Passed the L5/6 Judges Exam!!

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Proud Parent
Apr 26, 2010
Reaction score
I just got my test results and I passed! Wow, does that really mean I'm a judge??? :p Now I have figure out what I can do with it (I'm not really looking to do anything in DDs gym). I guess the Level 7/8 exam is next ...

My goal is to one day judge at a meet that Dunno's attending, so he can say "Yikes" first hand. ;)
Wtg!! I'm still in the studying stages - don't feel anywhere near ready to take the exam yet.
WTG. That must be so exciting for you. Im very impressed. You will have to let us know how your first judging experience goes
Yeah!!!! Congrats!!! Welcome to the ridiculous world of judging, may you enjoy your time and not fall asleep during your 90th L4 beam routine!!!
Yeah!!!! Congrats!!! Welcome to the ridiculous world of judging, may you enjoy your time and not fall asleep during your 90th L4 beam routine!!!

LOL You mean it can be worse than just being the parent getting bleacher butt listening to those same songs over and over and over LOL
that's great!!! congrats!!! now you will be paid for spending days at meets:D

i was looking into judging myself for a while, I've studied the deductions so I am sitting at meets and scoring routines to pass time and entertain the people around me:), but never took the exam, how will it work when your gymmie is competing at another meet on the same weekend? this thing with me not being at DD meets any more is stopping me from diving into judging, just wondering if you have it figured out
how will it work when your gymmie is competing at another meet on the same weekend?

You can pick which days you want to judge, so you can avoid conflicts. I want to try judging at a couple meets to see what it's like, but I don't have any short-term intentions to do it every weekend ... maybe once DD retires from the sport and I have more time!
You can pick which days you want to judge, so you can avoid conflicts. I want to try judging at a couple meets to see what it's like, but I don't have any short-term intentions to do it every weekend ... maybe once DD retires from the sport and I have more time!

thank you, it's just in our state it seems that judges are supposed to announce their availability in the summer, while DD meets are not scheduled until mid September, so how does one pick weekends without knowing when they are not available:confused:, sorry it's off topic here, congrats again!!!
Congrats! Now you will see things from a whole different world. A friend of mine became a judge and she always shaking her head over what she has seen from behind those tables.
I just got my test results and I passed! Wow, does that really mean I'm a judge??? :p Now I have figure out what I can do with it (I'm not really looking to do anything in DDs gym). I guess the Level 7/8 exam is next ...

My goal is to one day judge at a meet that Dunno's attending, so he can say "Yikes" first hand. ;)

yikes...and congratulations with love! :)
Congrats! That's very exciting--hope you have fun doing it!
Congrats! I took my 5/6 and 7/8 last year and am planning to test 9 at the end of the month. Judging is a lot of fun. As a new judge, get in touch with the assigners in your area. Go to any clinics you can! There is still a lot to learn.
Congrats! I took my 5/6 and 7/8 last year and am planning to test 9 at the end of the month. Judging is a lot of fun. As a new judge, get in touch with the assigners in your area. Go to any clinics you can! There is still a lot to learn.

Thanks! Did you take the 7/8 exam the same year? I thought I read on the USAG website that you had to wait 12 months before sitting for the next exam. I was a little disappointed because I was ready to dig in. Will definitely try to catch as many clinics as I can (unfortunately there don't seem to be many in the area).
Thanks! Did you take the 7/8 exam the same year? I thought I read on the USAG website that you had to wait 12 months before sitting for the next exam. I was a little disappointed because I was ready to dig in. Will definitely try to catch as many clinics as I can (unfortunately there don't seem to be many in the area).

No. You can take your 5/6 and 7/8 exams at the same time. You, do, however have to be ranked 7/8 for a year before testing 9, and then ranked 9 for a year before taking 10. I don't know about in Virginia, but most compulsory meets here also include prep-op (which we have to be 7/8 to judge- again this could vary regionally). I say test 7/8 as soon as you feel ready, though it is a lot harder with all the shorthand.
Also, feel free to ask me any questions. I'm still learning too, but I have a handful of meets under my belt. :)

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