Coaches Floor Music- How do you bring to meets?

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Jan 18, 2009
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Just curious what other people use to play their FX music at meets?
2 season ago HC had an off brand MP3 player that was not at all user friendly and I was put on music duty at states and managed to screw up. I now have pretty terrible music anxiety at meets.
Last season I used my own iPod touch which worked well, unfortunately I left it at the state meet. I think I'll be using my iPad this season, but am curious to know what others have found to work best. Would it be better to buy a new (used) iPad just for the purpose of floor music?
Just put your gym name on whatever device you end up using this time. We've left ours at meets in the past and have had it shipped back to us or picked it up at the next competition if we happened to be competing agains the host gym again.
Really, you guys are still bringing your music to meets?

We are required to email our music in prior to the competition.
Just put your gym name on whatever device you end up using this time. We've left ours at meets in the past and have had it shipped back to us or picked it up at the next competition if we happened to be competing agains the host gym again.
I am absolutely doing that this time around! I couldn't believe I did that last season, at least it was an older iPod that had seen better days.
Sending music ahead of time would be wonderful, one less thing for me to worry about! There is a person on hand at the state meet who runs music and it's fantastic, especially since I'm usually on my own at meets and would rather be with my athletes than running music.
I would rather use an iPod than an iPad for music because it seems easier to me, but yeah, we use iPod touches.
Wow, I just realized that we might be the only ones in the world required to bring CDs with us! A little old-fashioned I guess.... There was one meet that emailed us beforehand and asked to send the music by email but it turned out that it didn't work at all, there were some technical problems and they ended up playing the CDs after all
I would rather use an iPod than an iPad for music because it seems easier to me, but yeah, we use iPod touches.
I sort of feel the same way, but buying a new iPod isn't in the budget at the moment. Since ipads/iphones aren't specifically designed to play music, I just worry about things going wrong- alerts beeping in, emails arriving. That's why I figured the iPad would be slightly better- mine can only access internet with wifi, so as long as that isn't available no alerts should pop in. I also have it set so it does't require a passcode to make for easier access.
We still bring cd's to meets. I always have a back up copy with all my gymnasts' music. I also have them on my phone just in case.

We had one meet where they asked us to send it by e-mail. But some coaches didn't send them in time, some weren't in the good format, so they had to use CD's for some girls anyway.
We have 2 iPods with all the music for our gymnasts on. The idea being if one doesn't work the other will. But at quite a few competitions we are expected to send the music via email in advance so they can set the music up in competition order etc
Coach has all floor music on an iPod ... Separated into folders for high school, junior high, Xcel gold, level 6, and level 8. There are some overlaps, but it is easier that way.
She also has all the music on her phone.
All the gymnasts with phones have a copy on their phones. Parents of gymnasts without phones have a copy on their phones.
There is a master CD each for Jr high team and high school team and the Y team.
My brother has a copy of all the music i have helped with on his phone (he has a smartphone... I have a dumbphone). This means he is missing three Y team floor musics.
We have 3 iPods with everyone's music on them. HC Also has them on her phone as a back up and when she had to use her phone she put it on airplane mode so no messages could come in.
Like Gymcoach1 said, if you're using a phone or iPad, you should put it in airplane mode so no messages/emails come in and "ding."
I sort of feel the same way, but buying a new iPod isn't in the budget at the moment. Since ipads/iphones aren't specifically designed to play music, I just worry about things going wrong- alerts beeping in, emails arriving. That's why I figured the iPad would be slightly better- mine can only access internet with wifi, so as long as that isn't available no alerts should pop in. I also have it set so it does't require a passcode to make for easier access.

You have to put the phones on airplane mode anyway. They try to discourage using phones, probably because people forget to put it on airplane mode. But you really should have any internet accessible device on airplane mode because if it receives an email, etc the alert will stop the music. I always do it with my iPod touch because usually I've accessed the wifi on it at some point in the bigger venues and I don't want to worry about it.

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