WAG USAG vs FIG scoring

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Proud Parent
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Can anyone explain the differences please between the USAG and FIG scoring.
I've heard on here a few times it's different.
And then I've seen videos etc where I can't work out the scoring.
Eg things like beam - a fall is a 1pt deduction. So that with any other deductions means at least 1.5-2points off a perfect score.
But in the US you can fall on beam and score an 8.5-9 or even higher?
I know we have a higher start value so it just a pro rata deduction?
To the best of my knowledge the JO code is similar to FIG codes from 2004 and earlier. Maximum score of ten. Judges can take .05, .1, .2,.3, .5(fall) for deductions, FIG code is .1, .3, .5, .8, 1.0 in deductions. When we transition over we were basically told deductions are double on vault, beam and floor and triple on bars to what a gymnast would score in a 10 code. So your 8.5 beam routine is really a 12 (with a 5.0 D score).
Our compulsories here in Finland use 10.0 start value but deductions are FIG based.. Missing one skill is 1.5 deduction (acrobatic skills), a fall is always 1.0, a step or bent knees is 0.3 or 0.1 etc. And now when the code changed in 2013 they added MANY new deductions including rhythm, layout of the routine, variety of the dance, originality, individuality, aplomb. Those artistry deductions are up to 1.5 points so if you don't add dance to your beam / floor routine the deductions may be huge. I think this is a good thing since the compulsory routines doesn't include any dance and you can make your own choreography. So there has been technically almost perfect but "robot style" un-artistic gymnasts scoring 7.50 on floor and beam under the new guidelines during this spring.

The optionals use complete FIG scoring but the requirements are of course different in different levels. The gymnast may have completely different start value in same level. The start value consist of difficulty score (D) which includes the Difficulty Value (DV), Composition Requirements (CR) and Connection Value (CV) (which is not used at the lower optional levels). The E-score (Execution score) evaluates the execution and artistry of the routine and the base score is 10.00. So if your E-score is 8.50, CR is 2.5 and D is 1.3, your score is 12.3. This would be a good score for my gymnasts :)

I guess that every country applies the FIG code to their compulsories and optionals a bit differently. So I can't compare my gymnasts scores to any other country's compulsories scores.
we were discussing the new code requirements yesterday at the gym - it could prove interesting as the artistry deductions could be very subjective !
Just from our low level meet this weekend, I saw the impact that the importance of artistry can have. I think it really worked to DD's advantage as she scored higher than her team mates even though she fell more. The question is whether they will find it easier to improve their dance etc than she will to correct her tumbles.
we were discussing the new code requirements yesterday at the gym - it could prove interesting as the artistry deductions could be very subjective !

Yep. Especially stuff like split leaps etc- not making your minimum on a split leap can lead to a much bigger deduction than a fall. Plus I was watching a couple of youtube video's from the same competition recently- I couldn't see much difference between two split leaps, one girl was awarded it, the other not. One got 11 + points and won beam + AA, the other was below 10 and it dropped her from 1st AA to 15th or something. In another session one girl fell off beam 3 times, but ended up 2nd AA and 4th on beam.

I can see why the russians are scouting Rhythmic clubs for new talent...
where did you hear that? different body types and different sport.
Just in my general googling, following gym blogs etc. I've seen a few youtube video's of up and comers where it's claimed they started out in rhythmic...

Might not be the russians thinking about it. Somewhere in Europe...
Yep. Especially stuff like split leaps etc- not making your minimum on a split leap can lead to a much bigger deduction than a fall. Plus I was watching a couple of youtube video's from the same competition recently- I couldn't see much difference between two split leaps, one girl was awarded it, the other not. One got 11 + points and won beam + AA, the other was below 10 and it dropped her from 1st AA to 15th or something. In another session one girl fell off beam 3 times, but ended up 2nd AA and 4th on beam.

I can see why the russians are scouting Rhythmic clubs for new talent...

I think it depends on your region. I don't think I have seen more than 0.5 deducted for lack of split requirement in a split leap but regions do vary hugely. I have often seen neat routines with falls score more than untidy ones without falls though. Those little tenths really add up.
Pink and Fluffy split on her wrong leg last weekend (split leap cat leap 1/2 turn)- 180o but she bent her back leg at the knee - got docked 0.3 for the bend plus she lost the connection value !

Snapshot 1 (04-07-2013 21-46).png
Oh that is a good split leap on her wrong leg! Def a 0.3 looking at it as it is quite bent. Why did she do it on her wrong leg? The loss of connection shouldn't have been related to the loss of split. It is separate.
because of the connection - she can't chassee cat leap 1/2 turn straight out of it and she would also loose the connection if she took another step. She needs to get her switch leap then she will be on the right leg.

Apparently thats why she lost the connection - coach queried her score on floor
Oh that is a shame. I would have thought it much easier to cat half on the wrong leg than split leap 180 on the wrong leg. Hopefully she will get it next time. I don't see how you can lose a connection value over a split requirement but local competitions may have their own peculiar rules!
The beam regs in our region is split leap is a required element, you get 0.5 bonus for no fall if you fulfill all requirements, plus an 0.5 bonus if the split is connected.

So lose the split leap, you lose 0.5 no fall+ 0.5 connection, + whatever deductions = at least 1.0. If your coach hasn't added an extra leap or jump in case the split doesn't count, then you get a 4.0 short routine deduction as well (you need 2 jumps).
FIG score has two parts to is. There is the D score and the E score.

The D score is the difficulty score. For vault each vault has a value for example a front handspring has a value of 2.4 and this is the D score. For other apparatus the D score is made up of several parts. There are the element value's. this is the top 8 skills in the routine. Each A is worth 0.1, a B is worth 0.2, a C is worth 0.3 and so on. You must include the dismount in the top 8 skills, and for both beam and floor at least 3 of the top 8 skills must be dance (leaps, jumps or turns)

The next part of the D score is the element group requirements. These are 5 things required in the routine, and for each that is fulfilled you get 0.5 added to your D score, so up to a maximum of 2.5. Then there are the connection bonus points which you get for connecting difficult skills together. Add is all up and you have the D score.

The E score is the execution value it is a score out of 10 and for every error points are taken off the 10. For small mistakes like un pointed toes they lose 0.1. For medium mistakes you lose 0.3 and for large mistakes you lose 0.5. For a fall you lose 1.0.

Then you add the D score and the E score together and you have the final score.

USAG use the old scoring system where the routine is out of 10 if all the requirements are in the routine and they lose small deductions from there.
The beam regs in our region is split leap is a required element, you get 0.5 bonus for no fall if you fulfill all requirements, plus an 0.5 bonus if the split is connected.

So lose the split leap, you lose 0.5 no fall+ 0.5 connection, + whatever deductions = at least 1.0. If your coach hasn't added an extra leap or jump in case the split doesn't count, then you get a 4.0 short routine deduction as well (you need 2 jumps).

Oh that is quite tough. With that kind of risk you would have to be pretty silly not to put a spare jump in.

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