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  1. X

    WAG To Quit Or Not To Quit

    Hi, I am a gymnast currently competing in Platinum. It is almost the end of my competitive season ( one more competition plus states) and I have been contemplating whether I should quit or not. I have been competing for 5 years now, but I have been at my gym since I was a baby. I no longer...
  2. A

    Should I quit gymnastics?

    I have been doing gymnastics for about nine years now (I’m 14). I was going to compete level 7 last year but I injured my elbow. I moved to Xcel after that season was over (which I didn’t compete in) and now I am supposed to compete as a diamond. My level 7 coaches said that I could stay with...
  3. E

    Parents My daughter’s blog post about quitting level 10 gymnastics

    Link Removed
  4. Jessleemom

    WAG Quitting JO after a month?

    My 9 year old recently joined the JO team at her gym. She will be competing level 3 this year and is with girls who have been on preteam for several years. Her background is just a couple years of rec classes. She insisted this was something she wanted to do and I know she IS capable. Now, one...
  5. S

    Parents On quitting (ahem, retiring)

    So DD told us last week that she intends to stop gym at the end of the school year. I recognize it's a good time for her to do so. She'll be headed to HS in the fall and wants to try new things. Plus she had a good L7 season and would end on a high note. But despite all my gripes about the...
  6. G

    WAG Lack of Motivation and Want to Quit

    The past few days I’ve wanted to quit gymnastics. I had debilitating muscle pain in my back a few weeks ago (MRI was clear), and then it cleared up in about a month, and then I strained my back again last week doing too many front aerials. I’m really upset about this. I also have a shin splint...
  7. RoseyPosey352

    WAG I need help deciding if I should quit.

    *just a little warning this is going to be long sorry* I am 16 and I am currently a sophomore. I have done gymnastics since I was 2 in the mommy and me class (14 years!). Lately gymnastics has been getting harder for me because I have been wanting to quit. I am a level 5 gymnast who would be...
  8. C

    Parents My DD wants to quit gym

    My DD is 9 and in L6. She has been doing gymnastics since she was 4. She has always loved gymnastics. Recently she “lost” her backspring in her round off backspring back tuck ...again. She also said a lot of her teammates are moving up to L7 and she doesn’t want to. She also says that gym isn’t...
  9. O

    Parents DD is talking about quitting

    DD has been in gymnastics classes since she was a preschooler. She was almost immediately put on a team track. When it was time to move to team, she stayed in pre-team for another year because she was doing another activity that she wanted to finish. The next year she moved to Level 3 at age 10...
  10. M

    WAG Can I restart gymnastics after quitting 2 years ago?

    I started gymnastics when I was 8 and worked my way up to level 8 training 9 by age 13. I was a decent/good gymnast and went to regionals my first (and last since i quit) level 8 season and placed. I moved to a new gym right after regionals and stayed there for only a few months until I quit. I...
  11. M

    Can I restart gymnastics after quitting 2 years ago?

    I started gymnastics when I was 8 and worked my way up to level 8 training 9 by age 13. I was a decent/good gymnast and went to regionals my first (and last since i quit) level 8 season and placed. I moved to a new gym right after regionals and stayed there for only a few months until I quit. I...
  12. R

    Parents When should gymnast quit?

    Our daughter is sophomore and competes on both high school and club teams. She is currently recovering from ankle avulsion fracture. Been in walking boot for 6 weeks, and is waiting for doctor to return her to activity. 3 years ago, she had to undergo elbow reconstruction and missed entire...
  13. bogwoppit

    WAG Bono quit

    Well she lasted 4 days, let’s see who they pick next. Maybe they can do just a bit more work on it, maybe consult some of their ex elites?? Discuss without politics please.
  14. A

    T&T Thinking About Quitting

    I’ve been thinking about quitting for months now. I train and compete in Australia Andrew for the past few months have been dreading training sessions. Each session I just feel “ugh” to put it simply before going in. I am unmotivated when I am at training and don’t feel the desire to improve or...
  15. G

    Parents When to quit?

    Advice needed: Hi guys my daughter is 11 and training level 8. We just moved to a new city and after trying a few gyms, she joined one about a month ago. She currently has shin splints pretty bad and her passion for the sport doesn’t seem to be there right now. She says she wants to quit...
  16. N

    Parents when do you know its time to make them quit

    do you know anyone that has made their child quit? what have been the circumstances?
  17. J

    Should I Quit?

    A bit of background info: I'm 15 and I've been doing trampoline for about 6 years now, 5 of them competitively. I'm at (Canadian) provincial level 4 which is the level at which you can qualify for level 5 (national). I remember that probably for the first two years I competed, I was so eager...
  18. M

    I Want to Quit Gymnastics

    I am a 13 year old level 7 gymnast. (Training 8) Starting in February I have wanted to quit gymnastics. I didn’t tell my parents until April and they kept making exucses of why I shouldn’t quit. My parents aren’t ready, but I am. I have talked with my coach and she said she would have never...
  19. G

    Parents Quitting because of nerves?

    DD age 10 is training to repeat L4 this year. This year she moved from a more laid back gym to a more competitive gym. She has gotten much stronger and her skills look great, but she has just told us that she thinks she is ready to quit gym. She says that 'it is very hard', which she says is...
  20. gymnast11235

    Is it time to quit?

    Hey All, I really don't know if I should quit. I'm going into junior year and I will probably end up being a level eight for the third year in a row. I missed eight months of last season due to a concussion- it wasn't my first one too, so I'm pretty scared about getting another one.This should...