before she even did level 9! It doesn’t matter how good they are at 10 if they’ll be burnt out by 13.

I saw the video of the other kid at WCC, 34 hours at 10 is absurd! And the parents just going along with it! I don’t know why people put all their hopes on a 10 year old kid being the 1 in a million on that Olympic team! Her mom mentioned she’s been at WCC for over two years, since she was 8!! So they moved from NJ to TX for an 8 year olds gym career? Insane! And all this was before MG Elite came crashing down, so there were 2 gyms in NJ with Elites, why go to Texas?
Something I noted with that video was it was the parents talking about needing to be with the best elite coaches and whatnot. When the interviewer specifically asked the gymnast what her goal was, she said college gymnastics with a specific team.
Totally agree that the gym shouldn’t have her in 34 hours a week. Doesn’t Simone do about 32 as well? So she’s 10 and training more than Simone herself
No, i believe she quit after last season..
Ok, that is a wow. I really don't follow all this for the most part, but we did know about her, because we competed against her team at a meet. And we did watch the video. That child was unbelievably strong and I am sure she still is. I hope she is successful with whatever she chooses to do, and wish her the best.
Her dad's a former NFL player and older sister is a level 10, so athletics is probably a priority in their life,nor is moving around a big deal after retirement from football. He's famous for having 14 kids. TX is a great place to raise gymnasts and footballers.
Her dad's a former NFL player and older sister is a level 10, so athletics is probably a priority in their life,nor is moving around a big deal after retirement from football. He's famous for having 14 kids. TX is a great place to raise gymnasts and footballers.
omg 14 kids....I am dying over here with one. Wow. Is her older sister a level 10 at WCC? She is not even mentioned in the story!
Here is the interesting post...

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Want to know one of the most toxic things that can happen in a gym? When the parent that is talked about above... is also the parent that is below...

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When you have a parent or two that have ALL of the information. They are the de facto gym parents... everyone listens to them. The issue... they are not in it for the good of the team... or your child... they are in if for their child. Their child... the future Olympian of the world. This is a major issue in many gyms.


Coaches learn very quickly how to control these "de facto gym parents". Since everyone listens to them... there is much power there.

On the other side of it... these "de facto gym parents" learn very quickly how to control the coaches.

The coach and de facto board the ride together... in the same row together... the last row... the de facto and coach watch as the team slowly clicks to the the top. As the cars creep slowly over the top... a few of the gymnasts in the front cars realize that this journey is just too much for them... they want to get off. The ride screams down the hill and into the corner. Before anyone realizes what has happened... the smallest most talented gymnast is thrown from the ride as she was just too small for the harness. It's really not a big deal though... because from the back row where the coach and de facto are viewing from... there is still a whole train of team athletes ahead of them that are screaming and having the time of their life.

As the ride pulls back into the station... small and talented gymnast #2 is so thankful that she sat next to creeper coach #1 in the middle of the train where the ride is the smoothest. Creeper coach #1 held on to her the whole ride... he saved her.

As a team... they have successfully endured this battle with the loss of only one tiny athlete. "This will make the team stronger"... the coach declares.

Meanwhile... phones are ringing... texts are flying...

Not to worry though... de facto takes care of it all... after all... her/his child is talented gymnast #2... oh wait... talented gymnast #2 just became #1.


This team is now controlled by nobody. Everyone is using everyone else to get what they want. Game over. Eventually... the entire team will be thrown from the roller coaster.

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