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Oct 4, 2009
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Hey, well this year one of the coaches on the level 3 squad was taken by the head coach to coach the boys and leaves not enough coaches on the level 3 squad so starting saturday I will be coaching the level 3s 1 day per week for 3 hours :) I am really excited because not only is it a job it is a job doing (or at least teaching) what I love :) what makes it better is that for one of my uni course options (a bachelor of sports coaching and admin) it is required that you are already coaching a sport. I will be coaching with one of my favourite coaches in the gym and I get along with her really well :) Anyway just thought i'd share and will let you know how it goes after saturday :)
Congrats! Outside of coaching in the gym it's what I'm studying in college too and it's awesome!
"It's not a job, it's an adventure" Possibly one of the only lines from Steven Seagal that was decent.
WTG. I sure you are very excited. Cant wait to hear all about your "adventures"
Congrats :) Be sure to let us know how it goes!!! I'd say good luck but i'm sure you don't need it
Hey guys just got back from 7.5 hours at the gym including coaching and I am exhausted but I am sure thats just because a) gym is tiring and b) it was first week back at school. Anyway, coaching went well I love the little (well not so little 10 year olds) level 3s. Did lots of floor work which was good, one of my favourite bits was when we were doing backward roll to angry cat with straight arms and 3 were struggling so i was sent to do Backward rolls with them down a wedge and it was just so exciting seeing them get better and better, I was a little bit worried that I wouldn't be able to express what I wanted well but given they all made masses of improvement in the 5-10 mins we were working on them, I had to be saying something right. :) anyway had a blast it was pretty cool seeing what its like from a coaches perspective, now i am going to make sure that I stay super tight for coaches when the spot me because it sure does hurt your wrists when they don't.

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