Parents Non gymnast siblings

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Proud Parent
Apr 19, 2017
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My 8 year old has a twin, who does not do competitive gymnastics (does competitive skating, although not as intensely, as well as dance). She is always jealous when we talk about gymnastics or any other attention that gymnastics gets. She even asked to be enrolled in a rec gym class, so now constantly brags about the skills she has.

How do you make sure that you give the non gymnast kids the attention given that gymnastics just requires so much?
Both my kids are very competitive individuals. Unfortunately, they are also very competitive with each other too despite being different genders and several years apart in age. Several years ago I read the book Siblings without Rivalry and it helped me better understand the dynamic and what I can do to help. I thought I was doing it all right because I don't compare my kids in obvious ways. And while the book did focus on that type of parent behavior which I skimmed through, there were several nuggets of advice that I did take. I realized that subconsciously I was sending messages to my kids that didn't exactly discourage their competitiveness with each other. The short answer to your question is don't talk about gymnastics with your non-gymmie. Even in seemingly innocent ways. Instead of saying that you have to get Sister from the gym, just say that you have to pick up Sister. Leave the word 'gymnastics' out of things as much as possible when it relates to her twin's gymnastics.
my kids are spaced out a bit - 12, newly 10 (my gymmie) and 7. 2 girls then my son. my son has no chance, he's the youngest and i'm already tapped out with dance and gym. lol. :oops::p just kidding! but seriously, he doesn't want to do anything so i'm not pushing!

my oldest dances competitively but no where near the hours of my gymmie. she also only does 2 competitions and never goes to nationals (although that may change next year as one of their group dances was specifically invited to nationals this year). my gymmie has quite the collection of medals and trophies. my dancer, when i said that we were going to put most of the trophies up (they share a room), asked if she could have one. that made me sad.

b/c she dances in group dances, they get trophies for the studio when they get their placement and then if they place in the AA, it's another single award for the studio. one competition does sell medals for groups placing in the OA awards and we have been able to purchase medals for her for these competitions b/c they have placed in the OA awards. i also make sure to buy her a ridiculously overpriced clothing item sold at the dance competition. we make sure we place as much emphasis on her dancing as gymnastics. and my gymmie has to go to her sister's competitions and end of year recital. but honestly, going to the dance comps/recitals is a lot more fun than going to meets. so my gymmie loves it. haha.

eta - my little guy is screwed. he HATES both the meets and anything dance related. he gets stuck going to both. i feel bad for him but he's only 7 so he has to come along. i just LOVE paying for his entrance fees.

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