A different kind of crazy gym mom...aka ME

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Moderator/Proud Parent
Proud Parent
Aug 3, 2009
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Well at our last Parent's Club meeting we were talking about things for the "goody bags" for the meet we are hosting in Dec.
Hair scrunchies was something mentioned. All girls use them..and they are nice to have. I know Kadee loves it when she gets one at a meet.
So we were talking about cheap places to get them...yadda yadda yadda.
I go and open my big trap and say.."Well they really are simple to make. You can get inexpensive material at WalMart (on clearance $1-$2 a yard) buy the elastic in bulk online for pretty cheap. You could make them alot cheaper than buy them" Blah Blah Blah. This must be where my brain got stuck on stupid because I then say. "I could make them...just give me a budget and I'll figure it out." :rolleyes:
So here I sit with 500 hair scrunchies in the works. At least I have until the first of December to get them finished.
Someday I have to learn to stop being so caring and giving of myself. Bahahaha.
Ugh that is somthing a few years back I would have done.....be of good cheer you learn to say NO!!

Hope things go well for you.
If any of these moms or dads sit at the gym watching practice, enlist their help. We do this at our gym with our "gymnast feel goods". Each month, we do a little gift (something very inexpensive) to give to our team kids-kind of like a, "we really love and appreciate you-you are awesome!" thing. The lady I work with at the desk and I come up with them, and then we delegate to the team parents who are sitting in the lobby to help put them together. This does two things 1) the work gets spread around and 2) it has chased some parents out of the lobby (lol) so either way, its all good! :p
Oh my! You need a 'buddy' to attend meetings with you - So they can kick you under the table when you can't stop talking LOL! Seriously though - that was very nice of you to offer to do it. No way would I want to make 500 scrunchies :o - I'd have a mental meltdown
And I thought I was crazy when I got it in my head that I had to make up little baggies of M&M's (in team colors) and tie them with curling ribbon (also in team colors) for the girls who participated in the mock meet at the gym last weekend. I only had to make 35 of those. Sometimes we need channel our inner Martha Stewart... And sometimes we need to tell her to shut the heck up!
Maybe you could hold a scrunchie making party?? If you got a few to come help, those 500 would be done pretty quickly.
^^^^^everyone should help!

For future reference- if you get a "meet package" from GK to sell leos, you get free scrunchies for the girls in the meet. Second, you can get almost anything at Oriental Trading maybe for less than you are paying for the materials!

And that meeting buddy idea was pretty good too.
If you order the GK consignment package to sell at your meet, they will send you free scrunchies to put in your goody bags. That is the wa we always did it.
Yeah, you need to tape your mouth shut LOL! And we get the GK scrunchies free too.
What is that saying? No good deed goes unpunished? :p I'd definitely hit up those hanging out at the gym to help. Good luck!
I think by the time you finish 500 scrunchies you will have learned your lesson well LOL. Good luck with it.
LOL. I agree. I need to go back to being uncomfortable with the other parents..Im horribly shy (forget my own name kinda shy) around people I dont really know....lol. I need to forget I know them..lol. Yes 500. They had 475ish kids at the meet last year and are expecting just as many if not a few more this year. We shall see. The way I got everything, the materials only added up to about 50 bucks. So 10 cents each. Cant really buy them anywhere for that cost. I didnt know about the GK thing..but something I might mention next go around..lol. I know they run their own pro shop..so not sure if they would have someone else come in too. I do know they got the free bags from ten.0...lol. And one of the local sign making companies is going to provide and print up 500 plastic water bottles (pink with green print..I believe) that has a peace sign, a heart, and gymnastics. (peace love gymnastics is the "motto" of the meet (was last year too)..of course on the back of the bottle they will have their own advertisement printed on it too. But for free "personalized..persay" water bottles..beggers cant be chosers...lol
As for asking people to help.. It really is pretty simple. And I would nit pick it to death that they wouldnt want to help me. Im a little OCD about things. Im also Bi-Polar..not always the best combo..lol
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If I figure right, thats ONLY about 10 a day from now until December........YIKES! Wishing you the best of luck! (I am sure they will be beautiful and the girls will love them, though:))
Oh my goodness! I would be returning the fabric to Walmart and calling gk 1st thing Monday! Best of luck to you! That is A LOT of scrunchies!!!
Can we get a picture of Kadee buried in all of these scrunchies when all is said and done? ;) If I lived closer I would offer to help out, I love to sew but can't do much more than sew in a straight line and have trouble staying seated at the machine more more than an hour, so I imagine scrunchies would be a perfect project for me! Sending lots of luck, patience, and manual dexterity your way!
I will take pictures for sure..lol. And Im not that great at sewing either. (my mother could sew anything) But the hair scrunchies are very forgiving..lol.

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